13,816 research outputs found

    Fluid thrust control system

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    A pure fluid thrust control system is described for a pump-fed, regeneratively cooled liquid propellant rocket engine. A proportional fluid amplifier and a bistable fluid amplifier control overshoot in the starting of the engine and take it to a predetermined thrust. An ejector type pump is provided in the line between the liquid hydrogen rocket nozzle heat exchanger and the turbine driving the fuel pump to aid in bringing the fluid at this point back into the regular system when it is not bypassed. The thrust control system is intended to function in environments too severe for mechanical controls

    Diffractive charged meson pair production

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    We investigate the possibility to measure the nonforward gluon distribution function by means of diffractively produced \pi^+\pi^- and K^+K^- pairs in polarized lepton nucleon scattering. The resulting cross sections are small and are dominated by the gluonic contribution. We find relatively large spin asymmetries, both for \pi^+\pi^- and for K^+K^- pairs.Comment: 15 pages, version with changed kinematical cuts, to be pubished in Phys.Lett.

    Resolution of Nested Neuronal Representations Can Be Exponential in the Number of Neurons

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    Collective computation is typically polynomial in the number of computational elements, such as transistors or neurons, whether one considers the storage capacity of a memory device or the number of floating-point operations per second of a CPU. However, we show here that the capacity of a computational network to resolve real-valued signals of arbitrary dimensions can be exponential in N, even if the individual elements are noisy and unreliable. Nested, modular codes that achieve such high resolutions mirror the properties of grid cells in vertebrates, which underlie spatial navigation

    The first-mover advantage in scientific publication

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    Mathematical models of the scientific citation process predict a strong "first-mover" effect under which the first papers in a field will, essentially regardless of content, receive citations at a rate enormously higher than papers published later. Moreover papers are expected to retain this advantage in perpetuity -- they should receive more citations indefinitely, no matter how many other papers are published after them. We test this conjecture against data from a selection of fields and in several cases find a first-mover effect of a magnitude similar to that predicted by the theory. Were we wearing our cynical hat today, we might say that the scientist who wants to become famous is better off -- by a wide margin -- writing a modest paper in next year's hottest field than an outstanding paper in this year's. On the other hand, there are some papers, albeit only a small fraction, that buck the trend and attract significantly more citations than theory predicts despite having relatively late publication dates. We suggest that papers of this kind, though they often receive comparatively few citations overall, are probably worthy of our attention.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Narrative entrepreneurship: bringing (his)story back to entrepreneurship

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    Universitäten als regionale Förderer der Wirtschaft?

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    In diesem Beitrag werden mögliche Einflussfaktoren auf die Standortentscheidung von Unternehmen in der Umgebung von Universitäten aufgezeigt. Dabei wird auf Studien zurückgegriffen, die anhand der am Neuen Markt gelisteten Unternehmen durchgeführt wurden. Als wesentliche Einflussfaktoren auf die Ansiedlung von Unternehmen in räumlicher Nähe zu Universitäten erweisen sich die Anzahl der Studenten sowie die Forschungsleistungen, vor allem im Bereich der Naturwissenschaften. Zudem macht sich für Unternehmen die räumliche Nähe zu einer forschungsintensiven Universität längerfristig in einer überdurchschnittlichen Entwicklung am Aktienmarkt bezahlt.Wirtschaftsförderung; Regionalpolitik; Hochschule; Forschungskooperation; Betriebliche Standortwahl; Standortfaktor

    Quasi-Bayesian Nonparametric Density Estimation via Autoregressive Predictive Updates

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    Bayesian methods are a popular choice for statistical inference in small-data regimes due to the regularization effect induced by the prior. In the context of density estimation, the standard nonparametric Bayesian approach is to target the posterior predictive of the Dirichlet process mixture model. In general, direct estimation of the posterior predictive is intractable and so methods typically resort to approximating the posterior distribution as an intermediate step. The recent development of quasi-Bayesian predictive copula updates, however, has made it possible to perform tractable predictive density estimation without the need for posterior approximation. Although these estimators are computationally appealing, they struggle on non-smooth data distributions. This is due to the comparatively restrictive form of the likelihood models from which the proposed copula updates were derived. To address this shortcoming, we consider a Bayesian nonparametric model with an autoregressive likelihood decomposition and a Gaussian process prior. While the predictive update of such a model is typically intractable, we derive a quasi-Bayesian update that achieves state-of-the-art results in small-data regimes

    A context-choice model of niche entrepreneurship

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    A New Renormalization Scheme of Fermion Fields in Electroweak Standard Model

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    This paper has been withdrawn by the author,due a immature idea.Comment: 6 page

    Detailed studies of non-linear magneto-optical resonances at D1 excitation of Rb-85 and Rb-87 for partially resolved hyperfine F-levels

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    Experimental signals of non-linear magneto-optical resonances at D1 excitation of natural rubidium in a vapor cell have been obtained and described with experimental accuracy by a detailed theoretical model based on the optical Bloch equations. The D1 transition of rubidium is a challenging system to analyze theoretically because it contains transitions that are only partially resolved under Doppler broadening. The theoretical model took into account all nearby transitions, the coherence properties of the exciting laser radiation, and the mixing of magnetic sublevels in an external magnetic field and also included averaging over the Doppler profile. Great care was taken to obtain accurate experimental signals and avoid systematic errors. The experimental signals were reproduced very well at each hyperfine transition and over a wide range of laser power densities, beam diameters, and laser detunings from the exact transition frequency. The bright resonance expected at the F_g=1 --> F_e=2 transition of Rb-87 has been observed. A bright resonance was observed at the F_g=2 --> F_e=3 transition of Rb-85, but displaced from the exact position of the transition due to the influence of the nearby F_g=2 --> F_e=2 transition, which is a dark resonance whose contrast is almost two orders of magnitude larger than the contrast of the bright resonance at the F_g=2 --> F_e=3 transition. Even in this very delicate situation, the theoretical model described in detail the experimental signals at different laser detunings.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure
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