7 research outputs found
Predicting air-borne droplet drift from agricultural areas
Non-Peer Reviewe
Desempenho e qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais alimentadas com raƧƵes contendo farelo de coco tratado ou nĆ£o com antioxidante Performance and egg quality of laying hens fed diets containing coconut meal treated with and without antioxidant
Este experimento foi conduzido para avaliar a estabilidade oxidativa do farelo de coco (FC) tratado ou nĆ£o com butil-hidroxitolueno (BHT) e armazenado por 35 dias e estudar o efeito de raƧƵes contendo esse ingrediente sobre o desempenho e a qualidade do ovo de poedeiras. Um lote de 200 kg de farelo de coco foi dividido em cinco partes: uma foi armazenada sem a adiĆ§Ć£o de antioxidante e as demais tratadas com 500 ppm de BHT nos dias 0, 7, 14 e 21. A estabilidade oxidativa do farelo de coco foi acompanhada por meio dos Ćndices de acidez e de perĆ³xidos, determinados semanalmente. ApĆ³s 35 dias de armazenamento, 10% de farelo de coco tratado e nĆ£o tratado com BHT nos diferentes tempos de armazenamento foi usado na formulaĆ§Ć£o de raƧƵes isonutrientes para poedeiras comerciais. Foram utilizadas 180 poedeiras da linhagem Hisex White, distribuĆdas ao acaso em 5 tratamentos e 6 repetiƧƵes de 6 aves cada. Os Ćndices de acidez e de perĆ³xidos do farelo de coco armazenado com ou sem BHT aumentaram com o tempo de armazenamento. Contudo, os tratamentos nĆ£o afetaram o desempenho nem a qualidade dos ovos das aves. O farelo de coco armazenado por 35 dias sem antioxidante, embora sofra oxidaĆ§Ć£o, pode ser usado em nĆveis de atĆ© 10% na raĆ§Ć£o para poedeiras comerciais.<br>This experiment was conducted to evaluate the oxidative stability of coconut meal treated with or without butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) at different storage times and the effect of diets containing this ingredient on laying hens' performance and egg quality. A 200-kg batch of freshly produced coconut meal was divided into five equal portions. One portion was stored without BHT and the others were treated with BHT at zero, 7, 14 and 21 days. The oxidative stability of coconut meal was measured by the acidity index and peroxide index determined weekly. At the end of the 35-day storage time, this ingredient was used in the formulation of diets for laying hen. One hundred and eighty Hisex White laying hens were randomly distributed among five treatments with six repetitions of six birds each. The acidity index and peroxide index of coconut meal treated with or without BHT at different periods of time increased with storage time. Nevertheless, treatments did not affect laying hens' performance or egg quality. Coconut meal stored for 35 days, although showing lipid peroxidation, can be included at 10% level in the diet for commercial poultry
Planos nutricionais com a utilizaĆ§Ć£o de aminoĆ”cidos e fitase para frangos de corte mantendo o conceito de proteĆna ideal nas dietas Nutritional plans with use of amino acids and phytase for broiler chickens maintaining the ideal protein profile in the diets
Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar o desempenho e as caracterĆsticas de carcaƧa de frangos de corte, recebendo raƧƵes com nĆveis reduzidos de PB, P disponĆvel (Pd) e Ca, suplementadas com fitase e aminoĆ”cidos. As fases de crescimento avaliadas foram: fase 1, 1 - 21dias de idade e fase 2, 22 - 42 dias de idade. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, sendo os tratamentos constituĆdos de cincos planos nutricionais (PN), com seis repetiƧƵes de 25 aves cada. Os planos nutricionais sĆ£o: PN1 - raĆ§Ć£o basal (21,4% PB - fase 1) + raĆ§Ć£o basal (19,3% PB - fase 2); PN2 - raĆ§Ć£o a basal (fase 1) + raĆ§Ć£o com 18% PB (fase 2); PN3 - raĆ§Ć£o basal (fase 1) + raĆ§Ć£o com 16% PB (fase 2); PN4 - raĆ§Ć£o com 19% PB (fase 1) + raĆ§Ć£o com 16% PB (fase 2); e PN5 = raĆ§Ć£o com 17 % PB (fase 1) + raĆ§Ć£o com 16% PB (fase 2). Exceto para a raĆ§Ć£o basal, reduziu-se o nĆvel de Pd para 0,34 e 0,30% e o de Ca para 0,80 e 0,70% nas fases 1 e 2, respectivamente; nestas raƧƵes foram adicionados 500 FTU de fitase/kg de raĆ§Ć£o. As aves alimentadas com PN2 e PN3 apresentaram desempenho semelhante ao daquelas que receberam PN1, enquanto o das aves que receberam os PN4 e PN5 permaneceu inalterado. Os rendimentos de carcaƧa e peito nĆ£o foram influenciados pelos planos nutricionais. As aves que consumiram a raĆ§Ć£o basal nas duas fases de criaĆ§Ć£o (PN1) apresentaram maior rendimento de coxa+sobre-coxa. Houve aumento da gordura abdominal quando as aves receberam os PN3, 4 e 5. Ć possĆvel reduzir a PB da raĆ§Ć£o atĆ© 16% na fase 2, suplementada com fitase e aminoĆ”cidos, desde que a raĆ§Ć£o da primeira fase seja formulada com nĆveis nutricionais recomendados.<br>This study was carried out to evaluate the performance and characteristics of carcass of broiler chickens fed diets with reduced levels of CP, available P (aP) and Ca, supplemented with phytase and amino acids. The growth phases evaluated were: Phase1, 1 - 21 days old, phase 2, 22 - 42 days old. A completely randomized design was used, with the treatments constituted of five nutritional plans (NP), with six replicates of 25 birds each. The nutritional plans were: NP1 - basal ration (21.4% CP - phase 1) + basal ration (19.3% CP - phase 2); NP2 = basal ration (phase 1) + ration with 18% CP (phase 2); NP3 = basal ration (phase 1) + ration with 16% CP (phase 2); NP4 = ration with 19% CP (phase 1) + ration with 16% CP (phase 2) and NP5 = ration with 17% CP (phase 1) + ration with 16% CP (phase 2). Except for basal ration, it was reduced the level of aP for 0.34% and 0.30% in the phases 1 an 2, respectively, and Ca to 0.80 and 0.70% in the phases 1 and 2, respectively , and in theses diets were added 500 FTU of phytase/ kg of ration. The NP4 and NP5 affected the bird performance. The bird fed NP2 and NP3 showed performance similar to those which was fed NP1, while birds that were fed PN4 and PN5 remained unchanged. The carcass and breast yield were not influenced by the nutritional plans. The birds fed basal diets in the two rearing phases (NP1) showed higher yield of thigh + drumstick. There was increase of the abdominal fat when the birds were fed NP3, 4 and 5. In conclusion, is possible to reduce the protein of the ration up to 16% in the phase 2, supplemented with phytase and amino acids, since the ration of the phase 1 be formulated with recommended nutritional levels