388 research outputs found

    The applicability of home blood pressure measurement in clinical practice: A review of literature

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    Willem J Verberk, Abraham A Kroon, Heidi A Jongen-Vancraybex, Peter W de LeeuwUniversity Hospital Maastricht, Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM), Maastricht University, The NetherlandsPurpose: To review the literature on home blood pressure measurement (HBPM), to examine its validity and applicability for clinical practice and to provide recommendations regarding HBPM assessment.Findings: HBPM can eliminate the white coat effect and offers the possibility to obtain multiple measurements under standardized conditions, which increases knowledge of overall blood pressure value. Although it is not entirely capable of replacing ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM), HBPM correlates better with target organ damage and cardiovascular mortality than office blood pressure measurement (OBPM), it enables prediction of sustained hypertension in patients with borderline hypertension, and proves to be an appropriate tool for assessing drug efficacy. Additional advantages of HBPM are that it may increase drug compliance and patient’s awareness of hypertension. Overall, OBPM yield higher blood pressure values than HBPM. Differences between OBPM and HBPM tend to increase with age and are generally higher in patients without antihypertensive treatment than in patients with antihypertensive treatment.Recommendations: Measurements should be performed according to accepted guidelines and recordings should be performed with a memory equipped automatic validated device. From the data reviewed here, we recommend that HBPM be assessed monthly by taking two measurements in the morning within 1 hour after awakening and two in the evening for three consecutive days, the data from the first day should be dismissed. A subject should be labeled hypertensive if his/her HBPM value is equal to or greater than 137 mmHg systolic and/or 84 mmHg diastolic.Keywords: blood pressure, hypertension, self-measurement, home measurement, ambulatory measurement, adherenc

    Total Cerebral Small Vessel Disease MRI Score Is Associated with Cognitive Decline in Executive Function in Patients with Hypertension

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    Objectives: Hypertension is a major risk factor for white matter hyperintensities (WMH), lacunes, cerebral microbleeds, and perivascular spaces, which are MRI markers of cerebral small vessel disease (SVD). Studies have shown associations between these individual MRI markers and cognitive functioning and decline. Recently, a “total SVD score” was proposed in which the different MRI markers were combined into one measure of SVD, to capture total SVD-related brain damage. We investigated if this SVD score was associated with cognitive decline over 4 years in patients with hypertension. Methods: In this longitudinal cohort study, 130 hypertensive patients (91 patients with uncomplicated hypertension and 39 hypertensive patients with a lacunar stroke) were included. They underwent a neuropsychological assessment at baseline and after 4 years. The presence of WMH, lacunes, cerebral microbleeds, and perivascular spaces were rated on baseline MRI. Presence of each individual marker was added to calculate the total SVD score (range 0–4) in each patient. Results: Uncorrected linear regression analyses showed associations between SVD score and decline in overall cognition (p = 0.017), executive functioning (p < 0.001) and information processing speed (p = 0.037), but not with memory (p = 0.911). The association between SVD score and decline in overall cognition and executive function remained significant after adjustment for age, sex, education, anxiety and depression score, potential vascular risk factors, patient group, and baseline cognitive performance. Conclusion: Our study shows that a total SVD score can predict cognitive decline, specifically in executive function, over 4 years in hypertensive patients. This emphasizes the importance of considering total brain damage due to SVD

    Differences in renal hemodynamics and renin secretion between patients with unifocal and multifocal fibromuscular dysplasia

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    Objective: Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) can be classified in a multifocal and a unifocal subtype. As unifocal FMD generally leads to more severe hypertension at younger age, we hypothesized that renal hemodynamics are more disturbed in unifocal renal artery FMD as compared with multifocal FMD, leading to increased renin secretion. Methods: We measured renal blood flow ((133)Xenon washout method), renin secretion, and glomerular filtration rate per kidney in 101 patients with FMD (26 unifocal and 75 multifocal), all off medication and prior to balloon angioplasty. Results: We found that renal blood flow and glomerular filtration were substantially lower in kidneys with unifocal FMD as compared with multifocal FMD. In the affected kidney from patients with unilateral FMD for example, mean renal blood flow was 173 +/- 77 in unifocal vs. 244 +/- 79 ml/100 g kidney/min in multifocal FMD (P=0.013). Moreover, lateralization in renin secretion was only observed in a subset of patients with unifocal FMD, but not in any of the patients with multifocal FMD. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the impact of unifocal FMD lesions on the kidney is more severe, resulting in a classical pattern of renovascular hypertension. In multifocal FMD, however, renal blood flow is more preserved, local renin secretion is not increased, and the association between renin levels and blood pressure is inverse. These differences may explain the often more severe clinical presentation and higher success rate of revascularization in unifocal FMD, but also suggest that the pathophysiological mechanisms leading to hypertension may differ between these two disease entities

    Anatomy of the ankle ligaments: a pictorial essay

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    Understanding the anatomy of the ankle ligaments is important for correct diagnosis and treatment. Ankle ligament injury is the most frequent cause of acute ankle pain. Chronic ankle pain often finds its cause in laxity of one of the ankle ligaments. In this pictorial essay, the ligaments around the ankle are grouped, depending on their anatomic orientation, and each of the ankle ligaments is discussed in detail

    A 3-portal approach for arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis

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    We present a 3-portal approach for arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis with the patient in the prone position. The prone position allows the use of the two standard posterior portals and it allows for accurate control of hindfoot alignment during surgery. Furthermore, the introduction of talocalcaneal lag screws is easy with the patient in this position. In addition to the standard posterior portals, an accessory third portal is created at the level of the sinus tarsi for introduction of a large diameter blunt trocar to open up the subtalar joint. Due to the curved geometry of the posterior subtalar joint, removal of the anterior articular cartilage is impossible by means of the posterior portals only. An advantage of the 3-portal approach is that ring curettes can be introduced through the accessory sinus tarsi portal to remove the articular cartilage of the anterior part of the posterior talocalcaneal joint. Arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis in patients with a talocalcaneal coalition presents a technical challenge as the subtalar joint space is limited. The 3-portal technique was successfully used in three subsequent patients with a talocalcaneal coalition; bony union of the subtalar arthrodesis occurred at 6 weeks following surgery. With the 3-portal technique, a safe and time-efficient arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis can be performed even in cases with limited subtalar joint space such as in symptomatic talocalcaneal coalition

    PARP-1 regulates DNA repair factor availability.

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    PARP-1 holds major functions on chromatin, DNA damage repair and transcriptional regulation, both of which are relevant in the context of cancer. Here, unbiased transcriptional profiling revealed the downstream transcriptional profile of PARP-1 enzymatic activity. Further investigation of the PARP-1-regulated transcriptome and secondary strategies for assessing PARP-1 activity in patient tissues revealed that PARP-1 activity was unexpectedly enriched as a function of disease progression and was associated with poor outcome independent of DNA double-strand breaks, suggesting that enhanced PARP-1 activity may promote aggressive phenotypes. Mechanistic investigation revealed that active PARP-1 served to enhance E2F1 transcription factor activity, and specifically promoted E2F1-mediated induction of DNA repair factors involved in homologous recombination (HR). Conversely, PARP-1 inhibition reduced HR factor availability and thus acted to induce or enhance BRCA-ness . These observations bring new understanding of PARP-1 function in cancer and have significant ramifications on predicting PARP-1 inhibitor function in the clinical setting

    Differential effects of proteins and carbohydrates on postprandial blood pressure-related responses

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    Diet composition may affect blood pressure (BP), but the mechanisms are unclear. The aim of the present study was to compare postprandial BP-related responses to the ingestion of pea protein, milk protein and egg-white protein. In addition, postprandial BP-related responses to the ingestion of maltodextrin were compared with those to the ingestion of sucrose and a protein mix. We hypothesised that lower postprandial total peripheral resistance (TPR) and BP levels would be accompanied by higher plasma concentrations of nitric oxide, insulin, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and glucagon. On separate occasions, six meals were tested in a randomised order in forty-eight overweight or obese adults with untreated elevated BP. Postprandial responses of TPR, BP and plasma concentrations of insulin, glucagon, GLP-1 and nitrite, nitroso compounds (RXNO) and S-nitrosothiols (NO(x)) were measured for 4 h. No differences were observed in TPR responses. Postprandial BP levels were higher after the ingestion of the egg-white-protein meal than after that of meals containing the other two proteins (P≤ 0·01). The ingestion of the pea-protein meal induced the highest NO(x) response (P≤ 0·006). Insulin and glucagon concentrations were lowest after the ingestion of the egg-white-protein meal (P≤ 0·009). Postprandial BP levels were lower after the ingestion of the maltodextrin meal than after that of the protein mix and sucrose meals (P≤ 0·004), while postprandial insulin concentrations were higher after the ingestion of the maltodextrin meal than after that of the sucrose and protein mix meals after 1-2 h (P≤ 0·0001). Postprandial NO(x), GLP-1 and glucagon concentrations were lower after the ingestion of the maltodextrin meal than after that of the protein mix meal (P≤ 0·008). In conclusion, different protein and carbohydrate sources induce different postprandial BP-related responses, which may be important for BP management. Lower postprandial BP levels are not necessarily accompanied by higher NO(x), insulin, glucagon or GLP-1 responses

    Dietary proteins improve endothelial function under fasting conditions but not in the postprandial state, with no effects on markers of low-grade inflammation

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    Endothelial dysfunction (ED) and low-grade inflammation (LGI) have a role in the development of CVD. The two studies reported here explored the effects of dietary proteins and carbohydrates on markers of ED and LGI in overweight/obese individuals with untreated elevated blood pressure. In the first study, fifty-two participants consumed a protein mix or maltodextrin (3x20 g/d) for 4 weeks. Fasting levels and 12 h postprandial responses of markers of ED (soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (sICAM), soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (sVCAM), soluble endothelial selectin and von Willebrand factor) and markers of LGI (serum amyloid A, C-reactive protein and sICAM) were evaluated before and after intervention. Biomarkers were also combined into mean Z-scores of ED and LGI. The second study compared 4 h postprandial responses of ED and LGI markers in forty-eight participants after ingestion of 0.6 g/kg pea protein, milk protein and egg-white protein. In addition, postprandial responses after maltodextrin intake were compared with a protein mix and sucrose. The first study showed significantly lower fasting ED Z-scores and sICAM after 4 weeks on the high-protein diet (P0.02). The postprandial studies found no clear differences of ED and LGI between test meals. However, postprandial sVCAM decreased more after the protein mix compared with maltodextrin in both studies (P0.04). In conclusion, dietary protein is beneficial for fasting ED, but not for fasting LGI, after 4 weeks of supplementation. On the basis of Z-scores, postprandial ED and LGI were not differentially affected by protein sources or carbohydrates