8,267 research outputs found
Intérêt des laits fermentés chez l'enfant diarrhéique malnutri
L'objectif de cette étude était de comparer, chez des enfants diarrhéiques malnutris, l'effet thérapeutique d'un yaourt manufacturé à flore vivante et d'un lait fermenté enrichi préparé de façon artisanale (soow). De novembre 1988 à juillet 1989, 50 enfants non sevrés présentant une diarrhée aigüe associée à une malnutrition (indice poids/taille < 80 % des références NCHS) ont été admis dans l'étude; la répartition entre les groupes (soow contre yaourt) a été faite par tirage au sort et les deux groupes étaient comparables pour la réhabilitation nutritionnelle de ces enfants; le gain de poids moyen a été de 16 g/kg/j et le protocole n'a jamais dû être interrompu du fait d'une aggravation de la diarrhée ou d'une perte de poids. Sur le plan biologique, les résultats confirment l'intérêt du dosage de la transthyrétine associé à celui des protéines inflammatoires pour l'évaluation et le suivi du déficit nutritionnel. L'ensemble de ces résultats suggère que la réalimentation précoce à l'aide de laits fermentés enrichis, associée à la réhydratation orale, apparaît comme bénéfique en cas de diarrhée aiguë associée à une malnutrition. (Résumé d'auteur
The concept of territorial frugality, how to identify, quantify and apply: The study of Lisbon Metropolitan Area
“In behavioral science, frugality has been defined as the tendency to acquire goods and services in a contained manner, and use of the economic goods, resources and services themselves, to achieve a long-term goal” [1] The present project intends to study the introduction of the concept of territorial frugality, characterizing its applicability to the territory, specifically to the urban space, as a tool in the parsimonious use of available resources, as well as studying its measurement through a mixed methodology. An interventionist, either using the opinion of a group of experts, using the DELPHI technique, as well as the establishment of conceptual models or using other methods in order to identify, select and define the applicability of indicators that allow the evaluation or establishment of parameters correlated with the concept of frugality, within the scope of spatial planning and urbanism, within the case of Lisbon Metropolitan Area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Bond Behavior between Recycled Concrete Containing CDW and Different Types of Steel Bars
The operation of reinforced concrete structures is directly associated with the adhesion between the steel bar and the concrete, which allows the internal forces to be transferred to the reinforcement during the process of loading the structural elements. The modification of the concrete composition, with the introduction of recycled aggregate from construction and demolition waste (CDW), affects the steel-concrete interface and can modify the bonding stress, which is also influenced by the type and diameter of the bar used. In this work, the influence of the recycled fine aggregate (RFA) and types of steel bar on the steel-concrete bond was experimentally evaluated using the pullout test. Conventional concrete and recycled concrete, with RFA replacement level of 25%, were produced. Two types of steel rebars (i.e.,plain and deformed) with diameters of 10.0 and 16.0 mm were considered in this paper. The results indicate a reduction in the adhesion stress with the introduction of recycled aggregate, but this trend is influenced by the diameter of the bar used. The use of ribbed bars modifies the stress bonslip behavior, with an increase in the average bond strength, which is also observed with the reduction of the diameter of the bar
Caracterização sensorial e rendimento de extrato hidrossolúvel em cultivares de soja especiais para a alimentação humana.
Estudos realizados a partir dos anos 90, evidenciando a funcionalidade da soja, vêm despertando o interesse aumentar o consumo, tanto do grão in natura como de seus derivados. O extrato hidrossolúvel de soja (EHS) ou leite de soja é um dos derivados da soja mais conhecidos pelos brasileiros. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo diferenciar sensorialmente os EHS das cultivares de sojas especiais para a alimentação humana: Embrapa 48, BRS 213, BRS 216, BRS 257, BRS 258, BRS 267 e BRS 282; e da cultivar convencional BRS 232, todas desenvolvidas pela Embrapa Soja e cultivadas na safra 2009/10, comparando seus rendimentos durante o processamento. Com os extratos padronizados a 3,4% de proteína, os maiores rendimentos foram obtidos pelas cultivares BRS 232, BRS 257 e BRS 282, diferenciando-se das demais cultivares testadas em relação ao potencial para a produção de extrato de soja. Todos os EHS foram muito semelhantes em relação à análise sensorial, entretanto a BRS 213 se destacou por apresentar o menor gosto residual. Amostras com características sensoriais mais próximas às características habituais de consumo (extrato com adição de açúcar e de aromatizante), possivelmente teriam resultado em maior discriminação sensorial entre as cultivares
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