4 research outputs found

    Rendimento, valor nutritivo e características fermentativas de silagens de cereais de inverno

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    O experimento foi conduzido para avaliar o rendimento de forragem, valor nutritivo e a qualidade fermentativa de silagens de cereais de inverno. Foram avaliados doze genótipos de gramíneas anuais de inverno: aveias brancas: URS 21, URS Guapa e Barbarasul; trigos: BRS Tarumã e BRS Umbu; triticales: Embrapa 53 e BRS Minotauro; centeio: BRS Serrano; cevada: BRS Cauê; e aveias pretas: BRS 139-Neblina, IAPAR 61-Ibiporã e Ucrânia. A ensilagem foi realizada no estádio de grão pastoso a massa firme, com 30 a 35% de matéria seca, e armazenada em silos experimentais de PVC, por 90 dias, para avaliação. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Todos os genótipos avaliados apresentaram características satisfatórias para ensilagem. O centeio BRS Serrano apresentou maior produção de biomassa ensilável, enquanto a cevada BRS Cauê, o trigo BRS Umbu e as aveias brancas UFRGS 19, URS Fapa-Slava e UPF 16 apresentaram os maiores teores de proteína bruta

    Carcass quality, parts and tissue development of lambs finished in three systems

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of finishing systems on natural pasture and gender on the carcass quality, parts and tissue development of lambs. Forty-five non-castrated males and forty-five females were distributed in a completely randomized design into three treatments: lamb with mother kept on pasture; weaned lamb kept on pasture and weaned lamb kept on pasture with supplementation (soybean hulls at 1% of body weight). The criteria for slaughter was body condition score (2.0 - 3.0). The carcass characteristics and parts composition were influenced by the sex. The finishing system with supplementation promoted greater carcass yield and longer leg length. The tissue composition was different only for the sex, with the males presenting bigger amount of muscle mass. The allometric growth of shoulder of supplemented lambs and the shoulder and leg of the lambs with mother had been precocious, while the ribs of the supplemented lambs and lambs with the mother were late and the other components had growth similar to the half-carcass. For the females, only shoulder of lambs finished with mother presented precocious growth, being isogonic for the other cuts. The finished systems evaluated demonstrated that Texel × Corrierdale lambs slaughtered with similar body condition score present similar carcass quality. The development is influenced by the termination system and sex. The quali-quantitative characteristics of the carcass were influenced by the sex. The development of the regional components of the males are influenced by the finishing system. Nevertheless, the tissu components are not influenced by the finishing system or gender

    Avaliação sensorial da carne de cordeiros machos e fêmeas Texel × Corriedale terminados em diferentes sistemas Sensory evaluation of meat lambs from males and femeles Texel × Corriedale finished in different systems

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    O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do sexo e de três sistemas de terminação nas características sensoriais da carne de cordeiros Texel × Corriedale e na aceitação da carne pelo consumidor. Foram utilizados 90 animais, 45 cordeiros machos não-castrados e 45 fêmeas mantidos em pastagem até o desmame (70 dias) e terminados em três sistemas de produção: pastagem; pastagem ao pé da mãe; e pastagem com suplementação (casca de soja em nível correspondente a 1% do peso vivo dos cordeiros). Após o abate, as carcaças foram armazenadas em câmara fria, com ar forçado, a 1ºC, durante 24 horas, para retirada do músculo longissimus dorsi, que foi congelado a -18ºC para análise sensorial. A caracterização sensorial da carne foi realizada por meio da análise descritiva quantitativa: 22 termos descritivos foram desenvolvidos por uma equipe de julgadores selecionados, que geraram também a definição de cada termo e as amostras-referência. Foi realizado um teste de aceitação utilizando escala hedônica híbrida de nove pontos. A carne dos machos e dos animais terminados em pastagem ao pé da mãe caracterizou-se pelo odor e sabor residual mais suaves de carne ovina e gordura, menor maciez e maior mastigabilidade em comparação à das fêmeas e dos animais terminados nos demais sistemas. As carnes dos cordeiros terminados nos sistemas de pastagem e de pastagem com suplementação são semelhantes quanto aos aspectos sensoriais. A carne é igualmente aceita pelos consumidores, independentemente do sexo e do sistema de terminação, apresentando boa aceitação.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of sex and of three finishing systems on sensory traits of Texel × Corriedale lamb meat an on the consumer acceptance of the meat. It was used 90 animals, 45 non-castrated male lambs and 45 females kept on pasture until weaning (70 days of age) and finished in three production systems: pasture, pasture with mother, and pasture with supplementation (soybean hull corresponding to 1% of life weight of the lambs). After slaughter, carcasses were stored in cold chamber, with forced air at 1ºC until reaching 24 hours for removal of longissimus dorsi muscle which had been frozen at -18ºC for sensory analysis. Meat sensorial characterization was performed by quantitative descriptive analyses: 22 descriptive terms were developed by a team of selected judges who also created the definition for each term and the reference-samples. Acceptability test was performed by using a nine-point hybrid hedonic scale. Meat of male animals and of animals finished in pasture with the mother was characterized by the flavor and softer residual taste sheep meat and fat, less softness and higher chewiness in comparison to the meat of female and of animals finished in the other systems. Meat of lambs finished in pasture systems and pasture with supplementation were similar regarding to sensory aspects. Meat was equally accepted by the consumers, regardless of sex and finishing system, presenting good acceptability