1 research outputs found
Baer’s house (Tartu city, Veski street 4) modelling; evaluation of condition of construction engineering and renovation solutions offering
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Maaehituse õppekavalTeadaolevalt liigub projekteerimine aina enam 2D valdkonnast 3D mudelite koostamise
suunas. Magistritöös analüüsitakse erinevaid 3D tarkvarasid Baer’i maja näitel, antakse
hinnang hoone tehnilisele seisukorrale ja pakutakse välja probleemsete kohtade
Lõputöö esimeses osas uuritakse ajalugu, antakse ülevaade hoonest, krundist ja hoone
valdajatest. Teises osas kirjeldatakse mõõdistusprojekti koostamise protsessi ja
metoodikat, uuritakse Maaehituse eriala teise kursuse poolt koostatud mõõdistusprojekti
ning tehakse selle ekspertiis. Kolmandas osas uuritakse kolme erinevat 3D modelleerimise
tarkvara ning antakse hinnang nende kasutusmugavusele ja otstarbekusele, võttes aluseks
Baer’i maja. Neljandas osas hinnatakse hoone seisukorda visuaalselt ning tuuakse esile
probleemsed kohad. Pakutakse välja nende renoveerimislahendused. Täiendavalt
uuritakse põhjalikumalt hoone sarikate seisukorda resistograafiga ning tehakse kõige
väiksema jääkristlõikega sarika tugevuse kontrollarvutused.
Tarkvarade Vertex, ArchiCad ja Autodesk Revit uurimisel selgus, et teiste programmide
ees on kõige suuremad eelised Autodesk Revit tarkvaral.
Hoone tehnilisel hindamisel selgus, et hoone ees olevate keldri akende valguskastid ja
voodrilaua viimistluse seisukord on halb ning leitud probleemidega peaks tegelema
esimesel võimalusel.
Antud lõputöö tulemused võivad olla aluseks hoone restaureerimise projektile.Today designing is moving more and more from 2D to 3D model making environment. In
this master’s thesis we will analyse different 3D software on the example of Baer house,
evaluation is given to buildings technical condition and renovation solutions are offered
for problematic places.
In the first part of graduation thesis buildings history is studied, overview is given about
the building, the lot and its holders. In the second part the composition of measuring
process and method is described, measuring project composed by land constructions
specialities second course is studied and expertise is conducted. In the third part three
different 3D modelling softwares are analysed and evaluation is given to their ease of use
and practicality on the basis of Baer’s house.
In the fourth part the state of the building is evaluated visually and problematic places are
brought forward.
Renovation solutions for them are suggested. Additionally buildings rafters condition is
thoroughly examined with resistograph and strength control calculation for rafter with
smallest residual cross-section is made.
While conducting study amongst Vertex, ArchiCad, Autodesk Revit software it became
known that compared to other programs Autodesk Revit has biggest advantages.
While conducting buildings technical evaluation it became evident that basement
windows lightboxes located in front of the building and the condition of clapboards
refinement is bad - these problems should be dealt with on first opportunity.
The restoration project could be based on the results of this graduation thesis