155 research outputs found

    Semi-Holographic Fermi Liquids

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    We show that the universal physics of recent holographic non-Fermi liquid models is captured by a semi-holographic description, in which a dynamical boundary field is coupled to a strongly coupled conformal sector having a gravity dual. This allows various generalizations, such as a dynamical exponent and lattice and impurity effects. We examine possible relevant deformations, including multi-trace terms and spin-orbit effects. We discuss the matching onto the UV theory of the earlier work, and an alternate description in which the boundary field is integrated out.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures; v2: typos corrected and report number adde

    Geometry of Schroedinger Space-Times II: Particle and Field Probes of the Causal Structure

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    We continue our study of the global properties of the z=2 Schroedinger space-time. In particular, we provide a codimension 2 isometric embedding which naturally gives rise to the previously introduced global coordinates. Furthermore, we study the causal structure by probing the space-time with point particles as well as with scalar fields. We show that, even though there is no global time function in the technical sense (Schroedinger space-time being non-distinguishing), the time coordinate of the global Schroedinger coordinate system is, in a precise way, the closest one can get to having such a time function. In spite of this and the corresponding strongly Galilean and almost pathological causal structure of this space-time, it is nevertheless possible to define a Hilbert space of normalisable scalar modes with a well-defined time-evolution. We also discuss how the Galilean causal structure is reflected and encoded in the scalar Wightman functions and the bulk-to-bulk propagator.Comment: 32 page

    The identification of eosinophilic gastroenteritis in prednisone-dependent eosinophilic bronchitis and asthma

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    This case reports the unique association of eosinophilic gastrointestinal disease with eosinophilic bronchitis, asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis and some features of lymphocytic hypereosinophilic syndrome, describes a diagnostic protocol for patients with asthma and persistent eosinophilic bronchitis, and suggests that the use of a novel EPX-mAb provides a reliable method to identify eosinophilic inflammation

    Shear Modes, Criticality and Extremal Black Holes

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    We consider a (2+1)-dimensional field theory, assumed to be holographically dual to the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom AdS(4) black hole background, and calculate the retarded correlators of charge (vector) current and energy-momentum (tensor) operators at finite momentum and frequency. We show that, similar to what was observed previously for the correlators of scalar and spinor operators, these correlators exhibit emergent scaling behavior at low frequency. We numerically compute the electromagnetic and gravitational quasinormal frequencies (in the shear channel) of the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom AdS(4) black hole corresponding to the spectrum of poles in the retarded correlators. The picture that emerges is quite simple: there is a branch cut along the negative imaginary frequency axis, and a series of isolated poles corresponding to damped excitations. All of these poles are always in the lower half complex frequency plane, indicating stability. We show that this analytic structure can be understood as the proper limit of finite temperature results as T is taken to zero holding the chemical potential fixed.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, added reference

    Holographic Superconductors in a Cohesive Phase

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    We consider a four-dimensional N=2 gauged supergravity coupled to matter fields. The model is obtained by a U(1) gauging of a charged hypermultiplet and therefore it is suitable for the study of holographic superconductivity. The potential has a topologically flat direction and the parameter running on this "moduli space" labels the new superconducting black holes. Zero temperature solutions are constructed and the phase diagram of the theory is studied. The model has rich dynamics. The retrograde condensate is just a special case in the new class of black holes. The calculation of the entanglement entropy makes manifest the properties of a generic solution and the superconductor at zero temperature is in a confined cohesive phase. The parameter running on the topologically flat direction is a marginal coupling in the dual field theory. We prove this statement by considering the way double trace deformations are treated in the AdS/CFT correspondence. Finally, we comment on a possible connection, in the context of gauge/gravity dualities, between the geometry of the scalar manifold in N=2 supergravity models and the space of marginal deformations of the dual field theory.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures. Introduction rewritten and clarified, comments and details on section 4 added, acknowledgements rectified. To appear in JHE

    Holographic Entanglement Entropy and Fermi Surfaces

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    The entanglement entropy in theories with a Fermi surface is known to produce a logarithmic violation of the usual area law behavior. We explore the possibility of producing this logarithmic violation holographically by analyzing the IR regions of the bulk geometries dual to such theories. The geometry of Ogawa, Takayanagi, and Ugajin is explored and shown to have a null curvature singularity for all values of parameters, except for dynamical critical exponent 3/2 in four dimensions. The results are extended to general hyperscaling violation exponent. We explore strings propagating through the singularity and show that they become infinitely excited, suggesting the singularity is not resolved by stringy effects and may become a full-fledged "stringularity." An Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton embedding of the nonsingular geometry is exhibited where the dilaton asymptotes to a constant in the IR. The unique nonsingular geometry in any given number of dimensions is proposed as a model to study the T=0 limit of a theory with a Fermi surface.Comment: 20 pages plus appendices, 5 figures; v2 discussion clarified, results generalized, and acknowledgments update

    Differential relationships of family drinking with alcohol expectancy among urban school children

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Positive alcohol outcome expectancy has consistently been linked with problematic drinking, but there is little population-based evidence on its role on early stages of drinking in childhood. The present study seeks to understand the extent to which drinking of family members is differentially associated with the endorsement of alcohol expectancy in late childhood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A representative sample of 4th and 6th graders (N = 2455) drawn from 28 public schools in an urban region of Taiwan completed a self-administered paper-and-pencil questionnaire. Each student provided information on alcohol expectancy, drinking experiences, and individual and family attributes. Complex survey analyses were performed to evaluate the relationship, with stratification by children's alcohol drinking history.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An estimated 29% of the 4<sup>th </sup>graders and 43% of the 6<sup>th </sup>graders had initiated alcohol consumption (over 40% of them had drank on three or more occasions). Alcohol drinking-related differences appear in both the endorsement and the correlates of alcohol expectancy. Positive alcohol expectancy was strongly associated with family drinking, particularly the dimension of "enhanced social behaviors"; negative alcohol expectancy was inversely associated with drinking frequency. Among alcohol naïve children, significant connections appear between paternal drinking and three dimensions of positive alcohol expectancy (i.e., enhanced social behaviors:β<sub>wt </sub>= 0.15, promoting relaxation or tension reduction:β<sub>wt </sub>= 0.18, and global positive transformation:β<sub>wt </sub>= 0.22).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Individual tailored strategies that address family influences on alcohol expectancy may be needed in prevention programs targeting drinking behaviors in children.</p

    Mutator dynamics in sexual and asexual experimental populations of yeast

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In asexual populations, mutators may be expected to hitchhike with associated beneficial mutations. In sexual populations, recombination is predicted to erode such associations, inhibiting mutator hitchhiking. To investigate the effect of recombination on mutators experimentally, we compared the frequency dynamics of a mutator allele (<it>msh2</it>Δ) in sexual and asexual populations of <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mutator strains increased in frequency at the expense of wild-type strains in all asexual diploid populations, with some approaching fixation in 150 generations of propagation. Over the same period of time, mutators declined toward loss in all corresponding sexual diploid populations as well as in haploid populations propagated asexually.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We report the first experimental investigation of mutator dynamics in sexual populations. We show that a strong mutator quickly declines in sexual populations while hitchhiking to high frequency in asexual diploid populations, as predicted by theory. We also show that the <it>msh2Δ </it>mutator has a high and immediate realized cost that is alone sufficient to explain its decline in sexual populations. We postulate that this cost is indirect; namely, that it is due to a very high rate of recessive lethal or strongly deleterious mutation. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that <it>msh2</it>Δ also has unknown directly deleterious effects on fitness, and that these effects may differ between haploid asexual and sexual populations. Despite these reservations, our results prompt us to speculate that the short-term cost of highly deleterious recessive mutations can be as important as recombination in preventing mutator hitchhiking in sexual populations.</p