173 research outputs found

    Clonality assessment of lymphoproliferative disorders by multiparameter flow cytometry of paraffin-embedded tissue : an additional diagnostic tool in surgical pathology.

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    A major drawback of immunohistochemical detection of monoclonality in B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders is the lack of contrast between surface-immunoglobulin staining and extracellular immunoglobulin staining. To bypass this drawback, immunophenotyping of single-cell suspensions by flow cytometry is commonly used. Although the expression of immunoglobulin light chain subtype can be quantified rapidly and reliably, the technique is hampered by the requirement of fresh unfixed material. We applied a recently developed technique for the isolation of single cells from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded material to measure clonality in B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders (lymphoid tissue (n = 10) and non-Hodgkin's B-cell lymphoma (n = 10). Immunocytochemistry indicated that common cell surface markers as well as the immunoglobulin light chains could be detected in the cell suspensions derived from archival material. In addition, the technique also allowed combined high-resolution DNA flow cytometric analysis. To investigate the effect of formalin fixation on cross-linking of extracellular immunoglobulins to lymphocytes, a double-immunostaining experiment for both light chain immunoglobulins (kappa and lambda) was performed. This experiment showed that this crosslinking was minimal (less than 2%). All cases of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia were DNA diploid and showed a polyclonal expression of immunoglobulin light chains. In contrast, in 9 of 10 non-Hodgkin's B-cell lymphomas, monoclonality was established on the basis of light chain expression, whereas only 6 of 9 cases were conclusive by immunohistochemistry. Four of the 9 cases were DNA aneuploid. One case did not show light chain expression at all by both techniques. However, this case could be classified as malignant by flow cytometric analysis because of the DNA-aneuploid nature of the B-cell subpopulation. The average S-phase fraction (SPF) of the B cells in the reactive lymphoid tissues was 3.5%. The mean SPF values for B cells in DNA-diploid cases of lymphomas was 3.0%, whereas the mean SPF of B cells in DNA-aneuploid cases was 6.1%. The presented technique is superior to immunohistochemistry for the detection of monoclonality in B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders and therefore provides a powerful tool to support the diagnosis of malignant lymphoma in routinely processed archival samples of lymphoid tissues. HUM PATHOL 31:422-427. by W.B. Saunders Company

    A novel flow cytometric steorid hormone receptor assay for paraffin embedded breast carcinomas : An objective quantification of the steroid hormone receptors and direct correlation to ploidy status and proliferative capacity in a single-tube assay.

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    Semiquantitative estimation of steroid hormone receptors by immunohistochemistry applied to paraffin sections is common practice in surgical pathology Flow cytometric (FCM) analysis of estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) levels provides a faster and more objective quantitative assay. However, a major problem in such FCM analyses of solid tumor samples is the admixture of tumor cells with normal epithelial, stromal, and inflammatory cells. The aim of the underlying study was to investigate the applicability of a recently developed multiparameter flow cytometric methodology for the accurate estimation of the fraction of steroid hormone receptor-positive tumor cells and to explore whether this multiparameter approach allows the detection of specific, clinically relevant subsets of tumors, based on a combination of ploidy level, steroid hormone receptor status, and cell cycle characteristics. For this purpose, samples of 42 breast cancer patients, from which routine immunohis tochemistry for ER and PR also was available, were analyzed. From each case, a cell suspension was prepared from the paraffin block by applying a heating and short pepsin digestion step to 50-mu m-thick sections. These cell suspensions were double-immunostained for cytokeratin to identify the epithelial cells, and ER or PR, whereas DNA was quantitatively stained with propidium iodide using an optimized protocol. In the entire group of breast tumors, the percentages of ER- and PR-positive cells were registrated in the epithelial subfraction, in combination with DNA ploidy and S phase fraction (SPF). A significant correlation was found between the fraction of hormone receptor-positive cells as found by the immunohistochemical and FCM procedures. For ER, a correlation coefficient of r = .87 was found, and for PR r = .62, both P <.0001. It became dear that all the diploid breast tumors had more than 30% tumor cells positive for ER with a SPF lower than 10%, whereas aneuploid tumors contained on average a smaller percentage of steroid hormone receptor-positive cells, and simultaneously an SPF greater than 10%. Our results show that this multiparameter FCM analysis allows an objective and reproducible quantification of the fraction of steroid hormone receptor-positive cells in the relevant epithelial cell compartment in relation to DNA ploidy status and proliferative capacity in a single-tube assay. by W.B. Saunders Company

    Validation of pharmacodynamic assays to evaluate the clinical efficacy of an antisense compound (AEG 35156) targeted to the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein XIAP

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    The inhibitor of apoptosis protein, XIAP, is frequently overexpressed in chemoresistant human tumours. An antisense oligonucleotide (AEG 35156/GEM 640) that targets XIAP has recently entered phase I trials in the UK. Method validation data are presented on three pharmacodynamic assays that will be utilised during this trial. Quantitative RT-PCR was based on a Taqman assay and was confirmed to be specific for XIAP. Assay linearity extended over four orders of magnitude. MDA-MB-231/U6-E1 cells and clone X-G4 stably expressing an RNAi vector against XIAP were chosen as high and low XIAP expression quality controls (QCs). Within-day and between-day coefficients of variation (CVs) in precision for cycle threshold (CT) and delta CT values (employing GAPDH and beta 2 microglobulin as housekeepers) were always less than 10%. A Western blotting technique was validated using a GST–XIAP fusion protein as a standard and HeLa cells and SF268 (human glioblastoma) cells as high and low XIAP expression QCs. Specificity of the final choice of antibody for XIAP was evaluated by analysing a panel of cell lines including clone X-G4. The assay was linear over a 29-fold range of protein concentration and between-day precision was 29% for the low QC and 23% for the high QC when normalised to GAPDH. XIAP protein was also shown to be stable at −80°C for at least 60 days. M30-Apoptosense™ plasma Elisa detects a caspase-cleaved fragment of cytokeratin 18 (CK18), believed to be a surrogate marker for tumour cell apoptosis. Generation of an independent QC was achieved through the treatment of X-G4 cells with staurosporine and collection of media. Measurements on assay precision and kit-to-kit QC were always less than 10%. The M30 antigen (CK18-Asp396) was stable for 3 months at −80°C, while at 37°C it had a half-life of 80–100 h in healthy volunteer plasma. Results from the phase I trial are eagerly awaited

    Tumor markers in breast cancer - European Group on Tumor Markers recommendations

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    Recommendations are presented for the routine clinical use of serum and tissue-based markers in the diagnosis and management of patients with breast cancer. Their low sensitivity and specificity preclude the use of serum markers such as the MUC-1 mucin glycoproteins ( CA 15.3, BR 27.29) and carcinoembryonic antigen in the diagnosis of early breast cancer. However, serial measurement of these markers can result in the early detection of recurrent disease as well as indicate the efficacy of therapy. Of the tissue-based markers, measurement of estrogen and progesterone receptors is mandatory in the selection of patients for treatment with hormone therapy, while HER-2 is essential in selecting patients with advanced breast cancer for treatment with Herceptin ( trastuzumab). Urokinase plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 are recently validated prognostic markers for lymph node-negative breast cancer patients and thus may be of value in selecting node-negative patients that do not require adjuvant chemotherapy. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    External Quality Assessment on Molecular Tumor Profiling with Circulating Tumor DNA-Based Methodologies Routinely Used in Clinical Pathology within the COIN Consortium

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    BackgroundIdentification of tumor-derived variants in circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has potential as a sensitive and reliable surrogate for tumor tissue-based routine diagnostic testing. However, variations in pre(analytical) procedures affect the efficiency of ctDNA recovery. Here, an external quality assessment (EQA) was performed to determine the performance of ctDNA mutation detection work flows that are used in current diagnostic settings across laboratories within the Dutch COIN consortium (ctDNA on the road to implementation in The Netherlands).MethodsAliquots of 3 high-volume diagnostic leukapheresis (DLA) plasma samples and 3 artificial reference plasma samples with predetermined mutations were distributed among 16 Dutch laboratories. Participating laboratories were requested to perform ctDNA analysis for BRAF exon 15, EGFR exon 18–21, and KRAS exon 2–3 using their regular circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) analysis work flow. Laboratories were assessed based on adherence to the study protocol, overall detection rate, and overall genotyping performance.ResultsA broad range of preanalytical conditions (e.g., plasma volume, elution volume, and extraction methods) and analytical methodologies (e.g., droplet digital PCR [ddPCR], small-panel PCR assays, and next-generation sequencing [NGS]) were used. Six laboratories (38%) had a performance score of &gt;0.90; all other laboratories scored between 0.26 and 0.80. Although 13 laboratories (81%) reached a 100% overall detection rate, the therapeutically relevant EGFR p.(S752_I759del) (69%), EGFR p.(N771_H773dup) (50%), and KRAS p.(G12C) (48%) mutations were frequently not genotyped accurately.ConclusionsDivergent (pre)analytical protocols could lead to discrepant clinical outcomes when using the same plasma samples. Standardization of (pre)analytical work flows can facilitate the implementation of reproducible liquid biopsy testing in the clinical routine

    Dutch National Round Robin Trial on Plasma-Derived Circulating Cell-Free DNA Extraction Methods Routinely Used in Clinical Pathology for Molecular Tumor Profiling

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    BACKGROUND: Efficient recovery of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) depends on the quantity and quality of circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA). Here, we evaluated whether various ccfDNA extraction methods routinely applied in Dutch laboratories affect ccfDNA yield, ccfDNA integrity, and mutant ctDNA detection, using identical lung cancer patient-derived plasma samples. METHODS: Aliquots of 4 high-volume diagnostic leukapheresis plasma samples and one artificial reference plasma sample with predetermined tumor-derived mutations were distributed among 14 Dutch laboratories. Extractions of ccfDNA were performed according to local routine standard operating procedures and were analyzed at a central reference laboratory for mutant detection and assessment of ccfDNA quantity and integrity. RESULTS: Mutant molecule levels in extracted ccfDNA samples varied considerably between laboratories, but there was no indication of consistent above or below average performance. Compared to silica membrane-based methods, samples extracted with magnetic beads-based kits revealed an overall lower total ccfDNA yield (-29%; P < 0.0001) and recovered fewer mutant molecules (-41%; P < 0.01). The variant allelic frequency and sample integrity were similar. In samples with a higher-than-average total ccfDNA yield, an augmented recovery of mutant molecules was observed. CONCLUSIONS: In the Netherlands, we encountered diversity in preanalytical workflows with potential consequences on mutant ctDNA detection in clinical practice. Silica membrane-based methodologies resulted in the highest total ccfDNA yield and are therefore preferred to detect low copy numbers of relevant mutations. Harmonization of the extraction workflow for accurate quantification and sensitive detection is required to prevent introduction of technical divergence in the preanalytical phase and reduce interlaboratory discrepancies

    Implementation of Novel Molecular Biomarkers for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer in the Netherlands:How to Deal With Increasing Complexity

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    The diagnostic landscape of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is changing rapidly with the availability of novel treatments. Despite high-level healthcare in the Netherlands, not all patients with NSCLC are tested with the currently relevant predictive tumor markers that are necessary for optimal decision-making for today's available targeted or immunotherapy. An expert workshop on the molecular diagnosis of NSCLC involving pulmonary oncologists, clinical chemists, pathologists, and clinical scientists in molecular pathology was held in the Netherlands on December 10, 2018. The aims of the workshop were to facilitate cross-disciplinary discussions regarding standards of practice, and address recent developments and associated challenges that impact future practice. This paper presents a summary of the discussions and consensus opinions of the workshop participants on the initial challenges of harmonization of the detection and clinical use of predictive markers of NSCLC. A key theme identified was the need for broader and active participation of all stakeholders involved in molecular diagnostic services for NSCLC, including healthcare professionals across all disciplines, the hospitals and clinics involved in service delivery, healthcare insurers, and industry groups involved in diagnostic and treatment innovations. Such collaboration is essential to integrate different technologies into molecular diagnostics practice, to increase nationwide patient access to novel technologies, and to ensure consensus-preferred biomarkers are tested

    Clinical significance of stromal apoptosis in colorectal cancer

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    BackgroundEpithelial and stromal cells play an important role in the development of colorectal cancer (CRC). We aimed to determine the prognostic significance of both epithelial and stromal cell apoptosis in CRC.MethodsTotal apoptosis was determined by caspase-3 activity measurements in protein homogenates of CRC specimens and adjacent normal mucosa of 211 CRC patients. Epithelial apoptosis was determined by an ELISA specific for a caspase-3-degraded cytokeratin 18 product, the M30 antigen. Stromal apoptosis was determined from the ratio between total and epithelial apoptosis.ResultsEpithelial and stromal apoptosis, as well as total apoptosis, were significantly higher in CRC compared with corresponding adjacent normal mucosa. Low total tumour apoptosis (&lt; or = median caspase-3 activity) was associated with a significantly worse disease recurrence (hazard ratio (HR), 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1.77 (1.05-3.01)), independent of clinocopathological parameters. Epithelial apoptosis was not associated with clinical outcome. In contrast, low stromal apoptosis (&lt; or = median caspase-3/M30) was found to be an independent prognostic factor for overall survival, disease-free survival and disease recurrence, with HRs (95% CI) of 1.66 (1.17-2.35), 1.62 (1.15-2.29) and 1.69 (1.01-2.85), respectively.InterpretationStromal apoptosis, in contrast to epithelial apoptosis, is an important factor with respect to survival and disease-recurrence in CRC