462 research outputs found

    Computing Individual Risks based on Family History in Genetic Disease in the Presence of Competing Risks

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    When considering a genetic disease with variable age at onset (ex: diabetes , familial amyloid neuropathy, cancers, etc.), computing the individual risk of the disease based on family history (FH) is of critical interest both for clinicians and patients. Such a risk is very challenging to compute because: 1) the genotype X of the individual of interest is in general unknown; 2) the posterior distribution P(X|FH, T > t) changes with t (T is the age at disease onset for the targeted individual); 3) the competing risk of death is not negligible. In this work, we present a modeling of this problem using a Bayesian network mixed with (right-censored) survival outcomes where hazard rates only depend on the genotype of each individual. We explain how belief propagation can be used to obtain posterior distribution of genotypes given the FH, and how to obtain a time-dependent posterior hazard rate for any individual in the pedigree. Finally, we use this posterior hazard rate to compute individual risk, with or without the competing risk of death. Our method is illustrated using the Claus-Easton model for breast cancer (BC). This model assumes an autosomal dominant genetic risk factor such as non-carriers (genotype 00) have a BC hazard rate λ\lambda 0 (t) while carriers (genotypes 01, 10 and 11) have a (much greater) hazard rate λ\lambda 1 (t). Both hazard rates are assumed to be piecewise constant with known values (cuts at 20, 30,. .. , 80 years). The competing risk of death is derived from the national French registry

    La Bibliothèque Fantastique

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    "La Bibliothèque Fantastique is an artist’s books virtual publisher. Our books are free and downloadable from the internet so that you can print them at home. Most of our books are exclusive productions. The others are reeditions of works who are free of any kind of rights. The purpose of LBF is to offer a view on books expressed by books themselves. Its works are made of excerpts of other works, with pages, sentences and words met in a stroke of good fortune. La Bibliothèque Fantastique is a minimalist publisher in the sense that all the superfluous has been removed. Indeed, the books of LBF have no predetermined physical existence, they exist in a state of potentiality on the web, awaiting to become. They cost nothing, you can get them without spending a penny. They have no ISBN either, because they are works of art. They have no color, so that they can be printed in any printer. That's what LBF books don’t have, which is almost more important than what they do, because our approach is conceived as a negative of that which is habitually proposed by the market spectacle society. The idea is to show various poetic singularities as opposed to the flashy commodities which our society feeds us." -- Publisher's website

    Alloprof: a new French question-answer education dataset and its use in an information retrieval case study

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    Teachers and students are increasingly relying on online learning resources to supplement the ones provided in school. This increase in the breadth and depth of available resources is a great thing for students, but only provided they are able to find answers to their queries. Question-answering and information retrieval systems have benefited from public datasets to train and evaluate their algorithms, but most of these datasets have been in English text written by and for adults. We introduce a new public French question-answering dataset collected from Alloprof, a Quebec-based primary and high-school help website, containing 29 349 questions and their explanations in a variety of school subjects from 10 368 students, with more than half of the explanations containing links to other questions or some of the 2 596 reference pages on the website. We also present a case study of this dataset in an information retrieval task. This dataset was collected on the Alloprof public forum, with all questions verified for their appropriateness and the explanations verified both for their appropriateness and their relevance to the question. To predict relevant documents, architectures using pre-trained BERT models were fine-tuned and evaluated. This dataset will allow researchers to develop question-answering, information retrieval and other algorithms specifically for the French speaking education context. Furthermore, the range of language proficiency, images, mathematical symbols and spelling mistakes will necessitate algorithms based on a multimodal comprehension. The case study we present as a baseline shows an approach that relies on recent techniques provides an acceptable performance level, but more work is necessary before it can reliably be used and trusted in a production setting
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