653 research outputs found

    Boran Berčić (ed.), Perspectives on the Self (Rijeka: University of Rijeka, 2017), 375 pp.

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    Boran Berčić (ed.), Perspectives on the Self (Rijeka: University of Rijeka, 2017), 375 pp

    A practical approximation algorithm for solving massive instances of hybridization number for binary and nonbinary trees

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    Reticulate events play an important role in determining evolutionary relationships. The problem of computing the minimum number of such events to explain discordance between two phylogenetic trees is a hard computational problem. Even for binary trees, exact solvers struggle to solve instances with reticulation number larger than 40-50. Here we present CycleKiller and NonbinaryCycleKiller, the first methods to produce solutions verifiably close to optimality for instances with hundreds or even thousands of reticulations. Using simulations, we demonstrate that these algorithms run quickly for large and difficult instances, producing solutions that are very close to optimality. As a spin-off from our simulations we also present TerminusEst, which is the fastest exact method currently available that can handle nonbinary trees: this is used to measure the accuracy of the NonbinaryCycleKiller algorithm. All three methods are based on extensions of previous theoretical work and are publicly available. We also apply our methods to real data

    Weakly Complete Event Logs in Process Mining

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    Many information systems have a possibility to record their execution, and, in this way, to generate a trace about events describing the real system behaviour. From behaviour example records in traces of the event log, the Ī±-algorithm automatically generates a process model that belongs to a subclass of Petri nets, known as workflow nets. One of the basic limiting assumptions of Ī±-algorithm is that the event log needs to be complete. As a result of attempting to overcome the problem of completeness of the event log, we introduced the notion of weakly complete event logs, from which our modified technique and algorithm can produce the same result as the Ī±-algorithm from complete logs on parallel processes. Thereby weakly complete logs can be significantly smaller than complete logs, considering the number of traces they consist of. Weakly complete logs were used for the realization of our idea of interactive parallel business process model generation

    Procjena kvalitete strojnog prijevoda govora: studija slučaja aplikacije ILA

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    Machine translation (MT) is becoming qualitatively more successful and quantitatively more productive at an unprecedented pace. It is becoming a widespread solution to the challenges of a constantly rising demand for quick and affordable translations of both text and speech, causing disruption and adjustments of the translation practice and profession, but at the same time making multilingual communication easier than ever before. This paper focuses on the speech-to-speech (S2S) translation app Instant Language Assistant (ILA), which brings together the state-of-the-art translation technology: automatic speech recognition, machine translation and text-to-speech synthesis, and allows for MT-mediated multilingual communication. The aim of the paper is to assess the quality of translations of conversational language produced by the S2S translation app ILA for en-de and en-hr language pairs. The research includes several levels of translation quality analysis: human translation quality assessment by translation experts using the Fluency/Adequacy Metrics, light-post editing, and automated MT evaluation (BLEU). Moreover, the translation output is assessed with respect to language pairs to get an insight into whether they affect the MT output quality and how. The results show a relatively high quality of translations produced by the S2S translation app ILA across all assessment models and a correlation between human and automated assessment results.Strojno je prevođenje sve kvalitetnije i sve je viÅ”e prisutno u svakodnevnom životu. Zbog porasta potražnje za brzim i pristupačnim prijevodima teksta i govora, strojno se prevođenje nameće kao općeprihvaćeno rjeÅ”enje, Å”to dovodi do korjenitih promjena i prilagodbi u prevoditeljskoj struci i praksi te istodobno viÅ”ejezičnu komunikaciju čini lakÅ”om nego ikada do sada. Ovaj se rad bavi aplikacijom Instant Language Assistant (ILA) za strojni prijevod govora. ILA omogućuje viÅ”ejezičnu komunikaciju posredovanu strojnim prevođenjem, a temelji se na najnovijim tehnoloÅ”kim dostignućima, i to na automatskom prepoznavanju govora, strojnom prevođenju i sintezi teksta u govor. Cilj je rada procijeniti kvalitetu prijevoda razgovornog jezika dobivenog pomoću aplikacije ILA i to za parove jezika engleski ā€“ njemački te engleski ā€“ hrvatski. Kvaliteta prijevoda analizira se u nekoliko faza: kvalitetu prijevoda procjenjuju stručnjaci pomoću metode procjene tečnosti i točnosti (engl. Fluency/Adequacy Metrics), zatim se provodi ograničena redaktura strojno prevedenih govora (engl. light post-editing), nakon čega slijedi automatsko vrednovanje strojnog prijevoda (BLEU). Strojno prevedeni govor procjenjuje se i uzevÅ”i u obzir o kojem je jezičnom paru riječ kako bi se dobio uvid u to utječu li jezični parovi na strojni prijevod i na koji način. Rezultati pokazuju da su prijevodi dobiveni pomoću aplikacije ILA za strojni prijevod govora procijenjeni kao razmjerno visokokvalitetni bez obzira na metodu procjene, kao i da se ljudske procjene kvalitete prijevoda poklapaju sa strojnima

    Development and features of female self-employment in Bosnia-Herzegovina

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    Transition period, experienced by many countries, has been reflected on the loss of the job security reckoned to be the utmost achievement of the socialist and non-market economies. Instead, the labour market trends and changes during 1990s caused many employees to lose their jobs not only as the surplus work force but as an economic surplus as well. At the same time, new job opportunities decreased, which was primarily reflected on the female labour. Therefore, self-employment has become the main source of new employment that, at the same time, contributes to unemployment rate reduction in many countries. One can conclude that the level of female entrepreneursā€™ participation in economic development of transition countries is largely related to the conditions in which they work, to support provided by their state, to development of legal regulations and to the rate at which the economic reforms are implemented. With respect to this, one can make clear distinctions between transition countries in which reforms are implemented more slowly and those ones in which such process is carried out more quickly. It is hard to generalize and make a sole conclusion for the most of transition economies. Therefore, the authors specifically chose to analyse and examine the example of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which with its specificities differs from some other countries in the region. There is a strong synergy in Bosnia and Herzegovina between a social role of the woman, her education, profession and position in labour marke

    Counting addressing method: Command addressable element and extinguishing module

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    The specific requirements that appear in addressable fire detection and alarm systems and the shortcomings of the existing addressing methods were discussed. A new method of addressing of detectors was proposed. The basic principles of addressing and responding of a called element are stated. Extinguishing module is specific subsystem in classic fire detection and alarm systems. Appearing of addressable fire detection and alarm systems didn't caused essential change in the concept of extinguishing module because of long calling period of such systems. Addressable fire security system based on counting addressing method reaches high calling rates and enables integrating of the extinguishing module in addressable system. Solutions for command addressable element and integrated extinguishing module are given in this paper. The counting addressing method was developed for specific requirements in fire detection and alarm systems, yet its speed and reliability justifies its use in the acquisition of data on slowly variable parameters under industrial conditions.

    Editor\u27s Note

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