26 research outputs found
Il corredo epigrafico dei vetri dorati: novità e considerazioni
L’A. evidenzia la scarsa attenzione, finora riservata negli studi epigrafici ai numerosi tituli attestati sulla produzione tardo-antica dei cd. «vetri dorati» (III e IV sec. d.C.), e presenta un progetto di ricerca, patrocinato dai Musei Vaticani e volto a rivalutare, attraverso l’edizione di un corpus, tale patrimonio epigrafico (interessante per paleografia, forme linguistiche, formulario, onomastica, prosopografia). L’A. fornisce inoltre un’esemplificazione delle novità scaturite dalle prime indagini: nuovi attacchi, nuove letture, conferme di vecchie letture,
novità onomastiche, possibili identificazioni di personaggi, risultati dell’esame paleografico sui vetri pertinenti alle 10 botteghe di produzione identificate da Lucia Faedo (integrate da Hans-Jörg Nüsse).Having observed the lack of attention, that epigraphic studies have until now reserved to the numerous tituli attested on the late antique production of the so-called «Gold Glasses» (III and IV century AD), the author presents a research project, sponsored by the Vatican Museums and aimed to re-evaluate, through the publication of a corpus, such an epigraphic patrimony (interesting for palaeography, language forms, formulary, onomastics,
prosopography). The A. also provides an exemplification of the novelties resulting from the initial investigation: new attacks, new readings, confirmations of old readings, new names, possible identifications of people, paleographic examination results on the glass pertinent to the 10 workshops identified by Lucia Faedo (integrated by Hans-Jörg Nüsse)
The relationship between surrounding greenness, stress and memory
Evidence suggests that surrounding greenness is associated with multiple health-related benefits, including better cognitive functioning. Underlying mechanisms of the relationship between exposure to natural environments and cognitive functioning have not been widely researched. This study aimed to analyse the relationship between surrounding greenness and memory performance, and to explore the potential mediating role of stress. A sample of 185 adults was recruited in Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-under-Lyme (UK). Data were collected on exposure to and use of natural environments, stress, three measures of memory performance (short-term memory, working memory, overall memory), and participant socio-demographics. Linear univariate regression was conducted to investigate the relationship between surrounding greenness, memory performance and stress. Mediation analysis was conducted to investigate the role of stress as mediator of the relationship between surrounding greenness and memory performance. Surrounding greenness was significantly associated with better memory performance and lower levels of stress, and lower levels of stress were significantly associated with better memory performance. Stress was a significant partial mediator of the relationship between surrounding greenness and short-term memory, and between surrounding greenness and working memory. One explanation for these findings is that stress is a multifaceted reaction to a demand which involves cognitive functioning, so that less stress might lead to improved cognition. These results suggest that cognitive benefits of exposure to surrounding greenness are partially mediated by lower levels of stress. Future research should consider other potential mediators of the relationships between surrounding greenness and cognitive functioning, such as mood, well-being and social relationships
Ratio marmoraria. Iscrizioni estemporanee sulle pareti di un ambiente di età romana nel complesso del Barco Borghese a Monte Porzio Catone (RM)
Recenti lavori di risistemazione e scavo nel complesso monumentale del Barco Borghese a Monte Porzio Catone (RM) hanno permesso di individuare sulle pareti di un ambiente un interessante corredo epigrafico, a pennello, a carboncino e a sgraffio (I-inizi II sec. d. C., forse, fine I sec. d. C.). Si tratta di una serie di appunti estemporanei eseguiti dal personale addetto ad un magazzino, che annotano, in date diverse (circoscrivibili, forse, ai mesi estivi di uno stesso anno), prelievi a scopo edilizio (per intonaci, stucchi, ecc.) di differenti quantità di polvere di marmo, calcolate in modii, unità di misura documentata per la prima volta in relazione a questo materiale. L’intestazione «Ratio marmoraria » , a pennello, in capitale posata, mette in relazione questi appunti con una gestione amministrativa della polvere di marmo, da connettere ipoteticamente ad una gestione imperiale o, forse meglio, ad una più semplice «contabilità della polvere di marmo » – prelevata per lavori edilizi e ad uso strettamente privato dell’edificio monumentale – da un magazzino, la cui vita sarebbe stata limitata alla durata del cantiere.Lega Claudia. Ratio marmoraria. Iscrizioni estemporanee sulle pareti di un ambiente di età romana nel complesso del Barco Borghese a Monte Porzio Catone (RM). In: Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, tome 115, n°2. 2003. Antiquité. pp. 563-592
Vestiarii (1)
Lega Claudia. Vestiarii (1). In: Epigrafia della produzione e della distribuzione. Actes de la VIIe Rencontre franco-italienne sur l'épigraphie du monde romain (Rome, 5-6 juin 1992) Rome : École Française de Rome, 1994. pp. 759-762. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 193
Plan de mercadeo para la empresa Nikuq
En el mercado colombiano existen múltiples y diversas oportunidades de negocio, dado por su geografÃa, explotación de recursos naturales y caracterÃsticas étnicas del paÃs. Esta diversidad, posibilita a grandes inversionistas y emprendedores a generar nuevas ideas de negocios que satisfagan las necesidades del mercado. Por esta razón, la empresa NIKUQ identificó una oportunidad de negocio; se enfocó en analizar el sector joyero en Colombia. Según un estudio realizado por Zeiky (2005) se encontró que las empresas en este ámbito tienen un mercado potencial por explotar dado por; la tradición artesanal existente en Colombia, los bajos costos de la mano de obra capacitada, debido a la tradición y diversidad étnica y la obtención de materias primas en el sector minero, como el oro, la plata y las esmeraldas.Presentación. Marco teórico. MetodologÃa propuesta. Plan de mercadeo. Conclusiones. Recomendaciones. Referencias bibliográficas. Anexos. Lista de ilustraciones, fotos y Tablas.Administrador de EmpresasPregrad
Curcumin anti-apoptotic action in a model of intestinal epithelial inflammatory damage
The purpose of this study is to determine if a preventive treatment with curcumin can protect intestinal epithelial cells from inflammatory damage induced by IFNγ. To achieve this goal we have used a human intestinal epithelial cell line (HT29) treated with IFNγ to undergo apoptotic changes that can reproduce the damage of intestinal epithelia exposed to inflammatory cytokines. In this model, we measured the effect of curcumin (curcuminoid from Curcuma Longa) added as a pre-treatment at different time intervals before stimulation with IFNγ. Curcumin administration to HT29 culture before the inflammatory stimulus IFNγ reduced the cell apoptosis rate. This effect gradually declined with the reduction of the curcumin pre-incubation time. This anti-apoptotic action by curcumin pre-treatment was paralleled by a reduction of secreted IL7 in the HT29 culture media, while there was no relevant change in the other cytokine levels. Even though curcumin pre-administration did not impact the activation of the NF-κB pathway, a slight effect on the phosphorylation of proteins in this inflammatory signaling pathway was observed. In conclusion, curcumin pre-treatment can protect intestinal cells from inflammatory damage. These results can be the basis for studying the preventive role of curcumin in inflammatory bowel diseases
Characterization of terrestrial discharges into coastal waters with thermal imagery from a hierarchical monitoring program
Background: The hierarchical use of remotely-sensed imagery from satellites, and then proximally-sensed imagery from helicopter sand drones, can provide a range of spatial and temporal coverage that supports water quality monitoring of complex pollution scenarios. Methods: The study used hierarchical satellite-, helicopter-, and drone-acquired thermal imagery of coastal plumes ranging from 3 to 300 m, near Naples, Italy, and captured temporally- and spatially-overlapping in situ samples to correlate thermal and water quality parameters in each plume and the seawater. Results: In situ sampling determined that between-plume salinity varied by 37%, chlorophyll-a varied by 356%, dissolved oxygen varied by 81%, and turbidity varied by 232%. The radiometric temperature, Trad, for the plume area of interest had a correlation of 0.81 with salinity, 0.74 with chlorophyll-a, 0.98 with dissolved oxygen, and -0.61 with turbidity. Conclusion: This study established hierarchical use of remote and proximal thermal imagery can provide monitoring of complex coastal areas
Perinatal mental health care in the Italian Mental Health Departments: a national survey
Background Evidence on the negative outcomes of untreated mental disorders during pregnancy and in the first year after childbirth on women and children's health has stimulated interest in how to develop and sustain high-quality mental health care during the perinatal period. In Italy, there is a lack of knowledge about how mental health services support women with perinatal mental disorders (PMDs). This study aims to describe the adoption of good practices for the prevention and care of PMDs by the Italian Mental Health Departments (MHDs). Methods This is a nationwide cross-sectional survey conducted online using LimeSurvey. Starting from the Ministry of Health Registry 127 MHDs were invited to participate between February and March 2023. Characteristics of the participating MHDs were reported as descriptive statistics. Results One hundred and nineteen MHDs participated, with a response rate of 93.7%. Regarding the prevention of PMDs, 69 (58.0%) MHDs offer preconception counselling, whereas only 6 (5.0%) have information material for this purpose. Written integrated care pathways for PMDs are not available in 94 (79.7%) MHDs. A reference professional for psychopharmacological treatment during pregnancy or breastfeeding is available in 55 (46.2%) MHDs while a specific treatment plan for women with PMDs is adopted by 27 (22.7%) MHDs. Thirty-four (28.6%) MHDs have established an outpatient clinic for PMDs, whereas there are no inpatient psychiatric facilities designed for mothers and infants (Mother-baby Units). Conclusions There is a need to improve the care of women with PMDs in Italy. The provision of pre- conception counselling, integrated care pathways and specialist skills and facilities for PMDs should be prioritised