3 research outputs found

    Treatment of Chloroquine-Resistant \u3ci\u3ePlasmodium vivax\u3c/i\u3e with Chloroquine and Primaquine or Halofantrine

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    Optimal therapy gor infection by chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium vivax has not been established. From 1992 to 1994 during three separate studies, 147 Javanese residents of Irian Jaya infected by P. vivax were treated with either chloroquine (2 5 mg of base/kg during 3 days or 10mg of base/kg in one dose) plus primaquine (1 0 mg/kg during 28 days or 2.5 mg/kg during 3 days)( n = 78), chloroquine plus placebo( n = 50), or halofantrine (24 mg base/kg in 12 h; n = 19). There was no difference in tolerance to or side effects of any of the regimens. Within 14 days of starting therapy, therapeutic failure among these patients was 44% for chloroquine, 5% for chloroquine plus primaquine (P \u3c .001), and 0 for halofantrine (P \u3c .001). After 28 days, therapeutic failure was 78%, 15%, and 6% respectively. Thus, chloroquine plus primaquine in combination and halofantrine alone are effective therapies for chloroquine-resistant P. vivax

    Very High Risk of Therapeutic Failure with Chloroquine for Uncomplicated \u3ci\u3ePlasmodium falciparum\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eP. vivax\u3c/i\u3e Malaria in Indonesian Papua

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    Chloroquine remains the first-line therapy for uncomplicated malaria in Indonesia. Among a series of trials of chloroquine for malaria on this archipelago conducted since 1990, we now report the highest risk of therapeutic failure yet observed. A clinical trial of standard chloroquine therapy for uncomplicated malaria at Arso PIR V in northeastern Indonesian Papua was conducted during 1995. We enrolled 104 non-immune subjects infected with Plasmodium falciparum (n=55), P. vivax (n=29), or P. falciparum plus P. vivax (n=20) and administered supervised standard chloroquine therapy (10 + 10 + 5 mg/kg at 24-hour intervals). The 28-day cumulative incidence of therapeutic failure was 95% for P. falciparum, 84% for P. vivax, and 100% for mixed infections. Only one subject each for P. falciparum and P. vivax remained free of parasites at day 28. All recurrent parasitemias occurred with whole blood levels of chloroquine plus desethylchloroquine exceeding 100 ng/ml. These findings document almost complete failure of chloroquine against P. falciparum or P. vivax near the northeastern coast of Indonesian Papua


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    Chloroquine remains the first-line therapy for uncomplicated malaria in Indonesia. Among a series of trials of chloroquine for malaria on this archipelago conducted since 1990, we now report the highest risk of therapeutic failure yet observed. A clinical trial of standard chloroquine therapy for uncomplicated malaria at Arso PIR V in northeastern Indonesian Papua was conducted during 1995. We enrolled 104 non-immune subjects infected with Plasmodium falciparum (n=55), P. vivax (n=29), or P. falciparum plus P. vivax (n=20) and administered supervised standard chloroquine therapy (10 + 10 + 5 mg/kg at 24-hour intervals). The 28-day cumulative incidence of therapeutic failure was 95% for P. falciparum, 84% for P. vivax, and 100% for mixed infections. Only one subject each for P. falciparum and P. vivax remained free of parasites at day 28. All recurrent parasitemias occurred with whole blood levels of chloroquine plus desethylchloroquine exceeding 100 ng/ml. These findings document almost complete failure of chloroquine against P. falciparum or P. vivax near the northeastern coast of Indonesian Papua