2,318 research outputs found

    Studies on cultured Schwann cells: the induction of myelin synthesis, and the control of their proliferation by a new growth factor

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    We have recently described the use of immunological methods to identify and purify rat Schwann cells. In dissociated cultures of neonatal sciatic nerve, all of the cells can be identified by antigenic criteria as either Schwann cells or fibroblasts. The fibroblasts may be removed by treatment with antiserum to the Thy-1 antigen and complement. The purified Schwann cells have been used to study the regulation of the expression of myelin components, and the stimulation of Schwann cell division by a soluble growth factor. Among the components of myelin, we have concentrated on the peripheral myelin glycoprotein P_0, which constitutes 50–60% of the protein in peripheral myelin. We have studied the distribution of P_0 in vitro and in vivo by immunofluorescence, immuno-autoradiography on SDS gels, and solid-phase radioimmunoassay. Our results support the hypothesis that P_0 is induced specifically as a consequence of the interaction between the Schwann cell and the myelinated type of axon. The level of P_0 in the myelin membrane is at least 1000-fold higher than in the Schwann cell membrane. Purified Schwann cells divide very slowly in a conventional tissue culture medium. This has allowed us to purify a new growth factor from extracts of brain and pituitary, tentatively named Glial Growth Factor (GGF). The activity resides in a basic protein with a native molecular weight of 6 × 10^4 daltons and a subunit molecular weight of 3 × 10^4 daltons, which is active at levels comparable to those of epidermal growth factor. GGF is mitogenic for Schwann cells, astrocytes and muscle fibroblasts

    Bioorthogonal Double-Fluorogenic Siliconrhodamine Probes for Intracellular Superresolution Microscopy

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    A series of double-fluorogenic siliconrhodamine probes were synthesized. These tetrazine-functionalized, membrane-permeable labels allowed site-specific bioorthogonal tagging of genetically manipulated intracellular proteins and subsequent imaging using super-resolution microscopy

    Vanishing Fe 3d orbital moments in single-crystalline magnetite

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    We show detailed magnetic absorption spectroscopy results of an in situ cleaved high quality single crystal of magnetite. In addition the experimental setup was carefully optimized to reduce drift, self absorption, and offset phenomena as far as possible. In strong contradiction to recently published data, our observed orbital moments are nearly vanishing and the spin moments are quite close to the integer values proposed by theory. This very important issue supports the half metallic full spin polarized picture of magnetite.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Stomatin-like Protein 2 Links Mitochondria to T-Cell Receptor Signalosomes at the Immunological Synapse and Enhances T-Cell Activation

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    T cell activation through the antigen receptor (TCR) requires sustained signalling from microclusters in the peripheral region of the immunological synapse (IS). The bioenergetics of such prolonged signaling have been linked to the redistribution of mitochondria to the IS. Here, we report that stomatin-like protein-2 (SLP-2) plays an important role in this process by bridging polarized mitochondria to these signaling TCR microclusters or signalosomes in the IS in a polymerized actin-dependent manner. In this way, SLP-2 helps to sustain TCR-dependent signalling and enhances T cell activation

    Ordered phase in the two-dimensional randomly coupled ferromagnet

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    True ground states are evaluated for a 2d Ising model with random near neighbor interactions and ferromagnetic second neighbor interactions (the Randomly Coupled Ferromagnet). The spin glass stiffness exponent is positive when the absolute value of the random interaction is weaker than the ferromagnetic interaction. This result demonstrates that in this parameter domain the spin glass like ordering temperature is non-zero for these systems, in strong contrast to the 2d Edwards-Anderson spin glass.Comment: 7 pages; 9 figures; revtex; new version much extende

    Genetic differences in the frequency of the hinge variants of porcine IgA is breed dependent

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    The distribution of the IgAa and IgAb alleles of porcine IgA in over 160 randomly-selected animals revealed an abundance of heterozygotes but only two b/b homozygotes. Since the IgAb allotype is a splice site mutant lacking two-thirds of the hinge, this study tests the hypothesis that pigs with this genotype may be at a selective disadvantage while heterozygous individuals may be at some advantage. This hypothesis was tested by collecting data on 374 animals of known breed and often parentage. We show here that when breed was not considered, young animals of known parentage had genotypic frequencies identical to that expected for Mendelian alleles but that a/b heterozygotes were overrepresented in adults. However, when analyzed with regard to breed, a very strong association between breed and the frequency of the IgAa and IgAb alleles was discovered. Meishan and NIH minipigs were homozygous for IgA while heterozygotes predominated in Berkshire, Chester White, Durocs, Hampshire and Landrace. Animals homozygous for IgAb were best represented in the White Cross line. We show here that this very strong breed dependency of IgA allotypy in swine can produce a sample bias that can explain why only two b/b homozygotes (1.3%) were found in the 160 randomly-selected samples since the original samples came from primarily Landrace and Yorkshire animals. The expected frequency of b/b homozygotes in these breeds would be \u3c3%. Thus, the data presented here reject the hypothesis that swine homozygous for a trait that results in loss of two-thirds of the IgA hinge, are selected against and that heterozygotes are positively selected. Rather, the study shows that IgAa and IgAb appear to be simple, breed-dependent allotypic markers

    Dust in Spiral Galaxies: Comparing Emission and Absorption to Constrain Small-Scale and Very Cold Structures

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    The detailed distribution of dust in the disks of spiral galaxies is important to understanding the radiative transfer within disks, and to measuring overall dust masses if significant quantities of dust are either very opaque or very cold. We address this issue by comparing measures of dust absorption, using the galaxy-overlap technique in the optical, with measures of the dust grains' thermal emission from 50-2000 micron using ISOPHOT on board ISO and SCUBA at the JCMT. We examine three spiral galaxies projected partially in front of E/S0 galaxies --- AM1316-241, NGC 5545, and NGC 5091 (for NGC 5091 we have only optical and ISO data). Adopting an empirical exponential model for the dust distribution, we compare column densities and dust masses derived from the absorption and emission techniques. This comparison is sensitive to the amount of dust mass in small, opaque structures, which would not contribute strongly to area-weighted absorption measures, and to very cold dust, which would contribute to optical absorption but provide only a small fraction of the sub-mm emission. In AM1316-241, we find global dust masses of 2-5 x 10^7 M_solar, both techniques agreeing at the 50% level. NGC 5545 has about half this dust mass. The concordance of dust masses is well within the errors expected from our knowledge of the radial distribution of dust, and argues against any dominant part of the dust mass being so cold or opaque. The 50-2000 micron data are well fitted by modified Planck functions with an emissivity law beta=-2, at 21 +/- 2 K. We also present 12 micron ISOCAM observations of these pairs.Comparison of H-alpha and 12 micron images of NGC 5545 indicate that ISOCAM images are reliable tracers of star formation.Comment: 16 pages, 4 tables, 8 figures, in press for October Astronomical Journa

    Using conceptual metaphor and functional grammar to explore how language used in physics affects student learning

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    This paper introduces a theory about the role of language in learning physics. The theory is developed in the context of physics students' and physicists' talking and writing about the subject of quantum mechanics. We found that physicists' language encodes different varieties of analogical models through the use of grammar and conceptual metaphor. We hypothesize that students categorize concepts into ontological categories based on the grammatical structure of physicists' language. We also hypothesize that students over-extend and misapply conceptual metaphors in physicists' speech and writing. Using our theory, we will show how, in some cases, we can explain student difficulties in quantum mechanics as difficulties with language.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. ST:PE
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