11 research outputs found

    Choosing a crop yield goal

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    SF-822; This circular focuses on choosing a yield goal for fields and includes information on what your yield goal should be and management factors for higher yields

    Farm Household's Adjustments to Changing Economic Conditions: Highlights of 1986 Farm Survey

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    This article is a comprehensive summary of survey results from the March 1986 follow-up survey of over 900 North Dakota farmers initially contacted in March and April 1985. That year 933 farmers and ranchers were surveyed regarding their 1984 financial and other socio-economic characteristics, such as their off-farm employment histories and trade patterns. Causes of the farm situation, attitudes about farming and farmers, financial assistance policies, management adjustment strategies and the effects on personal lives are presented in this paper

    Projecting Public Sector Effects of a New Industry in a Rural Area

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    This paper presents a model for ex ante evaluation of the effect of new industry on public sector costs and revenues. The model employs input output interdependence coefficients and cost and revenue estimators to evaluate total (direct, indirect, and induced) effects of new industry. Model application is demonstrated

    The North Dakota Input-Output Model: A Tool for Measuring Economic Linkages

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    The article is an inquiry into the effects of one market sector upon the total North Dakota economy. Historically, the state's economy has been agriculturally driven. With the advent of new industries, this shifts input into revenue from one to another or redistributes such. This article takes an analytical approach to theses segments of the total state inputs into the economy. They conclude that the North Dakota Input-Output Model that they set forth is both a useful one and accurate for the description of economics linkages and interrelationships that exist in North Dakota's economy in regards to both industrial and agricultural developments/inputs. The more detailed and accurate the information that public policy makers have available, the more precise, best suited, educated decisions for the management regarding the state's economy

    The North Dakota Input-Output Model: A Tool for Analyzing Economic Linkages

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    North Dakota's input-output model has become an integral part of many economic research activities involving state issues. Since its development to analyze the economic impacts associated with irrigation development in the 1960s, the model has been updated and used to analyze the effects of a wide variety of projects in North Dakota, Because the model is used and referenced frequently by economic researchers, the nontechnical audience often requests additional information to explain the input-output model and the theory behind it. The purpose of this report is to explain the principles of input-output analysis, to describe the structure of the North Dakota model, and to explain how to interpret the results that might be found in a feasibility or economic contribution study. This report was designed to be a companion document that can be used in conjunction with any report or presentation involving the North Dakota input-output model

    The North Dakota Input-Output Model: A Tool for Analyzing Economic Linkages

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    North Dakota's input-output model has become an integral part of many economic research activities involving state issues. Since its development to analyze the economic impacts associated with irrigation development in the 1960s, the model has been updated and used to analyze the effects of a wide variety of projects in North Dakota, Because the model is used and referenced frequently by economic researchers, the nontechnical audience often requests additional information to explain the input-output model and the theory behind it. The purpose of this report is to explain the principles of input-output analysis, to describe the structure of the North Dakota model, and to explain how to interpret the results that might be found in a feasibility or economic contribution study. This report was designed to be a companion document that can be used in conjunction with any report or presentation involving the North Dakota input-output model.Community/Rural/Urban Development, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,