94 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penentuan Persediaan Berdasarkan Peramalan Penjualan pada CV. Agung Jaya Cabang Pabean

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    CV. Agung Jaya Branch Customs is a distributor of office stationery and various plastics. In the determination of inventory, the company is not using the method. The number of competition raises the sales volume is not stable, especially a variety of plastic products. Result in the accumulation of stock in warehouse and other stocks due to insufficient, thus making customers switch to other distributors.Winters exponential smoothing method is used as a forecasting method, is based on the analysis of the data pattern of plastic products that contain the data pattern trend and seasonal elements. MAPE is used to measure the degree of forecasting error. The author uses the method of PRS (Periodic Review System) to determine the order quantity 1 month to come based on forecasting data, review stock last and maximum inventory.Applications are designed and built to help the general manager CV. Agung Jaya Customs branch in decision support for inventory after knowing the sales forecast in the future. Demand can always be met and the application is designed and constructed to reduce the accumulation of stock in warehouse. Seen on Plastic Glasses 12 with MAPE 0,025. Plastic cups 14 to 0,020 MAPE. Aqua Plastic cups with MAPE 0,025. Plastic Ice cream cups with MAPE 0.089. Plastic bag No. 15 with 0,165 MAPE. Plastic bag No. 21 with a 0.070 MAPE. Plastic bag No. 28 with 0.175 MAPE. Plastic bag No. 35 with 0,002 MAPE. Plastic bag No. 40 with 0,013 MAPE. Transparent Plastic 1 Kg with MAPE 0.01

    Rancang Bangun Dashboard untuk Visualisasi Kinerja Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Studi Kasus Institut Bisnis dan Informatika STIKOM Surabaya)

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    The Institute of Business and Informatics Stikom Surabaya as one of the collages in Indonesia is obliged to carry out the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, that were education, research, and community Service. In the activities of research and community service, The Institute of Business and Informatics Stikom Surabaya has formed department that called Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (PPM). The problems that occurs was PPM Department hasn\u27t media for monitoring performance and also have experienced complication in collecting data because of two separate data sources from The Institute of Business and Informatics Stikom Surabaya and the Directorate of Higher Education (Dikti). Dikti provides facility in the form of a web service portal Management Information System for Research and Community Service (SIM-LITABMAS) to retrieve data on research and community service. The solution offered is to build a dashboard that can display performance information visually of PPM Department in accordance with performance indicators. Additionally to build a system that can synchronize data with SIM-LITABMAS via web service. The research proves that through performance dashboard for research and community service has been created, PPM Department can synchronize data with web service of SIM-LITABMAS and than see the performance of PPM Department interactively according to performance indicators

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjualan pada Apotek Sentra Berkat Surabaya

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    Sentra Berkat Pharmacy is commercial enterprise engaged in the sale of medicines and medical support items such as masks, bandages, oxygen, bedpans and others. Sales made in two ways: using a prescription and without a prescription. Sentra Berkat Pharmacy received retail sales and wholesales. Broadly speaking, the problems that often occur in Sentra Berkat Pharmacy included difficulty collection of goods, the sales data for all processes based manual. Pharmacy is also difficult to determine the condition of the inventory (inventory) of goods in real time. Accounts receivable collection procedures Sentra Berkat Pharmacy also have constraints in terms of charging overdue. The author makes this project by conducting a survey, noting the process is in the form of document flow as help make the development process and program. The process developed is not a complete transformation, but repairs. The author makes computer-based sales application as a solution to record sales data, data items including expiry, and record all transactions that occur, and good reports. The results of this development project includes the maintenance of master data (item, suppliers, customers, users), goods receipt transactions, sales transactions and settlement of accounts receivable transactions. These applications can allow users to keep records of all transactions and billing more accurate and faster

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penggajian di PT. BIG SURABAYA

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    PT. BIG Surabaya is a multi-company that has the department include Banquet and Restaurant, T-Bar, Office Park, and Regency. PT. BIG Surabaya in the development of his company faced several problems in the payroll system. Analysis and design of payroll information system at PT. BIG Surabaya can give a result of employee payroll information system design and to help devise a system for the accurate calculation of employee payroll. With the use of computerized systems is expected to address the problem in the PT. BIG Surabaya, which can help speed up the calculation of payroll and tax calculations in PT. BIG Surabaya

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Perpustakaan pada Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Profesi Indonesia (LP3I) Surabaya

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    Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Profesi Indonesia (LP3I) Surabaya is an educational institution that has supporting facilities, one of them is the library. There are some problems in the LP3I\u27s Library, such as: the collection is less well documented, there is no reminder to remind the borrowers whose term loan collection will be expired, and there are no reports like visitor reports and collection report that often borrowed, so the librarians understand which collections is often borrowed, and who visit the library frequently.From the problems, offered solution is a library application that uses SMS Gateway to provide a reminder for members that loan collection period has expired. The study also applies the waterfall method. The method sequentially starting from requirements analysis, system design, programming, testing programs, implementation and then maintenance program.The results showed that the application of web-based library can help officers in circulating collection and reporting. In addition, library members can also be helped with the search collections and a reminder to return the library collection

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Evaluasi Proses Belajar Mengajar Berbasis Web pada STIKES Yayasan RS. Dr. SOETOMO SURABAYA.

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    Pusat Penjaminan Mutu (PPM) is a unit that is specifically tasked with ensuring quality of service and teaching at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKES) Hospital Foundation. Dr. Soetomo. PPM is currently having some problems in data management evaluation of the learning process. One such obstacle is because the data management evaluation of the learning process is still done manually. This causes the management process takes approximately two months, resulting in the evaluation of the learning process to be blocked.Based on these problems made design evaluation data processing applications web-based teaching and learning process that contains the process of making inquiries, the preparation of the questionnaire, questionnaires, and processing questionnaires. In the stage of preparation of this application using SDLC stages watterfall models.The results showed that the application of data processing evaluation learning process can help the STIKES. This is proved by the test results to Kaprodi, lecturers, and student evaluation data processing applications learning process has to meet the needs of each party, as evidenced by the results of experiments conducted to each party declared unfit for use

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Monitoring Perijinan Perusahaan dan Industri Berbasis Web pada Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Kota Surabaya

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    Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian (Disperdagin) Kota Surabaya mempunyai tugas menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan dan pelayanan umum seperti pembuatan ijin Perusahaan. Proses pembuatan ijin saat ini terlalu lama karena kurangnya informasi bagi Perusahaan saat akan mendaftar. Pihak Perusahaan harus membawa kembali dokumen formulir untuk mempersiapkan dokumen yang dibutuhkan dan kembali lagi untuk menyerahkan dokumen ke Disperdagin. Masalah lain yang timbul yaitu belum adanya sistem yang memberikan informasi untuk Disperdagin mengenai status perijinan yang dibuat.Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang mampu mempermudah proses pembuatan ijin secara online bagi Perusahaan. Perusahaan tidak perlu berulangkali datang ke kantor Disperdagin untuk melengkapi dokumen. Selain itu juga dibutuhkan sistem yang membantu pihak Disperdagin untuk memonitoring status ijin Perusahaan. Sistem yang dibuat dikembangkan menggunakan metode Waterfall.Berdasarkan hasil uji coba yang telah dilakukan, sistem ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pada Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Kota Surabaya dalam proses pendaftaran ijin, persetujuan ijin, penerbitan ijin, pemantauan posisi dokumen, pembuatan laporan ijin USAha, dan ijin industri serta memberikan peringatan apabila ada ijin yang habis melalui sms gateway
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