289 research outputs found

    MI 610 introduction to Christian Mission

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    Winter, Ralph D. and Steven C. Hawthorne, eds. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader. 3rd. ed. Pasadena, CA. William Carey Library, 1999. Hawthorne, Steven C. Perspectives on the World Christian Mission: A Study Guide. 1999 Edition. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1999.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/1119/thumbnail.jp

    Hilmer Doctrine and Patent System Harmonization: What Does a Foreign Inventor Have at Stake?

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    The following discussion begins with a historical analysis that outlines the boundaries and illustrates the basis of Hilmer doctrine. Examples of the effects of Hilmer doctrine are presented as part of that discussion. Next, effects of the application of Hilmer doctrine after an interference are discussed followed by an analysis of the Patent Harmonization Act of 1992

    MI 610 Introduction of Christian Mission

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    REQUIRED READING Winter, Ralph D. and Steven C. Hawthorne, eds. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader. 3rd. ed. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1999 (Available at course orientation, see below). Moreau, A. Scott, Gary R. Corwin and Gary B. McGee. Introducing World Missions: A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2004 (Available at ATS Bookstore). Escobar, Samuel. The New Global Mission: The Gospel From Everywhere to Everyone. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003 (Available at ATS Bookstore).https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3938/thumbnail.jp

    MS 625 Principles of Interpersonal Evangelism

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    Required texts for all students. Submit typed (single-spaced) “Reading Interaction Summary” (see attached format, one for each chapter/article) in class for each week’s assigned reading. See Class Schedule, below. 1. Communication Theory for Christian Witness, Revised Edition, Charles Kraft, Orbis, 1991. 2. Out of the Salt Shaker and into the World, Revised Edition, Rebecca Pippert, InterVarsity Press, 1999. 3. The Contagious Witness: Exploring Christian Conversion, Ron Crandall, Abingdon, 1999. 4. Live to Tell: Evangelism for a Postmodern Age, Brad Kallenberg, Brazos, 2002. 5. Christian Witness in a Postmodern World, Harry Poe, Abingdon, 2001. 6. Articles as assigned (see Class Schedule). Available on closed reserve in the library.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3949/thumbnail.jp

    Faith seeking action: missio-ecclesiology, social movements, and the church as a movement of the people of God

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    IS 501 Kingdom, Church, and World

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    Bartholomew, Craig and Michael Goheen. The Drama of Scripture. Baker, 2004. Wright, N.T. The Challenge of Jesus. InterVarsity, 1999. Jenkins, Philip. The Next Christendom. Oxford University, 2002. Walsh, Brian and Sylvia Keesmaat. Colossians Remixed. InterVarsity, 2004. Guder, Darrell, ed. Missional Church. Eerdmans, 1998. Budde, Michael and Robert Brimlow. Christianity Incorporated. Brazos Press, 2002. IS501 Small Group Packet, available from ATS Cokesbury bookstore.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2487/thumbnail.jp

    State v. Jenks Fails to Clarify Appellate Standards of Evidence Review in Ohio

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    The analysis that follows focuses on two points. First, many reviewing courts in Ohio have failed to discern between reversing a conviction because it was against the manifest weight of the evidence and reversing because the evidence was not sufficient to support the conviction. The concepts and associated standards of review are separate and distinct. Jenks failed to clarify the distinction and may actually add to the confusion. Second, the elimination of the circumstantial evidence rule has implications concerning the definition of reasonable doubt in Ohio

    Removal Of Students From Physical Education For Response To Intervention On Students Development Of Personal And Social Responsibility

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    Physical education is an essential component of the psychomotor, affective, and cognitive development of students. Teachers have used skill and game play to enhance the development of students’ personal and social responsibility. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of being pulled from physical education class for RtI services has on the personal and social development of students. The participants will be fifth-grade students from a small, mid-western, rural town, ages 10-11. Data will be collected in three different ways: a Likert scale survey, exit slips, and an informal observation checklist conducted by the researcher. The survey will analyze students opinions of physical education and how they feel if they miss class. The exit slips will analyze personal and social responsibilities they learn in physical education during a daily lesson. The informal observation will come from the researcher watching the class to see if students are demonstrating good personal and social responsibility. Data will be analyzed and compared among all three data points for support of the thesis. Findings should have implications that students who are pulled from physical education (PE) class for RtI miss out on key personal and social development and administrators should consider the support to correct scheduling conflicts between PE and RtI so students are no longer pulled from PE class