58 research outputs found

    Рубаї в українській поезії

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    Рецензія на монографію: Сьомочкіна Олена. Рубаї в українській поезії: від канонізованої строфи до поліжанру. Монографія. - ІС: КиМУ, 2005. - 252 с

    Reaction time coupling in a joint stimulus-response task: A matter of functional actions or likable agents?

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    Shaping one owns actions by observing others’ actions is driven by the deep-rooted mechanism of perception-action coupling. It typically occurs automatically, expressed as for example the unintentional synchronization of reaction times in interactive games. Theories on perception-action coupling highlight its benefits such as the joint coordination of actions to cooperatively perform tasks properly, the learning of novel actions from others, and the bonding with likable others. However, such functional aspects and how they shape perception-action coupling have never been compared quantitatively. Here we tested a total of hundred-fifteen participants that played a stimulus-response task while, in parallel, they observed videos of agents that played the exact same task several milliseconds in advance. We compared to what degree the reaction times of actions of agents, who varied their behavior in terms of functionality and likability in preceding prisoner dilemma games and quizzes, shape the reaction times of human test participants. To manipulate functionality and likability, we varied the predictability of cooperative behavior and correctness of actions of agents, respectively, resulting in likable (cooperative), dislikable (uncooperative), functional (correct actions), and dysfunctional (incorrect actions) agents. The results of three experiments showed that the participants’ reaction times correlated most with the reaction times of agents that expressed functional behavior. However, the likability of agents had no effects on reaction time correlations. These findings suggest that, at least in the current computer task, participants are more likely to adopt the timing of actions from people that perform correct actions than from people that they like

    Do transdiagnostic factors influence affective touch perception in psychiatric populations?

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    In this review, we suggest a new model that has its roots in studies with healthy individuals, but may be especially promising for understanding atypical CT optimal touch perception in certain clinical groups. We argue that social touch plays an important role in the development of a secure or insecure attachment style. Insecure attachment is common in psychiatric patients and potentially impacts their perception of CT optimal touch. This direct link between insecure attachment style and touch perception may be modulated by touch deprivation, to which individuals might be predisposed when they are insecurely attached. The links in this model need further exploration, especially in psychiatric patients, and concrete recommendations for future work are provided

    Longing for Touch and Quality of Life during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    To combat the spread of the COVID-19, regulations were introduced to limit physical interactions. This could induce a longing for touch in the general population and subsequently impact social, psychological, physical and environmental quality of life (QoL). The aim of this study was to investigate the potential association between COVID-19 regulations, longing for touch and QoL. A total of 1978 participants from different countries completed an online survey, including questions about their general wellbeing and the desire to be touched. In our sample, 83% of participants reported a longing for touch. Longing for touch was subsequently associated with a lower physical, psychological and social QoL. No association was found with environmental QoL. These findings highlight the importance of touch for QoL and suggest that the COVID-19 regulations have concurrent negative consequences for the wellbeing of the general population

    Exploring the role of motor and non-motor predictive mechanisms in sensory attenuation: Perceptual and neurophysiological findings

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    Sounds that result from our own actions are perceptually and neurophysiologically attenuated compared to sounds with an external origin. This sensory attenuation phenomenon is commonly attributed to prediction processes implicated in motor control. However, accumulating evidence suggests that attenuation effects can also result from prediction processes beyond the motor domain. The aim of the present study was two-fold. First, we attempted to replicate the role of identity-specific motor predictions in sensory attenuation. Second, we set out to examine whether attenuation effects can be observed when tones cannot be predicted from preceding actions, but only from the non-motor cues accompanying them. Participants completed a two-alternative forced choice task on the loudness of tones whose pitch was congruent or incongruent with previously learned key-tone or cue-tone associations. No convincing evidence was observed for identity predictions on a perceptual level nor on a neurophysiological level. However, exploratory analyses revealed that attenuation was more pronounced for participants who first learned to rely on motor (instead of non-motor predictions). Together, these findings suggest that the role of motor identity predictions in sensory attenuation might have to be reconsidered

    Predictors of Self-Reported Neglect-like Symptoms and Involuntary Movements in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Compared to Other Chronic Limb Pain Conditions

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    OBJECTIVE: In addition to pain, people with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) often report inattention to and disengagement from their affected limb (i.e., "neglect-like symptoms"). Understanding how these symptoms relate to other characteristics of CRPS, and chronic pain generally, could provide insights for preventing and treating CRPS. METHODS: We administered an online survey to people who received a diagnosis of CRPS (n = 335) and other chronic limb pain (n = 407). Neglect-like symptoms were assessed using the Neurobehavioral questionnaire. RESULTS: A principal component analysis identified two components: motor and cognitive neglect-like symptoms, and involuntary movements. Internal consistency of the components was acceptable. We conducted regression analyses with these as outcomes. Having CRPS, a painful lower limb, higher pain intensity, and somatic symptoms were associated with more motor and cognitive neglect-like symptoms. Having CRPS, higher pain intensity, depression, and somatic symptoms were associated with more involuntary movements. Age, gender, anxiety, disease duration, hours of pain per day, affected side, whether the limb was the most painful body part, and number of pain-related medical diagnoses were no predictors. Finally, motor and cognitive neglect-like symptoms were related to tremor; and involuntary movements to changes in skin color, swelling, sweating, toenails, weakness, and tremor. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the specificity of inattention to and disengagement from the affected limb in CRPS, independent of other factors. Furthermore, two components of the Neurobehavioral questionnaire were disentangled: motor and cognitive neglect-like symptoms, and involuntary movements. Results could potentially help clinicians to better assess neglect-like symptoms in chronic pain

    Somatosensation in the Brain: A Theoretical Re-evaluation and a New Model

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    The somatosensory system is important for many functions, such as tactile recognition, the perception of our body, and motor actions. We present a comprehensive review of the human and animal literature on somatosensory processing over the past 10 years and evaluate how well existing models can accommodate the new observations. Based on these observations and a survey of the brain structures involved in somatosensation, we suggest that a new model is needed that describes multiple networks involved in separate subfunctions. These networks are highly interconnected and often multimodal in nature. The model includes basic somatosensory processing and five higher-order networks involved in haptic object recognition and memory, body perception, body ownership, affective processing, and action

    When two worlds collide: the influence of an obstacle in peripersonal space on multisensory encoding

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    Multisensory coding of the space surrounding our body, the peripersonal space, is crucial for motor control. Recently, it has been proposed that an important function of multisensory coding is that it allows anticipation of the tactile consequences of contact with a nearby object. Indeed, performing goal-directed actions (i.e. pointing and grasping) induces a continuous visuotactile remapping as a function of on-line sensorimotor requirements. Here, we investigated whether visuotactile remapping can be induced by obstacles, e.g. objects that are not the target of the grasping movement. In the current experiment, we used a cross-modal obstacle avoidance paradigm, in which participants reached past an obstacle to grasp a second object. Participants indicated the location of tactile targets delivered to the hand during the grasping movement, while a visual cue was sometimes presented simultaneously on the to-be-avoided object. The tactile and visual stimulation was triggered when the reaching hand passed a position that was drawn randomly from a continuous set of predetermined locations (between 0 and 200 mm depth at 5 mm intervals). We observed differences in visuotactile interaction during obstacle avoidance dependent on the location of the stimulation trigger: visual interference was enhanced for tactile stimulation that occurred when the hand was near the to-be-avoided object. We show that to-be-avoided obstacles, which are relevant for action but are not to-be-interacted with (as the terminus of an action), automatically evoke the tactile consequences of interaction. This shows that visuotactile remapping extends to obstacle avoidance and that this process is flexible

    The influence of joint attention and partner trustworthiness on cross-modal sensory cueing

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    Joint attention refers to the coordinated attention between social partners to an object of shared interest, usually involving shared gaze toward the object. In the laboratory, however, joint attention is often investigated using computerized gaze cueing tasks that do not allow shared gaze. Instead, these computerized tasks require the participant to maintain fixation on the virtual partner's face, while the partner gazes to the left or right. Here we designed a modified gaze cueing task that better simulates a natural joint attention episode by allowing shared gaze, while still maintaining tight experimental control. In our computerized task the participant's gaze and the gaze of a virtual partner were manipulated independently, resulting in shared or unshared gaze. Following each gaze shift of the virtual partner a touch stimulus was delivered on one of the cheeks of the participant. We analyzed behavioral and neural (electro-encephalography) responses to the touch. Faster reaction-times and stronger lateralization of alpha power were observed when the touched cheek was in a jointly attended hemispace compared with a singly attended or unattended hemispace. Importantly, these effects were unique to joint attention and could not be explained as the additive effects of own gaze and gaze cue direction. Underlining its social nature, we found that the behavioral effect was absent when we repeated our experiment with nonsocial cues (arrows) instead of gaze cues. Furthermore, when we compared trustworthy with untrustworthy virtual partners (trustworthiness judgements based on facial appearance) we found the effect only for trustworthy and not for untrustworthy virtual partners. We conclude that joint attention based on shared gaze influences attentional orienting such that cross-modal sensory processing at the jointly attended location is facilitated, particularly when the partner is trustworthy. This indicates that social interactions and trustworthiness judgements affect cortical and behavioral responses to sensory information