679 research outputs found

    Tax Evasion, Welfare Fraud, and "The Broken Windows" Effect: An Experiment in Belgium, France and the Netherlands

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    In a series of experiments conducted in Belgium (Wallonia and Flanders), France and the Netherlands, we compare behavior regarding tax evasion and welfare dodging, with and without information about others' behavior. Subjects have to decide between a 'registered' income, the realization of which will be known to the tax authority for sure, and an 'unregistered' income that will only be known with some probability. This unregistered income comes from self-employment in the Tax treatment and from black labor supplementing some unemployment compensation in the Welfare treatment. Subjects have then to decide on whether reporting their income or not, knowing the risk of detection. The results show that (i) individuals evade more in the Welfare treatment than in the Tax treatment; (ii) many subjects choose an option that allows for tax evasion or welfare fraud but report their income honestly anyway; (iii) examples of low compliance tend to increase tax evasion while examples of high compliance exert no influence; (iv) tax evasion is more frequent in France and the Netherlands; Walloons evade taxes less than the Flemish. There is no cross-country difference in welfare dodging.tax evasion, social fraud, social comparisons, cross-country comparisons, experiments

    Incentive Effects on Risk Attitude in Small Probability Prospects

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    Most studies on the role of incentives on risk attitude report data obtained from within-subject experimental investigations. This may however raise an issue of sequentiality of effects as later choices may be influenced by earlier ones. This paper reports instead between-subject results on the effect of monetary stakes on risk attitudes for small probability prospects in a laboratory experiment. Under low stakes, we find the typical risk seeking behavior for small probabilities predicted by the prospect theory. But under high stakes, we provide some evidence that risk seeking behavior is dramatically reduced. This could suggest that utility is not consistently concave over the outcome space, but rather contains a convex section for very small amounts.risk attitude, incentives, decision, experiment

    Implantation of esterified hyaluronic acid in microdissected Reinke's space after vocal fold microsurgery

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    laryngeal and vocal results obtained after microflap excision of benign vocal fold lesions and immediate implantation of esterified hyaluronic acid(EHA) in the surgical wound are described in this study. Prospective and comparative study on 83 patients ( 33 implanted with EHA and 50 not implanted). Longest follow up is 4 years. The objectives are to confirm the innocuity of the technique, to demonstrate the laryngeal and vocal evolution at short and long term, and to evaluate the eventual positive impact of EHA implantation on the pliability of the superficial layer of the lamina propria (SLLP) and on voice. The use of EHA implant in microdissected SLLP is safe and leads to good laryngeal and vocal outcomes in the treated patients

    Production ovine et mise sous assurance qualité : l'exemple de l'agneau de l'Ardet

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    Dans une premiÚre partie, l'auteur dresse le bilan de l'état actuel de la filiÚre viande ovine française à tous ses échelons. AprÚs avoir exposé la situation de la France sur le marché international, l'auteur explique la nécessité économique pour la production française de se différencier et les moyens qu'elle se donne pour y arriver. Dans une seconde partie, l'exemple de cette mutation du monde ovin est illustré par la certification de conformité produit "Agneau de l'Adret", démarche régionale développée par la société SOFRAG depuis 1993

    Rapid decline in child mortality in a rural area of Senegal

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    Retrospective and prospective demographic and health data collected on the population of Mlomp (6352 people in 1985), a rural area of Senegal, show that the probability of dying before the age of 5 years declined from 350 to 81 deaths per hundred livebirths in the last 25 years. This dedine is greater and faster than ever observed in Senegal. The drop in mortality mainly results from improved access to new and efficient health services-a dispensary and a maternity clinic-and from growth surveillance, health education, vaccination and malaria programmes initiated in the 1960s and 1970s. Although socioeconomic conditions have changed in the area, the influence of classical factors such as women's educational level and improvement in transportation has probably been limited. Deaths from diseases that can be prevented by immunization (such as neonatal tetanus, measles, whooping cough) are now very rare (3% of the deaths of children under 5 years during the period 1985–1989). Although the risks of dying from diarrhoea or acute respiratory infections are much lower than in other rural areas of Senegal, these are still the main causes of deaths (33% and 19% of deaths after 1 month of age). Malaria, despite its high morbidity during the rainy season, causes few deaths (4%). This reflects the success of the health education programme promoting chemoprophylaxis and early treatment of fever cases. Mlomp is one example of an African rural area where the provision of well-organized health services at a reasonable cost has produced a dramatic decline in child mortality

    Beaufort : demain ? La démarche prospective par scenarii de développement. Application au village-station de Beaufort : entre identité et tourisme

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    A community project needs to take into account its surroundings in order to be sustainable. It should adjust to past and present evolutions, and above all anticipate the future development of the territory. To effectively orient the community’s development and in order to join project and identity together, a prospective approach is necessary. Tools, such as surveys or potential plans of development, (scenarii) help create discussion in the elaboration of an anticipated, shared, contextualized and sustainable project. The case study of the Beaufort community provides a means to understand contemporary urban issues by identifying current and potential trends showing why a prospective approach to rural and mountainous regions may be of interest. Facing changing habits in leisure activities and climate change tending towards milder winters, the way in which the future of small ski resorts, such as ArĂȘches-Beaufort needs to take into equal account the touristic, agricultural, environmental, and social issues of its population in order to keep its entire identity.Un projet communal, pour ĂȘtre durable, doit ĂȘtre "territorialisĂ©". Il doit entrevoir les logiques des dynamiques du territoire auquel il dĂ©pend tant celles passĂ©es qu’actuelles mais surtout anticiper sur son devenir. Pour orienter efficacement le dĂ©veloppement communal et faire correspondre projet et identitĂ©, l’approche prospective est pertinente. Des outils, tels que les questionnaires ou l’approche par scenarii de dĂ©veloppement, sont autant de supports de rĂ©flexion utiles Ă  l’élaboration d’un projet anticipĂ©, partagĂ©, contextualisĂ© et durable. Le cas d’étude de Beaufort permet d’apprĂ©hender les enjeux urbains contemporains, en identifiant des tendances, actuelles et Ă  venir, et de rĂ©flĂ©chir sur l’intĂ©rĂȘt de la prospective en milieu rural de montagne. Face Ă  une Ă©volution des pratiques de loisirs et du changement climatique supposant de rĂ©flĂ©chir « l’aprĂšs-neige », la rĂ©flexion autour du devenir des villages-station, telle qu’ArĂȘches-Beaufort, doit ĂȘtre entendue dans une perspective de pĂ©rennisation et de conciliation du tourisme, de l’agriculture, de l’environnement et des populations

    Recent Advances in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus

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    peer reviewedThe recent epidemic of type 2 diabetes and the recognition that achieving specific glycemic goals can reduce morbidity have made the effective treatment of hyperglycemia a priority. The new therapeutic agents and the development of algorithms for the adjustment of therapy might contribute to an improved management of the disease. Moreover, type 2 diabetes is frequently associated with other co-morbidities (obesity, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, prothrombotic state). The appropriate management of patients with type 2 diabetes requires a global approach targeting each risk factor in order to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. This challenge represents a major public health issue. In type 1 diabetes patients, intensive therapy such as in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) has been shown to obtain long-term beneficial effects on the reduction of the risk of progressive retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy and of the risk of cardiovascular disease. This benefit reinforces the original DCCT message that intensive therapy should be implemented as early as possible in people with type 1 diabetes. The recent development of new insulin analogues and the technical improvements of portable insulin pumps might contribute to obtain such a better metabolic control.RÉSUMÉ : L’augmentation d’incidence, quasi Ă©pidĂ©mique, du diabĂšte de type 2 et la dĂ©monstration que l’obtention de bons taux glycĂ©miques permettait de rĂ©duire la morbiditĂ© ont fait du traitement de l’hyperglycĂ©mie une prioritĂ©. Le dĂ©veloppement de nouvelles classes thĂ©rapeutiques et la mise au point d’algorithmes de traitement contribuent Ă  amĂ©liorer cette prise en charge. De plus, le diabĂšte de type 2 est souvent associĂ© Ă  d’autres comorbiditĂ©s (obĂ©sitĂ©, hypertension artĂ©rielle, dyslipidĂ©mies, Ă©tat pro-thrombotique). La prise en charge du patient diabĂ©tique de type 2 requiert une approche globale visant Ă  corriger chaque facteur de risque, ce qui permet de rĂ©duire substantiellement la mortalitĂ© cardio-vasculaire. Cette stratĂ©gie doit ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©e comme un objectif majeur de santĂ© publique. Chez le sujet diabĂ©tique de type 1, un traitement intensif, comme celui imposĂ© dans l’étude DCCT, permet d’obtenir une rĂ©duction prolongĂ©e du risque de survenue et de progression de la rĂ©tinopathie, de la neuropathie, de la nĂ©phropathie ainsi que du risque de maladie cardio-vasculaire. Ce bĂ©nĂ©fice persistant renforce le message initial de l’étude DCCT qui avait dĂ©montrĂ© que le traitement intensif du diabĂšte de type 1 devait ĂȘtre instaurĂ© dĂšs le dĂ©but de la maladie. Le dĂ©veloppement rĂ©cent des analogues de l’insuline et les amĂ©liorations techniques des pompes Ă  insuline portables pourraient contribuer Ă  atteindre un meilleur contrĂŽle mĂ©tabolique
