107 research outputs found

    Fog development at San Diego, California

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    If true fog alone be considered-that is, suspended water particles which reduce horizontal visibility at the earth\u27s surface to 1,000 meters (or½ mile) or less-then fog at San Diego occurs nearly four times as frequently during the winter period, from October through April, as during the remaining months of the year (11, p. 34)...

    Sea temperature variations associated with tidal currents in stratified shallow water over an irregular bottom

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    Unusual features of the large and nearly periodic variations in sea temperature which are observed in shallow stratified water along the coast of southern California may be caused by tidal stirring over an irregular bottom and by subsequent horizontal and vertical oscillating movements associated with tides

    Santa Ana associated offshore fog : forecasting with a sequential model.

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    Aircraft measurements made offshore during a coastal fog sequence by R.A. Markson are analyzed . Fog occurrence and areal extent are determined using aircraft, ship and shore station obs ervations obtained during the Cooperative Experiment in West Coast Oceanography and Meteorology--1976 along with analyzed satellite visual and iril’ra-red imagery. The offshore conditions are compared with those at the shore stations using selected fog indices. Photographs of special features observed are included . The offshore conditions are classified into phases by assigning limits within the specified fog indices used in the modified Leipper fog model. The sequence of observed fog events is compared to the ideal sequence. The trends in the sequence are analyzed and a general relationship between the phase sequence and the local offshore flow is indicated . The Leipper indices, the Sari Dieg~ . raob and the sequential fog model appear to ‘be useful in fog prediction for the nearshore oceanic region from San Diego to Point Conception.http://archive.org/details/santaanaassociat00backLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    A Bering Sea Forecast from Oceanographic Monthly Summary (OMS) Data

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    On June 6, 1984, The Environmental Acoustic Research Group was asked if the SST in the Bering Sea for the remainder of June-July would be anomalous. An answer was desired within a few hours. No recent observations were available. However, a newly published article by Niebauer (1984) had established a 25%- 30% probability that surface air temperature in the Pribiloff Island area would be higher some 12 months after an ENSO event (ENSO is an El Nino index). Considering this probability and that there was an ENSO event in 1982-83, an anomalously warm 1984 summer was indicated

    Modeliranje magle nad morem na obali Kalifornije u slučaju "Vruće Kaplje"

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    The occurrence of sea fog along the U.S. Pacific Coast in summer is frequently associated with the movement of a high pressure system from the eastern Pacific to the land. Subsequently there is strong heating of the land over several days or more and development of »hot spells« and offshore flows in the coastal region preceding sea fog formation. This study focuses on modeling the formation and evolution of sea fog in response to interaction between the warm and dry offshore flows and the cool and moist marine atmospheric boundary layer. Simulation results support a conceptual model of fog formation and evolution based on physical processes initiated by offshore flows that efficiently lower the marine inversion near the sea surface. In spite of the warm and dry advection, fog formed in the shallow, near-surface marine layer capped by a strong temperature inversion of 10 °C or more and a hot-air layer above the inversion. Prior to sea fog formation, negative surface heat flux initiates cooling and condensation, while the surface moisture flux contributes to increased humidity and turbulence within the surface layer. The dryness of the hot-air layer overlying the shallow and moist marine layer triggers enhanced radiative cooling at the marine layer top and facilitates the marine layer’s saturation. The thin cloud forms, rapidly propagates downward, and transforms into fog. As soon as the fog is formed, longwave radiative cooling at its top generates turbulent mixing and the growth of the fog as a mixed layer. Due to the fog-top radiative cooling, the fog layer is initially colder than the underlying surface. In the later stage of the fog evolution, continuous mixing of the cool and moist near-surface air with the dry and warm layer above the inversion during the fog growth generally curtails turbulence. This process elevates the lifting condensation level and can lead to sea fog dissipation or generation of stratus.Pojava magle na moru uzduž američko-pacifičke obale je često povezana s premještanjem istočno-pacifičke anticiklone na kopno. U tom slučaju prisutno je višednevno zagrijavanje kopna i razvoj »vruće kaplje« (»hot spell«) te vjetrova koji pušu s kopna na more neposredno prije pojave magle. Cilj ove studije je modeliranje stvaranja i razvoja magle na moru kao posljedice interakcije vrućeg i suhog vjetra s kopna i hladnog i vlažnog maritimnog graničnog sloja. Simulacije potvrđuju izloženi temeljni teorijski model formiranja i razvoja magle nad morem koji je temeljen na fizikalnim procesima u kojima vjetrovi s kopna spuštaju maritimnu inverziju neposredno do morske površine. Usprkos advekciji suhog i toplog zraka, magla nad morem nastaje u plitkom površinskom sloju koji je zatvoren s gornje strane s inverzijom od 10 °C(K) ili više te slojem vrućeg zraka iznad inverzije. Prije formiranja magle na moru, negativni površinski senzibilni fluks topline uzrokuje hlađenje i kondenzaciju dok latentni toplinski fluks doprinosi povećanju vlage i turbulencije u površinskom sloju. Suhoća toplog sloja zraka nad maritimnim slojem uzrokuje pojačano dugovalno radijacijsko ohlađivanje na vrhu maritimnog sloja i pospješava kondenzaciju. Isprva se formira tanki oblak koji se ubrzano razvija prema površini mora te se pretvara u maglu nad morem. Čim se magla formira, radijacijsko ohlađivanje gornje granice stvara turbulentna gibanja i razvoj magle kao sloj miješanja. Uslijed radijacijskog ohlađivanja, magla postaje u početku hladnija od površine. U kasnijoj fazi razvoja magle, stalno miješanje hladnog i vlažnog maritimnog zraka s toplim i suhim slojem iznad inverzije ograničava turbulentno miješanje. Uslijed toga podiže se visina kondenzacijskog nivoa te dolazi do razbijanja magle ili njezine transformacije u stratus

    Computed ocean currents in the Gulf of Mexico [abstract]

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    Hurricane Heat Potential of the Gulf of Mexico

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/1520-0485(1972)0022.0.CO;2Presented at the Conference on the Interaction of the Sea anrl the Atmosphere, 1-3 December 1971, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.It has been demonstrated that a large input of energy from the ocean is necessary to establish and maintain hurricane force winds over the sea. However, there has been no suitable data which could serve as a basis for calculating this input. Now, observations are available to show that, early in the hurricane season, there are varying initial conditions in the Gulf of Mexico which could lead to significantly different total heat exchanges. The sea can provide some seven days of energy flow into a hurricane at some times and at some locations, but less than one day in others depending upon the amount of heat initially available in the Gulf waters. In the four summers represented by the data, a quantity defined as hurricane heat potential was found to vary from a low of 700 cal cm-' column north of Yucatan to a high of 31,600 in the central east Gulf. Synoptic data on hurricane heat potential, if made regularly available to forecasters, might serve as a basis for improved forecasts of changes in intensity and movement of hurricanes