406 research outputs found

    Broken Punishment Networks in Public Goods Games: Experimental Evidence

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    Abundant evidence suggests that high levels of contributions to public goods can be sustained through self-governed monitoring and sanctions. This experimental study investigates the effectiveness of decentralized sanctioning institutions where punishment opportunities are restricted to agents who are linked through alternative punishment networks. We find that the structure of the punishment network significantly impacts contributions to the public good, but not overall efficiencies. Contributions collapse over decision rounds in groups with limited punishment opportunities, even if the absolute punishment capacity corresponds to the complete punishment network where all agents are allowed to punish each other. However, after allowing for the costs of sanctions, efficiencies are similar across the different networks that allow for punishment and the no-punishment network.public goods experiment, punishment, cooperation, networks

    Scattering of Glue by Glue on the Light-cone Worldsheet II: Helicity Conserving Amplitudes

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    This is the second of a pair of articles on scattering of glue by glue, in which we give the light-cone gauge calculation of the one-loop on-shell helicity conserving scattering amplitudes for gluon-gluon scattering (neglecting quark loops). The 1/p^+ factors in the gluon propagator are regulated by replacing p^+ integrals with discretized sums omitting the p^+=0 terms in each sum. We also employ a novel ultraviolet regulator that is convenient for the light-cone worldsheet description of planar Feynman diagrams. The helicity conserving scattering amplitudes are divergent in the infra-red. The infrared divergences in the elastic one-loop amplitude are shown to cancel, in their contribution to cross sections, against ones in the cross section for unseen bremsstrahlung gluons. We include here the explicit calculation of the latter, because it assumes an unfamiliar form due to the peculiar way discretization of p^+ regulates infrared divergences. In resolving the infrared divergences we employ a covariant definition of jets, which allows a transparent demonstration of the Lorentz invariance of our final results. Because we use an explicit cutoff of the ultraviolet divergences in exactly 4 space-time dimensions, we must introduce explicit counterterms to achieve this final covariant result. These counter-terms are polynomials in the external momenta of the precise order dictated by power-counting. We discuss the modifications they entail for the light-cone worldsheet action that reproduces the ``bare'' planar diagrams of the gluonic sector of QCD. The simplest way to do this is to interpret the QCD string as moving in six space-time dimensions.Comment: 56 pages, 21 figures, references added, minor typos correcte

    The light-cone gauge and the calculation of the two-loop splitting functions

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    We present calculations of next-to-leading order QCD splitting functions, employing the light-cone gauge method of Curci, Furmanski, and Petronzio (CFP). In contrast to the `principal-value' prescription used in the original CFP paper for dealing with the poles of the light-cone gauge gluon propagator, we adopt the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt prescription which is known to have a solid field-theoretical foundation. We find that indeed the calculation using this prescription is conceptionally clear and avoids the somewhat dubious manipulations of the spurious poles required when the principal-value method is applied. We reproduce the well-known results for the flavour non-singlet splitting function and the N_C^2 part of the gluon-to-gluon singlet splitting function, which are the most complicated ones, and which provide an exhaustive test of the ML prescription. We also discuss in some detail the x=1 endpoint contributions to the splitting functions.Comment: 41 Pages, LaTeX, 8 figures and tables as eps file

    Interpolating gauge fixing for Chern-Simons theory

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    Chern-Simons theory is analyzed with a gauge-fixing which allows to discuss the Landau gauge and the light-cone gauge at the same time.Comment: 11 pages, Report TUW-93-2

    On General Axial Gauges for QCD

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    General Axial Gauges within a perturbative approach to QCD are plagued by 'spurious' propagator singularities. Their regularisation has to face major conceptual and technical problems. We show that this obstacle is naturally absent within a Wilsonian or 'Exact' Renormalisation Group approach and explain why this is so. The axial gauge turns out to be a fixed point under the flow, and the universal 1-loop running of the gauge coupling is computed.Comment: 4 pages, latex, talk presented by DFL at QCD'98, Montpellier, July 2-8, 1998; to be published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.

    Finite temperature formalism for nonabelian gauge theories in the physical phase space

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    We establish a new framework of finite temperature field theory for Yang-Mills theories in the physical phase space eliminating all unphysical degrees of freedoms. Relating our method to the imaginary time formalism of James and Landshoff in temporal axial gauge, we calculate the two-loop pressure and provide a systematic and unique method to construct the additional vertices encountered in their approach.Comment: 18 pages, 5 postscript figures, uses revtex, eps

    Broken punishment networks in public goods games: Experimental evidence

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    Abundant evidence suggests that high levels of contributions to public goods can be sustained through self-governed monitoring and sanctions. This experimental study investigates the effectiveness of decentralized sanctioning institutions where punishment opportunities are restricted to agents who are linked through alternative punishment networks. We find that the structure of the punishment network significantly impacts contributions to the public good, but not overall efficiencies. Contributions collapse over decision rounds in groups with limited punishment opportunities, even if the absolute punishment capacity corresponds to the complete punishment network where all agents are allowed to punish each other. However, after allowing for the costs of sanctions, efficiencies are similar across the different networks that allow for punishment and the no-punishment network

    Wilson Loop and the Treatment of Axial Gauge Poles

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    We consider the question of gauge invariance of the Wilson loop in the light of a new treatment of axial gauge propagator proposed recently based on a finite field-dependent BRS (FFBRS) transformation. We remark that as under the FFBRS transformation the vacuum expectation value of a gauge invariant observable remains unchanged, our prescription automatically satisfies the Wilson loop criterion. Further, we give an argument for {\it direct} verification of the invariance of Wilson loop to O(g^4) using the earlier work by Cheng and Tsai. We also note that our prescription preserves the thermal Wilson loop to O(g^2).Comment: 8 pages, LaTex; some typos related to equation (18) correcte

    Comparison of quantum field perturbation theory for the light front with the theory in lorentz coordinates

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    The relationship between the perturbation theory in light-front coordinates and Lorentz-covariant perturbation theory is investigated. A method for finding the difference between separate terms of the corresponding series without their explicit evaluation is proposed. A procedure of constructing additional counter-terms to the canonical Hamiltonian that compensate this difference at any finite order is proposed. For the Yukawa model, the light-front Hamiltonian with all of these counter-terms is obtained in a closed form. Possible application of this approach to gauge theories is discussed.Comment: LaTex 2.09, 20 pages, 5 figure
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