61 research outputs found

    BER and outage probability of DPSK subcarrier intensity modulated free space optics in fully developed speckle.

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    In this paper a differential phase shift keying (DPSK) subcarrier intensity modulated (SIM) free space optical (FSO) link is considered in negative exponential atmospheric turbulence environment. To mitigate the scintillation effect, the selection combining spatial diversity scheme (SelC) is employed at the receiver. Bit error rate (BER) and outage probability (Pout) analysis are presented with and without the SelC spatial diversity. It is shown that at a BER of 10-6, a maximum diversity gain 25 dB is predicted. And about 60 dBm signal power is required to achieve an outage probability of 10-6, based on a threshold BER of 10-4

    Modelling and analysis of FSO ground-to-train communications for straight and curved tracks

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    In this work, a free space optical (FSO) link for the ground-to-train communications is proposed. Analytical analysis is carried out for the case of the straight as well as curved rail tracks. We show that the transmitter divergence angle, the transmit power and the size of the concentration lens needs to increase for the curved section of the rail track compared to the straight track. We derive the analytical expression (11) for the received power level based on the link geometry for the cases of straight and curved tracks. The received power variation is compared for two cases showing a similar dynamic range. In the worst case scenario when the radius of curvature is 120 m, the transmit power at the optical base station (OBS) needs to increase by over 2 dB when the concentration lens radius is increased by 5 times. Analyses also show that received power increases with the radius of curvature. Finally, results are compared with the existing straight track model

    Atmospheric channel effects on terrestrial free space optical communication links

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    Abstract. This paper illustrates the challenges imposed by the atmospheric channel on the design of a terrestrial laser communication link. The power loss due to scattering effect is described using the Kim/Kruse scattering model while the effect and the penalty imposed by atmospheric turbulence is highlighted by considering the bit error rate (BER) of an On-Off Keying modulated link in an optical Poisson channel. The power loss due to thick fog can measure over 100 dB/km while snow and rain result in much lower attenuation. We show that non-uniformity in the atmospheric temperature also contributes to performance deterioration due to scintillation effect. At a BER of 10-4, for a channel with a turbulence strength of>0.1, the penalty imposed by turbulence induced fading is over 20 photoelectron counts in order to achieve the same level of performance as a channel with no fading. The work reported here is part of the EU COST actions and EU projects.

    Investigation of punctured LDPC codes and time-diversity on free-space optical links

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    In this paper, we analyze the behavior of DVB-S2 un-punctured/punctured low-density parity-check (LDPC) coded on-off-keying (OOK) under atmospheric turbulence conditions by utilizing time diversity. A performance characterization between these schemes is evaluated, where punctured LDPC code provides a penalty of around 0.1 to 0.2 dB against unpunctured LDPC codes but still provides a coding gain of several dB against uncoded OOK. The combination of channel coding and a bit interleaver results in performance improvements in turbulence conditions. For example, such a system can achieve a coding gain of 16.7 dB in moderate turbulence conditions compared to uncoded OOK

    Testbed Emulator of Satellite-to-Ground FSO Downlink Affected by Atmospheric Seeing Including Scintillations and Clouds

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    Free Space Optics (FSO) technology enabling next-generation near-Earth communication is prone to severe propagation losses due to atmospheric-turbulence-induced fading and Mie scattering (clouds). As an alternative to the real-time evaluation of the weather effects over optical signal, a state-of-the-art laboratory testbed for verification of slant APD-based (Avalanche Photodiode) FSO links in laboratory conditions is proposed. In particular, a hardware channel emulator representing an FSO channel by means of fiber-coupled Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) controlled by driver board and software is utilized. While atmospheric scintillation data are generated based on Radiosonde Observation (RAOB) databases combined with a statistical design approach, cloud attenuation is introduced using Mie theory together with empirical Log-Normal modeling. The estimation of atmospheric-turbulence-induced losses within the emulated optical downlink is done with an FSO IM/DD prototype (Intensity Modulation/Direct Detection) relying on two different data throughputs using a transmitter with external and internal modulation. Moreover, the receiver under-test is a high-speed 10 Gbps APD photodetector with integrated Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA) typically installed in OGSs (Optical Ground Stations) for LEO/GEO satellite communication. The overall testbed performance is addressed by a BER tester and a digital oscilloscope, providing BER graphs and eye diagrams that prove the applied approach for testing APD-TIA in the presence of weather-based disruptions. Furthermore, the testbed benefits from the used beam camera that measures the quality of the generated FSO beam

    Augmented Air Traffic Control System—Artificial Intelligence as Digital Assistance System to Predict Air Traffic Conflicts

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    Today’s air traffic management (ATM) system evolves around the air traffic controllers and pilots. This human-centered design made air traffic remarkably safe in the past. However, with the increase in flights and the variety of aircraft using European airspace, it is reaching its limits. It poses significant problems such as congestion, deterioration of flight safety, greater costs, more delays, and higher emissions. Transforming the ATM into the “next generation” requires complex human-integrated systems that provide better abstraction of airspace and create situational awareness, as described in the literature for this problem. This paper makes the following contributions: (a) It outlines the complexity of the problem. (b) It introduces a digital assistance system to detect conflicts in air traffic by systematically analyzing aircraft surveillance data to provide air traffic controllers with better situational awareness. For this purpose, long short-term memory (LSTMs) networks, which are a popular version of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are used to determine whether their temporal dynamic behavior is capable of reliably monitoring air traffic and classifying error patterns. (c) Large-scale, realistic air traffic models with several thousand flights containing air traffic conflicts are used to create a parameterized airspace abstraction to train several variations of LSTM networks. The applied networks are based on a 20–10–1 architecture while using leaky ReLU and sigmoid activation function. For the learning process, the binary cross-entropy loss function and the adaptive moment estimation (ADAM) optimizer are applied with different learning rates and batch sizes over ten epochs. (d) Numerical results and achievements by using LSTM networks to predict various weather events, cyberattacks, emergency situations and human factors are presented

    Experimental study of bit error rate of free space optics communications in laboratory controlled turbulence

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    This paper reports experimental results for the performance of an free space optical (FSO) communication link employing different modulation schemes under the influence of the atmospheric scintillation. A dedicated experimental atmospheric simulation chamber has been developed where weak and medium turbulence can be generated and its effect on the FSO link is investigated. The experimental data obtained is compared to the theoretical prediction. The paper also shows that the effect on the data transmission performance depends on the position of turbulence source positioned within the chamber

    Performance of BPSK subcarrier intensity modulation free-space optical communications using a log-normal atmospheric turbulence model

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    In this paper, we present simulation results for the bit error rate (BER) performance and the fading penalty of a BPSK - subcarrier intensity modulation (BPSK-SIM) free-space optical (FSO) communication link in a log-normal atmospheric turbulence model. The results obtained are based on the Monte-Carlo simulation. Multiple subcarrier modulation schemes offer increased system throughput and require no knowledge of the channel fading in deciding what symbol has been received. In an atmospheric channel with a fading strength 2 l ? of 0.1 obtaining a BER of 10-6 using a 2-subcarrier system will require a signal-tonoise (SNR) of 23.1 dB. The required SNR increases with the fading strength and at a BER of 10-9 the fading penalty due to the atmospheric turbulence is ~ 41 dB for 9 . 0 2 = l ? . The comparative studies of the OOK and BPSK-SIM schemes showed that for similar electrical SNR, BPSK-SIM offered improved performance across all range of turbulence variance

    On the study of the FSO link performance under controlled turbulence and fog atmospheric conditions

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    In this paper, the effect of turbulence and fog on the free space optical (FSO) communication systems for on off keying (OOK), pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and subcarrier intensity modulation (SIM) based on binary phase shift keying (BPSK) is experimentally investigated. The experiment is carried out in a controlled laboratory environment where turbulence and fog could be generated in a dedicated FSO chamber. In comparison to 4 PAM signal, the BPSK and OOK NRZ modulation signalling format are more robust against the fog and turbulence effects. In addition BPSK system is much less susceptible to the signal amplitude fluctuation due to turbulence compared to the other two modulation formats