1,994 research outputs found

    Importance of Soil and Plant Community Disturbance for Establishment of Bromus tectorum in the Intermountain West, USA

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    The annual grass Bromus tectorum has invaded millions of hectares in western North America and has transformed former perennial grass and shrub-dominated communities into annual grasslands. Fire plays a key role in the maintenance of B. tectorum on the landscape but the type of disturbance responsible for initial invasion is less well understood. We conducted an experiment in a perennial shrub/grass/forb community in eastern Idaho, USA to examine the roles of plant community and soil disturbance on B. tectorum emergence and establishment prior to state-changing fires. Our experiment consisted of a plant community disturbance treatment where we (1) removed the shrub component, (2) removed the grass/forb component, or (3) removed all shrubs, grasses, and forbs. We followed this treatment with seeding of B. tectorum onto the soil surface that was (1) intact, or (2) disturbed. Each experimental plot had an associated control with no plant community disturbance but was seeded in the same manner. The experiment was replicated 20 times in two sites (high and low aboveground biomass). We measured emergence by counting seedlings in late spring and establishment by counting, removing, and weighing B. tectorum individuals in mid-summer. We also examined the influence of plant community disturbance on the soil environment by measuring extractable NH4 + and NO3 – four times each summer. Soil disturbance greatly influenced the number of B. tectorum individuals that emerged each spring. Plant community disturbance, specifically disturbance of the grass/forb component, increased N availability in the late growing season and biomass of B. tectorum the following summer. We conclude that soil disturbance and plant community disturbance interact to promote the initial invasion of B. tectorum in Intermountain West valley ecosystems

    Abundance, Spatial Distribution, and Mortality of Young-of-the-Year Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) Along the Gulf Coast of Florida

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    We used fixed-station and random-station sampling data from the period 1989-97 to examine spatial and temporal patterns in the abundance and size structure of young-of-the-year (YOY) spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in three Florida estuaries. YOY seatrout first appeared at shallow-water (\u3c1.5 m) seine sites in May-June in Choctawhatchee Bay (Florida Panhandle) and in April-May in Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor (both along the southwest Florida peninsula). Spotted seatrout were caught at deepwater (\u3e 1.6 m) trawl stations within 1-3 mo of their initial appearance at shallow-water sites. Most spotted seatrout were caught in waters \u3c3.7 m. Spring and summer peal\u27s in YOY abundance, corresponding to strong influxes of newly spawned individuals, were observed only in southwest peninsula estuaries. Depending on the estuary, the occurrence of YOY spotted seatrout at shallow-water sites was associated with some combination of seagrasses, mangroves, salinity, depth, temperature, and mud. Estimates of total instantaneous mortality rates for YOY spotted seatrout in Tampa Bay were 0.027·d-1 for fixed sites and to 0.025·d-1 for randomly selected sites

    The boundary cap: a source of neural crest stem cells that generate multiple sensory neuron subtypes

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    The boundary cap (BC) is a transient neural crest-derived group of cells located at the dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) that have been shown to differentiate into sensory neurons and glia in vivo. We find that when placed in culture, BC cells self-renew, show multipotency in clonal cultures and express neural crest stem cell (NCSCs) markers. Unlike sciatic nerve NCSCs, the BC-NCSC (bNCSCs) generates sensory neurons upon differentiation. The bNCSCs constitute a common source of cells for functionally diverse types of neurons, as a single bNCSC can give rise to several types of nociceptive and thermoreceptive sensory neurons. Our data suggests that BC cells comprise a source of multipotent sensory specified stem cells that persist throughout embryogenesis

    Morphological and Physiological Traits Account for Similar Nitrate Uptake by Crested Wheatgrass and Cheatgrass

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    Millions of hectares throughout the Intermountain West are either dominated or threatened by the invasive annual grass Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass). This invasion is largely linked to disturbance and few regions appear immune. Disturbance liberates resources in a community and cheatgrass appears exceptionally able to capitalize on these resources. One species, however, is consistently competitive with cheatgrass. Agropyron cristatum (crested wheatgrass), an improved plant material developed from several populations in central Asia, is drought resistant, grazing tolerant, and largely excludes cheatgrass in stands established within the Great Basin. While previous studies document high resource uptake ability by crested wheatgrass, it remains unknown if high uptake in this species is due to morphological or physiological adaptation. We examined N uptake and tissue morphology of four grasses common in the Intermountain West, including cheatgrass and crested wheatgrass. We also included two native grasses, Pseudoroegneria spicata (bluebunch wheatgrass) and Elymus elymoides (bottlebrush squirreltail). We observed similar rates of N uptake by cheatgrass and crested wheatgrass and their uptake was greater than the native perennial species. A multivariate analysis suggests that, of the three perennial grasses examined here, crested wheatgrass is morphologically most similar to cheatgrass, but that morphology only accounts for 57 percent of the variation in N uptake capacity among species. Consequently, physiological traits such as induction of N uptake or N efflux likely play a role in the ability of crested wheatgrass to achieve N uptake rates similar to cheatgrass

    Temperature and Functional Traits Influence Differences in Nitrogen Uptake Capacity Between Native and Invasive Grasses

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    Performance differences between native and exotic invasive plants are often considered static, but invasive grasses may achieve growth advantages in western North America shrublands and steppe under only optimal growing conditions. We examine differences in N uptake and several morphological variables that influence uptake at temperatures between 5 and 25 C. We contrast two native perennial grasses in western North America: Elymus elymoides and Pseudoroegneria spicata; two invasive annual grasses: Bromus tectorum and Taeniatherum caputmedusae; and one highly selected non-native perennial grass: Agropyron cristatum. The influence of temperature on N uptake is poorly characterized, yet these invasive annual grasses are known to germinate in warm soils in the autumn, and both experience cool soils during the short growing season following snowmelt in the spring. To further explore the influence of temperature on the correlation between morphological variables and N uptake, our data are applied to a previously published path model and one proposed here. Differences in N uptake between native and invasive grasses were small at the lowest temperature, but were large at the highest temperature. At lower temperatures, uptake of N by annuals and perennials was correlated with leaf N and mass. At higher temperatures, uptake by annuals was correlated only with these leaf traits, but uptake by perennials was correlated with these leaf traits as well as root N and mass. Consequently, our results imply that annual grasses face fewer morphological constraints on N uptake than perennial grasses, and annual grasses may gain further advantage in warmer temperature conditions or during more frequent warm periods

    Nitrogen Acquisition by Annual and Perennial Grass Seedlings: Testing the Roles of Performance and Plasticity to Explain Plant Invasion

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    Differences in resource acquisition between native and exotic plants is one hypothesis to explain invasive plant success. Mechanisms include greater resource acquisition rates and greater plasticity in resource acquisition by invasive exotic species compared to non-invasive natives. We assess the support for these mechanisms by comparing nitrate acquisition and growth of invasive annual and perennial grass seedlings in western North America. Two invasive exotic grasses (Bromus tectorum and Taeniatherum caput-medusae) and three perennial native and exotic grasses (Pseudoroegneria spicata, Elymus elymoides, and Agropyron cristatum) were grown at various temperatures typical of autumn and springtime when resource are abundant and dominance is determined by rapid growth and acquisition of resources. Bromus tectorum and perennial grasses had similar rates of nitrate acquisition at low temperature, but acquisition by B. tectorum significantly exceeded perennial grasses at higher temperature. Consequently, B. tectorum had the highest acquisition plasticity, showcasing its ability to take advantage of transient warm periods in autumn and spring. Nitrate acquisition by perennial grasses was limited either by root production or rate of acquisition per unit root mass, suggesting a trade-off between nutrient acquisition and allocation of growth to structural tissues. Our results indicate the importance of plasticity in resource acquisition when temperatures are warm such as following autumn emergence by B. tectorum. Highly flexible and opportunistic nitrate acquisition appears to be a mechanism whereby invasive annual grasses exploit soil nitrogen that perennials cannot use

    Activation of TRPA1 by membrane permeable local anesthetics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Low concentrations of local anesthetics (LAs) suppress cellular excitability by inhibiting voltage-gated Na<sup>+ </sup>channels. In contrast, LAs at high concentrations can be excitatory and neurotoxic. We recently demonstrated that LA-evoked activation of sensory neurons is mediated by the capsaicin receptor TRPV1, and, to a lesser extent by the irritant receptor TRPA1. LA-induced activation and sensitization of TRPV1 involves a domain that is similar, but not identical to the vanilloid-binding domain. Additionally, activation of TRPV1 by LAs involves PLC and PI(4,5)P<sub>2</sub>-signalling. In the present study we aimed to characterize essential structural determinants for LA-evoked activation of TRPA1.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Recombinant rodent and human TRPA1 were expressed in HEK293t cells and investigated by means of whole-cell patch clamp recordings. The LA lidocaine activates TRPA1 in a concentration-dependent manner. The membrane impermeable lidocaine-derivative QX-314 is inactive when applied extracellularly. Lidocaine-activated TRPA1-currents are blocked by the TRPA1-antagonist HC-030031. Lidocaine is also an inhibitor of TRPA1, an effect that is more obvious in rodent than in human TRPA1. This species-specific difference is linked to the pore region (transmembrane domain 5 and 6) as described for activation of TRPA1 by menthol. Unlike menthol-sensitivity however, lidocaine-sensitivity is not similarly determined by serine- and threonine-residues within TM5. Instead, intracellular cysteine residues known to be covalently bound by reactive TRPA1-agonists seem to mediate activation of TRPA1 by LAs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The structural determinants involved in activation of TRPA1 by LAs are disparate from those involved in activation by menthol or those involved in activation of TRPV1 by LAs.</p

    A New Perspective on Trait Differences Between Native and Invasive Exotic Plants

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    Functional differences between native and exotic species potentially constitute one factor responsible for plant invasion. Differences in trait values between native and exotic invasive species, however, should not be considered fixed and may depend on the context of the comparison. Furthermore, the magnitude of difference between native and exotic species necessary to trigger invasion is unknown. We propose a criterion that differences in trait values between a native and exotic invasive species must be greater than differences between co-occurring natives for this difference to be ecologically meaningful and a contributing factor to plant invasion. We used a meta-analysis to quantify the difference between native and exotic invasive species for various traits examined in previous studies and compared this value to differences among native species reported in the same studies. The effect size between native and exotic invasive species was similar to the effect size between co-occurring natives except for studies conducted in the field; in most instances, our criterion was not met although overall differences between native and exotic invasive species were slightly larger than differences between natives. Consequently, trait differences may be important in certain contexts, but other mechanisms of invasion are likely more important in most cases. We suggest that using trait values as predictors of invasion will be challenging

    Invasion is Contingent on Species Assemblage and Invasive Species Identity inExperimental Rehabilitation Plots

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    Ecological studies often suggest that diverse communities are most resistant to invasion by exotic plants, but relatively few local species may be available to a rehabilitation practitioner. We examine the ability of monocultures and diverse assemblages to resist invasion by an exotic annual grass (cheatgrass) and an exotic biennial forb (dyer’s woad) in experimental rehabilitation plots. We constructed seven assemblages that included three monocultures of grass, forb, or shrub; three four-species mixtures of grasses, forbs, or shrubs; and a three-species mixture of one species from each growth form in an experimental field setting to test resistance to invasion. Assemblages were seeded with cheatgrass and dyer’s woad for two consecutive years and quantified as biomass and density of individuals from each exotic species. Soil NO3 and leaf-area index were examined as predictors of invasive plant abundance. Cheatgrass invasion was greatest in forb and shrub assemblages, and least in mixed grass or grass monoculture; dyer’s woad invasion was greatest into mixed grass or grass monoculture, but least into monoculture or mixedspecies assemblages composed of forbs or shrubs. The community composed of grasses, forbs, and shrubs suppressed invasion by both species. Consequently, assemblages were most resistant to invasion by species of the same growth form. Moreover, these monocultures and mixtures were generally similar in conferring resistance to invasion, but a monoculture of big sagebrush was more resistant than a mixture of shrubs. Soil NO3 was correlated with invasion by cheatgrass, whereas LAI was correlated with invasion by dyer’s woad, suggesting these species were more limited by belowground and aboveground resources, respectively. Overall, increasing diversity with limited species did not necessarily enhance resistance to invasion

    Snowier Winters Extend Autumn Availability of High-quality Forage for Caribou in Arctic Alaska

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    Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) rely on the short Arctic growing season to restore body condition, support the demands of lactation, and prepare for the long arctic winter, making them susceptible to even small changes in forage availability or quality. Body condition in the summer and autumn is linked to winter survival rates and fecundity in cows, critical factors in the productivity of caribou populations. Climate change predictions of warmer and wetter northern winters suggest increased snowfall over Alaska’s North Slope, which has recently been verified between 1995 and 2017. However, a comprehensive analysis of how deeper snow will affect caribou forage quality is absent across Alaska. In this study, we quantify how snow depth alters the quality and seasonality of caribou forage using a long-term (24 yr) International Tundra Experiment snow depth manipulation to evaluate how winter climate change scenarios may affect tussock tundra systems in northern Alaska. Deeper snow in prior winters leads to increases in growing season leaf N and digestible protein (DP) in deciduous shrubs (and Betula spp.) and graminoids (Carex spp. and Eriophorum spp.), but not evergreen dwarf shrubs (Rhododendron spp. and Vaccinium spp.). Dry matter digestibility varied among species with small differences (\u3c5%) associated with snow depth. Most striking was the discovery that deeper snow in the prior winter increased the duration of DP levels above the minimum threshold for protein gain in caribou by as much as 25 d in Salix pulchra and 6–9 d in Betula nana and Carex bigelowii in late summer and early autumn. Consequently, deeper winter snow may provide an extended window of opportunity for foraging and the accumulation of lean body mass and fat reserves which promote winter survival and successful calving the following spring and potentially improve the productivity of caribou in northern Alaska