203 research outputs found

    Proficiency Test on soil improver maturity tests

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    Evira and Proftest SYKE carried out this proficiency test in November-December 2012 for sample phytotoxicity and aerobic biological activity by determining the effect of soil improver samples on germination and root growth of cress, sample CO2-production or oxygen uptake and sample dry weight and organic matter content. In total 11 laboratories took part in this test. Sample material was soil improver (S1) and soil improver and peat based growing medium (S2). Standard methods were used to determinate the properties from the samples, except for CO2 evolution rate analysis for which no standard exist. The robust means of the reported results by the participants were used as the assigned values for measurements. The evaluation of performance was based on the z scores which were calculated using the standard deviation for proficiency assessment. z scores were not calculated for CO2 (S2), CO2 production per bottle, and root length index (RI; S1), oxygen consumption (Oc) and oxygen uptake rate (OUR). In total, 91 % of the results were satisfactory when the deviations of 4-80 % from the as-signed values were accepted. It seems further guidance in some of the methods is needed. According to the results many laboratories have good practices and manage these analyses well. Other laboratories still need more experience. In future rounds of proficiency tests also pretreatment practices will be taken into account

    Proficiency Test SYKE 8/2012. Volatile organic compounds in water and soil

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    Proftest SYKE carried out the proficiency test for analysis of volatile organic compounds from water and soil in October 2012. One artificial sample and one river water sample and one soil sample were distributed. In total, 15 laboratories participated in the proficiency test. Either the calculated concentration or the robust mean value was chosen to be the assigned value for the measurement. The performance of the participants was evaluated by using z scores. In this proficiency test 72 % of the results were satisfactory when the deviation of 15–40 % from the assigned value was accepted

    Proficiency Test SYKE 9/2012. Oil hydrocarbons in water and soil

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    Proftest SYKE carried out the proficiency test for analysis of oil hydrocarbons from water and soil in October 2012. One artificial sample and one surface water sample and one soil sample for the determination of oil hydrocarbons were distributed. In total, 18 laboratories participated in the PT. Either the calculated concentration or the robust mean value was chosen to be the assigned value for the measurement. The performance of the participants was evaluated by using z scores. In this proficiency test 81 % of the results were satisfactory when the deviation of 20–40 % from the assigned value was accepted

    Kenttämittausvertailu 06/2017 - Uima-allasvesien kloori- ja pH-kenttämittaukset

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    Tässä kenttämittausvertailussa testattiin ensimmäistä kertaa kenttämittarien käyttöä uima-allasvesien vapaan kloorin, kokonaiskloorin ja pH:n määritykseen uimahallissa. Vertailumittaukseen osallistui 6 osallistujaa. Testisuureiden vertailuarvoina käytettiin referenssimittarin tuloksia. Osallistujien suoriutumista arvioitiin Di %-arvojen avulla vertaamalla tuloksia Allasvesiasetuksen 315/2002 soveltamisohjeen kriteereihin. Arvioilta 2-3 osallistujan kloorimittaukset olisivat ohjeessa kuvatun epävarmuuden rajoissa. Osallistujien pH-mittausten osalta voidaan arvioida niiden tarkkuuden olevan pääosin ohjeen suositusten mukaisia. Kävi selvästi ilmi, että riittävään tarkkuuteen päästään vain ammattikäyttöön tarkoitetuilla kenttämittareilla. Osallistujien kenttätoiminnasta ja laadunvarmistuksesta annettiin osallistujakohtaista palautetta ja yhdessä vertailun asiantuntijaryhmän kanssa kirjattiin lukuisia suosituksia luotettavan kenttämittaustoiminnan varmistamiseksi. Lämmin kiitos kaikille osallistujille
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