24 research outputs found

    Penicillin-induced cutaneous necrotizing eosinophilic vasculitis with cryofibrinogenemia

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    Cutaneous necrotizing eosinophilic vasculitis (CNEV) is a rare type of vasculitis. Eosinophilic vasculitis is a necrotizing vasculitis with eosinophilic vascular infiltration, in which eosinophils mediate vascular damage in the disease process. We present a case of an 18-year-old girl who developed palpable purpura and hemorrhagic bullae over the lower extremities associated with itching, 7 days after the commencement of penicillin therapy. Plasma cryofibrinogen was positive. Histopathology showed an infiltration of eosinophils within and around the vessel walls and a complete absence of nuclear dust and neutrophils. Oral prednisone at 1 mg/kg induced remission in 2 weeks; the prednisone dose was tapered and discontinued after 2.5 months. There was no evidence of recurrence after 37 months of follow-up. Our patient represents a rare case of drug/penicillin-induced CNEV associated with cryofibrinogenemia, without systemic organ involvement. , and histopathological features of the lesion. Moreover, the possible complications of surgical approaches, namely healing defects, failure of skin grafts, and wound infection, should be considered. In this review we discuss the management of BCC localized on the face and scalp, according to the currently available treatment options.Ā Ā </p

    Uticaj temperature na usvajanje vode kod semena kukuruza

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    Temperature is a very important factor which effects seed water uptake. In this paper we investigated the effect of high temperature and high humidity on seed rate imbibition for five corn hybrids. Seeds were placed at the temperature of 41Ā°C and 95-100% relative humidity (treatment) . These seeds were compared with control. Seeds were hydrated at 12Ā°C and 20Ā°C for 6, 12, 24, 48 h. The highest imbibition rate was shown by ZP SC 599 hydride seed. The lowest imbibition rate was shown by ZP SC 599 hybrid seed. The seed treated at 12Ā°C had the lowest imbibition rate. At 20Ā°C differences in imbibition rate were lower than at 12Ā°C.Temperatura je važan ekoloÅ”ki činilac koji utiče na usvajanje vode kod semena. U ovom raduje ispitivano dejstvo visokih temperatura i vlage na brzinu bubrenja semena pet hibrida kukuruza. Seme je podvrgnuto temperaturi od 41Ā°C i relativnoj vlažnosti vazduha od 95-100% (tretman). Ono je upoređeno sa kontrolom. Seme je stavljeno na bubrenje na 12 i 20Ā°C tokom 6, 72, 24, 48 sati. Najveću brzinu bubrenja pokazuje seme hibrida ZP SC 599. Najnižu brzinu usvajanja vode pokazuje ZP TC196. Najnižu brzinu bubrenja semena je imalo tretirano seme na 12Ā°C. Na temperaturi od 20Ā°C razlike u brzini bubrenja su bile manje nego na nižoj temperaturi (12Ā°C)

    Circumscribed Palmar Hypokeratosis ā€“ The First Case from South-East Europe

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    Circumscribed palmar or plantar hypokeratosis (CPH) is a rare epidermal malformation, usually asymptomatic, consisting of a well-demarcated erythema with central depression and hyperkeratotic border which divides it from the normal skin. We report a 77-year-old woman with characteristic lesion of circumscribed palmar hypokeratosis on the right palm. Clinically, the lesion simulated porokeratosis of Mibelli, but histologically there was no cornoid lamella, while the characteristic depression of epidermis, with sharp stair in stratum corneum between the normal and involved skin was present. This is the first case of CPH diagnosed in the south-east of Europe. After a 9-year follow-up period and various treatment modalities, we confirmed the resistance of CPH. Since malignant transformation has been documented, a careful follow-up is to be recommended.</p

    Laser-induced parallel structures on multilayer thin films of Ni, Pd, Ti, Ta and W

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    The interaction of ultrashort laser beam with metal surfaces may induce the generation of periodic structures (LIPSS) with period less than the incoming wavelength, opening wide area of application [1, 2]. The presence of the underneath layer influences the quality of the LIPSS [3] . We have exposed multilayer thin films Ni/Ti, Ni/Pd, W/Ti, Ti/Ta to femtosecond beams of various wavelengths and powers. The interactions have been performed by Mira900 fs laser of Coherent. Detailed surface morphology after irradiation was examined firstly by optical microscopy, and then by scanning electron microscopy (JEOL JSM-7500F, Tokyo, Japan). Two types of structures have been noticed. Their appearance differ in the direction against the polarization direction, in pronounced ablation and in the spatial period, enabling their grouping into LIPSS of higher and lower spatial frequencies. Surface plasmon polariton is seen as the most probable cause of periodic distribution of energy at the surface and consequently to LIPSS.Photonics Workshop (14 ; 2021 ; Kopaonik

    sustainability and resilience: socio-spatial perspective

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    Sustainability and resilience have become indispensable parts of theĀ contemporary debate over the built environment. Although recognisedĀ as imperatives, the complexity and the variety of interpretations ofĀ sustainability and resilience have raised the necessity to again rethinkĀ their notion in the context of the built environment and to reframeĀ the state-of-the-art body of knowledge. The book Sustainability andĀ Resilience: Socio-Spatial Perspective so begins with the explorationĀ of the broadest conceptual frame-of-reference of issues related toĀ sustainability, and the re-establishment of the connection between theĀ built environment and the conditions that are vital to its functioning,Ā primarily in relation to energy, land use, climate, and economy.Ā Subsequent discussion on resilience as a term, approach, and philosophyĀ aims to conceptualise an interpretation of key resilienceĀ concepts, explain relationships and links among them, and propose theĀ classification of resilience as applicable to the context of urban studies. By studying the processes of transition of the built environment, theĀ book then reveals a coherent formula of ā€˜thinking sustainability +Ā resilienceā€™ aimed at improving the ability to respond to disruptionsĀ and hazards while enhancing human and environmental welfare.Ā The necessity to integrate the two approaches is further accented as aĀ result of a deliberative discourse on the notions of ā€˜social sustainabilityā€™,Ā ā€˜sustainable communityā€™, and ā€˜socio-cultural resilienceā€™. The potentialĀ of measuring sustainable development and urban sustainability onĀ the basis of defined social, human, and, additionally, natural andĀ economic values is presented though an overview of different wellknownĀ indicators and the identification of a currently relevant tangibleĀ framework of sustainable development. Correspondingly, the role ofĀ policies and governance is demonstrated on the case of climate-proofĀ cities. In this way, the consideration of approaches to sustainability andĀ resilience of the urban environment is rounded, and the focus of theĀ book is shifted towards an urban/rural dichotomy and the sustainabilityĀ prospects of identified forms-in-between, and, subsequently, towardsĀ the exploration of values, challenges, and the socio-cultural role inĀ achieving sustainability for rural areas. In the final chapters, the bookĀ offers several peculiarised socio-spatial perspectives, from definingĀ the path towards more resilient communities and sustainable spacesĀ based on a shared wellbeing, to proposing the approach to defineĀ community resilience as an intentional action that aims to respond to,Ā and influence, the course of social and economic change, to deliberatingĀ the notion of a ā€™healthy placeā€™ and questioning its optimal scale in theĀ built environment. The study of sustainability and resilience in this bookĀ is concluded by drawing a parallel between environmental, economic,Ā and social determinants of the built environment and the determinantsĀ that are relevant to human health and well-being

    Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis-like Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: a Case Report

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    Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (LE) encompasses a wide spectrum of dermatologic manifestations, including toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN)-like presentations of acute or subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (TEN-like ACLE/SCLE). Although the clinical characteristics and histological features of these rare entities may closely mimic TEN, several subtle differences can help in differentiation between these conditions. We report a case of a patient with SCLE which developed drug unrelated TEN-like blisters after prolonged, intensive sun exposure and focus on a discussion of distinctive features that can be used to differentiate drug-induced TEN and TEN-like presentation of ACLE/SCLE

    Water softening by nanofiltration ā€“ Case study

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    In this research the object of the analysis was the improvement of drinking water treatment plant, while groundwater being a source of drinking water. Improvements include the removal of magnesium and manganese. Improvements also mean choosing the proper water treatment technology that would meet the standards for drinking water quality. Technologies that are suitable for removal of these ions vary in many aspects, from technological challenges to cost analysis. After thorough analysis, the right choice, in this case, was two-stage nanofiltration (NF) which has a removal rate of more than 90%. The analysis also included detailed cost analysis

    Cutaneous Larva Migrans ā€“ Report of 2 new Cases Locally Acquired in Serbia

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    Cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) is a parasitic skin disease caused by the accidental percutaneous penetration and subsequent intraepidermal migration of larvae of various nematode parasites of the hookworm family. The hookworms responsible for CLM are spread worldwide, but the infection occurs mostly in tropical and subtropical climates. Nowadays, because of ever increasing foreign travel, the disease is no longer confined to these areas. Moreover, a significant increase of autochthonous cases in southern Europe has been observed in recent years. We report two new patients from Serbia who acquired CLM, none of them having traveled abroad. As the recommendations for the treatment of CLM are not uniform, two different treatment modalities were applied in these patients, both with an excellent response