191 research outputs found

    Indicatoren voor dierenwelzijn en diergezondheid = Indicators for animal welfare and animal health

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    The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality requires a monitor for animal welfare and animal health to evaluate progress in this field. This report describes which indicators for animal welfare and health can be used for the monito

    State of the Animal: monitoring animal welfare and health in The Netherlands (0-measurement) : summary, full report is available in Dutch (report 323)

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    25 measuring points summarise the results of policy measures for animal welfare and health in The Netherland

    Ongerief bij rundvee, varkens, pluimvee, nertsen en paarden: eerste herhaling = Discomfort among cattle, pigs, poultry, mink and horses: first repetition

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    An inventory of discomfort experienced by cattle, pigs, poultry, mink and horses in The Netherlands is carried out and compared with a similar inventory in 2007. In general, discomfort is reduced, but compared to the overall level of discomfort not to a large extent

    Single-hole tunneling through a two-dimensional hole gas in intrinsic silicon

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    In this letter we report single-hole tunneling through a quantum dot in a two-dimensional hole gas, situated in a narrow-channel field-effect transistor in intrinsic silicon. Two layers of aluminum gate electrodes are defined on Si/SiO2_2 using electron-beam lithography. Fabrication and subsequent electrical characterization of different devices yield reproducible results, such as typical MOSFET turn-on and pinch-off characteristics. Additionally, linear transport measurements at 4 K result in regularly spaced Coulomb oscillations, corresponding to single-hole tunneling through individual Coulomb islands. These Coulomb peaks are visible over a broad range in gate voltage, indicating very stable device operation. Energy spectroscopy measurements show closed Coulomb diamonds with single-hole charging energies of 5--10 meV, and lines of increased conductance as a result of resonant tunneling through additional available hole states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. This article has been submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Development and Evaluation of the Taxonomy of Trauma Leadership Skills-Shortened for Observation and Reflection in Training:A Practical Tool for Observing and Reflecting on Trauma Leadership Performance

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    INTRODUCTION: Trauma leadership skills are increasingly being addressed in trauma courses, but few resources are available to systematically observe and debrief trainees' performances. The authors therefore translated their previously developed, extensive Taxonomy of Trauma Leadership Skills (TTLS) into a practical observation tool that is tailored to the vocabulary of clinician instructors and their workflow and workload during simulation-based training. METHODS: In 2016 to 2018, the TTLS was subjected to practical evaluation in an iterative process of 2 stages. In the first stage, testing panels of trauma specialists observed excerpts from videotaped simulations and indicated from the list of elements which behaviors they felt were being shown. Any ambiguities or redundancy were addressed by rephrasing or combining elements. In the second stage, iterations were used in actual scenario training to observe and debrief trainees' performances. The instructors' recommendations resulted in further improvements of clarity, ease of use, and usefulness, until no new suggestions were raised. RESULTS: The resultant "TTLS-Shortened for Observation and Reflection in Training" was given a simpler structure and more concrete and self-explanatory benchmarks. It contains 6 skill categories for evaluation, each with 4 to 6 benchmark behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: The TTLS-Shortened for Observation and Reflection in Training is an important addition to other trauma assessment tools because of its specific focus on leadership skills. It helps set concrete performance expectations, simplify note taking, and target observations and debriefings. One central challenge was striking a balance between its conciseness and specificity. The authors reflected on how the decisions for the resultant structure ease and leverage the conduct of observations and performance debriefing

    Scheiden van dieren = Weaning of animals

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    Separation of young animals from their parent(s) can cause welfare problems, if it occurs too early or in a wrong way. In this report we propose criteria for separation of young animals to prevent such problems and indicate for which species the current practice is a risk to cause welfare problems