326 research outputs found

    Law, necropolitics and the stop and search of young people

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    Stop and search can harm young people, damage relations between police and the community and alienate ethnic and racial minorities. In Mohidin and another v Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis and others, a group of minors who had been stopped, searched and, in some cases, falsely imprisoned, assaulted and racially abused by officers, were awarded damages for the distress and pain suffered. In this article, the case will be read not for the tortious legal consequences of police actions towards youth, or members of the public in general, nor for the culpability of any of the parties concerned, but for how the use of ‘lawful’ police powers on young people was framed and justified by both officers and the courts. It is argued that the punitive function of such powers has been underexplored by criminologists, and that the authorization and legitimization of such tactics, routinely defended as a ‘necessary’ crime prevention tool, can be understood as an instantiation of ‘necropolitics’

    What punishment expresses

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    In this article, I consider the question of what punishment expresses and propose a way of approaching the question that overcomes problems in both psychosocial and philosophical expressivist traditions. The problem in both traditions is, I suggest, the need for an adequate moral – neither moralizing nor reductive – psychology, and I argue that Melanie Klein’s work offers such a moral psychology. I offer a reconstruction of Klein’s central claims and begin to sketch some of its potential implications for an expressive account of punishment. I outline a Kleinian interpretation of modern punishment’s expression as of an essentially persecutory nature but also include depressive realizations that have generally proved too difficult for liberal modernity to work through successfully, and the recent ‘persecutory turn’ is a defence against such realizations. I conclude by considering the wider philosophical significance of a Kleinian account for the expressivist theory of punishment

    Excavating youth justice reform: historical mapping and speculative prospects

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    This article analytically excavates youth justice reform (in England and Wales) by situating it in historical context, critically reviewing the competing rationales that underpin it and exploring the overarching social, economic, and political conditions within which it is framed. It advances an argument that the foundations of a recognisably modern youth justice system had been laid by the opening decade of the 20th Century and that youth justice reform in the post‐Second World War period has broadly been structured over four key phases. The core contention is that historical mapping facilitates an understanding of the unreconciled rationales and incoherent nature of youth justice reform to date, while also providing a speculative sense of future prospects

    Erwartungsbildung ĂŒber den Wahlausgang und ihr Einfluss auf die Wahlentscheidung

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    Erwartungen ĂŒber den Wahlausgang haben einen festen Platz sowohl in Rational-Choice-Theorien des WĂ€hlerverhaltens als auch in stĂ€rker sozialpsychologisch orientierten AnsĂ€tzen. Die Bildung von Erwartungen und ihr Einfluss auf die Wahlentscheidung ist dabei jedoch ein noch relativ unerforschtes Gebiet. In diesem Beitrag werden anhand von Wahlstudien fĂŒr Belgien, Österreich und Deutschland verschiedene Fragen der Erwartungsbildung und ihrer Auswirkungen untersucht. ZunĂ€chst wird die QualitĂ€t der Gesamterwartungen analysiert und verschiedene Faktoren identifiziert, die einen systematischen Einfluss auf die Erwartungsbildung haben. Im zweiten Schritt wenden wir uns den Einzelerwartungen ĂŒber verschiedene Parteien und Koalitionen zu und finden eine moderate Verzerrung zugunsten der prĂ€ferierten Parteien und Koalitionen. Dabei kann gezeigt werden, dass der Effekt des Wunschdenkens mit dem politischen Wissen und dem Bildungsgrad abnimmt. Schließlich werden in einem letzten Schritt zwei unterschiedliche Logiken fĂŒr die Auswirkungen von Erwartungen getestet, das rationale KalkĂŒl des koalitionsstrategischen WĂ€hlens zur Vermeidung der Stimmenvergeudung sowie der sozialpsychologisch begrĂŒndete Bandwagon-Effekt. Das Ausmaß an politischem Wissen scheint dabei eine zentrale vermittelnde Variable zwischen den beiden Logiken zu sein

    The interactions of disability and impairment

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    Theoretical work on disability is going through an expansive period, built on the growing recognition of disability studies as a discipline and out of the political and analytical push to bring disability into a prominent position within accounts of the intersecting social categories that shape people's lives. A current debate within critical disability studies is whether that study should include impairment and embodiment within its focus. This article argues it should and does so by drawing from symbolic interactionism and embodiment literatures in order to explore how differences in what bodies can do-defined as impairments-come to play a role in how people make sense of themselves through social interaction. We argue that these everyday interactions and the stories we tell within them and about them are important spaces and narratives through which impairment and disability are produced. Interactions and stories are significant both in how they are shaped by wider social norms, collective stories and institutional processes, and also how they at times can provide points of resistance and challenges to such norms, stories and institutions. Therefore, the significance of impairment and interaction is the role they play in both informing self-identity and also broader dynamics of power and inequality

    Building a Terrorist House on Sand: A critical incident analysis of interprofessionality and the Prevent duty in schools in England.

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    In 2015, a duty came into effect requiring all public bodies, including schools, to engage with the UK government’s Prevent counter-terrorism strategy. This paper presents two case studies from mid-size English cities, exploring the moral prototypes and institutional identities of professional mediators who made schools aware of their duties under Prevent. Mediators in each case included serving and former police, teachers and policy advisers, the majority of whom are now private consultants or operating small 3rd sector agencies. Drawing from in-depth interviews with 14 professionals, the paper details the ways in which participants constructed their relationship to normative, deliberative and legal obligations. The paper focuses on the recurrence of a high profile critical media incident in which a young child was allegedly subject to a referral for writing about living in a ‘terrorist’ (rather than ‘terraced’) house. Reaction to this incident was archetypal of the fear of media moral panic in reconstituting mediators’ identities as Prevent professionals, illustrating how the enframing of events shifts professional moral codes, policy interpretation and implementation
