7 research outputs found
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Awakening from a land of bliss : changing control and authority of commerical airline pilots
This research project explores the changing control and professional authority of commercial airline pilots as a professional group. Although pilots have historically held significant amounts of professional authority, this has been changing in recent years as a result of the increased regulation following the events of September 11, 2001. Through a series of qualitative in-depth telephone and face-to-face interviews with commercial airline pilots and other professionals who work with pilots, the data was collected and several themes emerged. First, commercial airline pilots as a professional group are controlled by numerous different organizations – each of which uses a different type of control mechanism. The result of these multiple simultaneous control mechanisms used on pilots has been that the role of pilots, especially in matters of security, has become increasingly ambiguous. Second, commercial airline pilots not only experience this changing control dynamic on an organizational level, but also experience it on an interpersonal level. Pilots struggle to establish who has the authority to handle security situations with many different groups of people, including other pilots, flight attendants, Federal Air Marshals, law enforcement officers, and even passengers. Third, although pilots are heavily regulated by many different organizations, they have attempted to establish themselves as a professional group and have fought to empower themselves. For example, an alliance of commercial airline pilots, along with several other groups, fought to establish the Federal Flight Deck Officer program, a program that trains volunteer pilots to carry a firearm with them while flying an airplane. Through initiatives such as these, pilots have cohesively fought to maintain their rights as a professional group with their own professional authority. Finally, these recent changes in control and authority for pilots have had several important outcomes for pilots, other groups involved in the commercial aviation industry, as well as the traveling public. The practical, theoretical, and methodological implications of these results are also discussedCommunication Studie
The Same Curiosity Sonora Interactive Installation for Collective Creation
En el siguiente documento, se presentará la experiencia en torno al proyecto creativo de una instalación sonora interactiva cuyo fin es propiciar la creación colectiva por parte de los participantes en el espacio sonoro. Así pues, se explicarán las posturas conceptuales acerca de la instalación sonora en particular y de las reflexiones acerca de los sucesos que en ella se llevan a cabo, al igual que la reflexión acerca de la labor de los participantes y del compositor-artista -creador en este proyecto.In the following document, an experience about a creative project of an interactive sound installation will be presented. The purpose of this is to provide the collective creating made by the participants of the soundscape. Therefore, the conceptual positions about the sound installation in particular, the reflections about the events that are carried out in this process, and the reflection about the participants' work and the composer - performer -creator in this project will be explained
Technical-economic feasibility study for the creation of a design, consulting, auditing company for electrical projects for Social Housing (VIS) in the Bogotá Savanna.
El proyecto de emprendimiento denominado LAI INGENIERIA S.A.S., es un proyecto generador de ingresos encaminado a la prestación del servicio en ingeniería eléctrica. Enfocado específicamente en el diseño de instalaciones eléctricas para proyectos de vivienda de interés Social en la sabana de Bogotá, bajo los lineamientos y normatividad del operador de red, (ENEL-Codensa), y los conocimientos y experiencia de sus profesionales.
Cabe aclarar que esta zona es seleccionada por: 1) el crecimiento demográfico, 2) la demanda de energía eléctrica de las nuevas infraestructuras, y 3) la expansión poblacional que se tiene proyectada, debido a la puesta en marcha del tren de cercanías que pretende comunicar la sabana de Bogotá con la ciudad capital. Todo lo anterior se entiende en primer lugar como un impulso al sector de la construcción, que necesitará una empresa que le brinde la interventoría y la asesoría; en especial con trámites eficientes que se deben adelantar para el suministro de energía eléctrica de las nuevas edificaciones; y en segundo lugar como una oportunidad de negocio para la empresa LAI INGENIERIA S.A.S, dada la trayectoria y experiencia que sus expertos tienen en el manejo técnico-económico de procesos y procedimientos frente al operador de red en mención, que conllevan a tiempos de respuesta cortos.The entrepreneurship project called LAI INGENIERIA S.A.S., is an income generating project aimed at providing the service in electrical engineering. Focused specifically on the design of electrical installations for social interest housing projects in the Bogotá savannah, under the guidelines and regulations of the network operator, (ENEL-Codensa), and the knowledge and experience of its professional
Saving the historic herbarium at agronomy faculty, Agrarian University of Havana
The work achieved, with an institutional project, the creation of a physical space, heated and equipped according to the requirements and demands for the conservation of a herbarium. The wooden files, inadequate of the herbarium, were replaced by appropriate shelves
Sheet music notebook 3
La recopilación presentada es un panorama documental de la creación musical originada por integrantes- mestros y alumnos, egresados o en proceso de serlo- de esta comunidad académica y artística que es el Proyecto Curricular de Artes Musicales.The compilation presented is a documentary panorama of the musical creation originated by members - teachers and students, graduated or in the process of becoming one - of this academic and artistic community that is the Musical Arts Curricular Project