7 research outputs found


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    Resumos de dissertações defendidas na Universidade Lusófona, na área das ciências da Educação


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    Resumos de dissertações defendidas na Universidade Lusófona, na área das ciências da Educação

    “Machos e bruxas na Patagônia”. Trabalho, masculinidade e espaço da reprodução

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    El título “Machos y brujas en la Patagonia” expresa el nudo central de este artículo, en su intento por problematizar procesos sociales tensionados por relaciones de clase y género. “Machos” remite a la construcción de un sujeto petrolero acorde a la disciplina fabril impuesta por el proceso productivo; la noción de “brujas”, por su parte, retoma metafóricamente la caza de brujas de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, proceso que significó el confinamiento de la mujer en el espacio doméstico y su rol reproductivo de la fuerza de trabajo. En tal sentido, nos interesa analizar en Comodoro Rivadavia, ciudad de la Patagonia argentina, la articulación entre el proceso de trabajo petrolero y las experiencias obreras fuera del trabajo. Dado que las masculinidades y las feminidades son posiciones relacionales de género, analizaremos el rol del hombre y la mujer en articulación con la organización del trabajo.The title "Machos and Witches in Patagonia" illustrates the core debate of this article and attempts to problematize the processes emphasized by social class and gender relations. "Machos" refers to the social construction of the oil worker as imposed by the production system. Meanwhile, "witches” refers to the witch-hunts of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and the practice in which women were confined to the domestic sphere and their reproductive role of the workforce. Therefore, we want to analyze the link between the production process of the oil workforce inside the production system and outside of their work experiences in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentinian Patagonia. Given that masculinity and femininity are relational gender positions, we will discuss the role of men and women in the organization of work, as a whole.O presente título expressa o nó central deste artigo, na sua tentativa de problematizar processos sociais tensionados por relações de classe e gênero. “Machos” remete à construção de um sujeito petroleiro em concordância com a disciplina fabril imposta pelo processo produtivo; a noção de “bruxas”, por sua vez, retoma metaforicamente a caça às bruxas dos séculos XVI, XVII e XVIII, processo que significou o confinamento da mulher no espaço doméstico e seu papel reprodutivo da força de trabalho. Nesse sentido, interessa-nos analisar em Comodoro Rivadavia, cidade da Patagônia argentina, a articulação entre o processo de trabalho petroleiro e as experiências operárias fora do trabalho. Tendo em visa que as masculinidades e as feminilidades são posições relacionais de gênero, analisaremos o papel do homem e da mulher em articulação com a organização do trabalho.Fil: Palermo Haber, Hernan Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales; Argentin

    Clinical nursing care protocol for convalescent plasma transfusion in patients with COVID-19

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    Introduction: The treatment of COVID-19 is still challenge. So convalescent plasma can be an important alternative of treatment. Protocols with nursing care during infusion is very important to guide an effective and safety care Objective: to analyze the evidence in the literature on the action of convalescent plasma, of the use of protocols with nursing care to use convalescent plasma and build a nursing care protocol for transfusion in patients with COVID-19. Methods: Methodological study carried out in two stages: scoping review. The search was done using the descriptors: convalescent plasma transfusion, convalescent plasma, and acute respiratory syndromes or COVID-19, to found protocols and effectiveness of convalescent plasm. Beside was done a specialist panel to build the protocol. Results: Low-evidence studies have shown improvement in the clinical signs of COVID-19 using Convalescent Plasma, reduction or elimination of viral load, benefits in the production of lymphocytes, decreases C-reactive protein, increases titers of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, positive evolution in lung involvement identified by X-rays, decrease in hospitalization. No studies were found in the databases on the protocol for clinical nursing care in plasma transfusion. Therefore, a protocol was developed with the description of clinical nursing care to be performed before, during and after the transfusion by plasma: checking of vital signs and indicative signs of transfusion reaction, measurement of oxygen saturation, assessment of venous access and checking of the level of consciousness. Conclusion: There are no evidence studies to support the use of plasma, nor anything related to bundles

    Anticoagulant activity of a sulfated polysaccharide isolated from the green seaweed Caulerpa cupressoides

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate certain molecular characteristics of a sulfated polysaccharide (SPs) with anticoagulant properties, isolated from Caulerpa cupressoides (Chlorophyta). Crude SPs were extracted by proteolytic digestion (papain), followed by ion-exchange chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column. The fractions obtained were analyzed for molecular mass, 0.5% agarose gel electrophoresis and chemical composition. The activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) test was applied using normal human plasma and standard heparin (HEP) (193 IU mg-1). The yield was ~ 3%, and the chromatography procedure separated the material into three different SP fractions (F I, F II and F III), eluted at the concentrations of 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00 M of NaCl, respectively. Only fraction F II was active (24.62 IU mg-1), with high sulfate content (23.79%) and number of molecular mass peaks. Therefore, the APTT of a fraction isolated from C. cupressoides was less potent than HEP