3,324 research outputs found

    Redes, comunicações e segurança informática

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    Este trabalho começa por apresentar uma instalação de rede informática local efetuada sob supervisão do candidato e parcialmente por ele, descrevendo de seguida algumas considerações que na altura se lhe levantaram. Sendo ligada à saúde, para além das preocupações normais de instalação de qualquer solução, a questão humana e social foi particularmente sentida. Várias organizações e pessoas individuais necessitam de implementar e utilizar soluções de comunicações informáticas, pelo que a privacidade e confiabilidade das informações processadas se torna um assunto premente. No sentido de obter uma resposta para este problema, o candidato evoluiu para a área da criptografia e segurança de comunicações, implementado alguns dos protocolos existentes e estudando-os com maior rigor. É justamente a descrição dessa evolução e da segurança com que se pode contar quando se utilizam meios informáticos o âmbito deste trabalho, focando principalmente o impacto que tem na sua utilização

    Binary sequences with prescribed autocorrelations

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    Imperial Users onl

    Rede social académica

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    O processo de Bolonha apresenta directivas para a construção de um espaço europeu de ensino superior. A adopção destas directivas requer uma abordagem que favoreça, na prática, a mobilidade dos estudantes que têm dificuldades em compreenderem as oportunidades que lhes são oferecidas. Neste contexto, esta dissertação explora a hipótese de utilização de uma rede social para apoiar a mobilidade de estudantes no espaço europeu. No âmbito desta dissertação propõe-se um modelo de conhecimento para representar os membros de uma rede social vocacionada para apoiar cenários de mobilidade, designada por rede social académica. Este modelo foi obtido pela fusão da ontologia Academic Ontology to Support the Bologna Mobility Process com a ontologia Friend of a Friend Ontology. Para efeitos de avaliação experimental, foi criado um demonstrador numa rede social disponível publicamente na Internet que utiliza uma versão simplificada do modelo proposto. Os cenários usados nas experiências representam situações reais às quais foi aplicado um processo rudimentar de descoberta de conhecimentoThe Bologna Process aimed to build a European Higher Education Area and has the objective to promote students mobility. The adoption of the Bologna Process requires an approach that facilitates, in practice, the mobility of students who have difficulties to understand the opportunities offered to them. In this context, this thesis explores the possibility of using a social network to support the mobility of students within the European Higher Education Area. This thesis proposes a knowledge model to represent members of a social network dedicated to supporting mobility scenarios, known as academic social network. This model was obtained by fusion of the Ontology Academic Support to the Bologna Process Mobility with the Friend of a Friend Ontology. For experimental evaluation, a demonstrator was created in a social network available on the Internet that uses a simplified version of the model. The scenarios used in the experiments represent real situations to which was applied a rudimentary process of knowledge discovery

    Strategic investment decisions: insights from a case study

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    The inherent difficulty of making strategic investment decisions poses significant risks that need to be mitigated. At the same time, decisions on strategic investments should be framed and justified in the company's strategic choices. In this context, one of the biggest problems known may be the excessive reliance on financial tools in evaluating investment projects. In response to this concern, some mechanisms and procedures have been developed and applied that allow the integration of strategic and financial analyzes at the level of strategic investment decision making. Examining a particular case study of a company of the automotive industry, this paper sought to understand to what extent the strategic analysis influences and relates to the business investment policy of the company. The study developed is of an exploratory nature, resorting to semi-structured interviews for data gathering. The main conclusion reached is that the evaluations supported only in financial tools are not satisfactory for the decision making proving the importance of the pre-decision mechanisms and the strategic constraints in the final decision making

    On the role of business incubators to foster entrepreneurship

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    One of the mostly used instruments to foster entrepreuneurship are business incubators, which aim to support the development of new business ideas in which the incubators help firms to survive and grow during their initial stages. The objective of this paper is to provide the results of the analysis of three case studies about the business incubation process in Portugal, contributing to enhance the knowledge about this subject. The main findings of the paper are the following: the three incubators are focused on stimulating entrepreneurship, new business ideas and innovation, and are concerned in being a facilitator agent of the success of those new projects; however, some differences might be seen among these incubators, namely in terms of criteria used to select the new business ideas or projects, the support services provided to the incubatees, the incubation period, and the type of projects supported

    Music education in context: the construction of the teacher's identity within cross-disciplinary collaboration in the arts

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    This study was part of a research project that examined innovative practices in a primary school with an integrated arts curriculum. While the school started an expansion of its curriculum, a music teacher was hired to become part of the arts learning area. Her commitment to the overall project determines that she works in collaboration with the other arts teachers, namely, Visual Arts and Drama. Baring in mind a theoretical background that traces the lines of a liberating, autonomy promoting, and collaborative education, the development of the identity process of the music teacher was analyzed through her diary, fi eld notes, and other observational data, gathered by the research team. Findings indicate that, while signifi cant gains were brought about by crossdisciplinary collaboration, some problems remain to solve, concerning the role of specifi c musical skills development. The implications for music education research are suggested, with reference to the relationship between music skills development and integrated art projects

    Task switching ability is compromised after cross-hemispheric tDCS over the parietal cortex

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    Background/Aims: One of the components of working memory is the ability to respond to unexpected demands and rapidly shifting attention between tasks. Previous studies have used transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in order to modulate task and set shifting ability over the prefrontal cortex. However, set shifting/task switching ability requires a left-lateralized fronto-parietal network. In this study, we aimed to assess if delivering active cross-hemispheric tDCS over the parietal cortex - right anodal/-left-cathodal (pRA-LC) and right cathodal/-left anodal (pRC-LA), as compared to sham tDCS, is able to modulate task switching ability in healthy volunteers. Methods: A total of 17 college students who volunteered (age: 21.65 ± 4.42, 14 females) participated in this pilot study in which the effects of three different single session tDCS conditions over the parietal cortex on task switching ability were assessed. Results: There were significant differences in terms of switch costs F (2,28) = 4,01, p < .05 dependent on stimulation. Bonferroni pairwise comparisons showed that the Response Time (RT) of the Switch Cost increased significantly (M = 102.84, SD = 18.24) for the pRA-LC condition, when compared with the sham condition (M = 49.44, SD = 17.84) (p = .03, d=2.96) Conclusions: The results of this study highlight the importance of studying the role of the parietal cortex in task switching ability. An activity shift towards the right parietal hemisphere (i.e., pRA-LC) impaired task switching performance, which is consistent with the role of the left parietal cortex on endogenous preparation and adjustment of goal directed behaviors. Future studies should focus on exploring the electrophysiological and neuroimaging correlates associated with the tDCS effects over the parietal, as well as exploring the usefulness of multi-site stimulation.OFG and SC were supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, through national funds and co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007653) and along with JL were also funded through the grants: PTDC/PSIESP/30280/2017 and PTDC/PSI-ESP/29701/2017, SC was also funded by the individual grant IF/00091/2015