79 research outputs found

    Inhibited Spontaneous Emission in Solid-State Physics and Electronics

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    Abstract: In this report, we present the design principles to achieve a highly sensitive optical stress sensor. The structure we use is a double-layered (DL) photonic molecule with optical bonding and anti-bonding states based on whispering-gallery mode in photonic crystal microcavity. By applying finite-difference time-domain and finite-element methods, we simulate the change of optical properties (including wavelength and quality (Q) factor) of bonding mode caused by the DL structural variation due to the applied stress in two DL geometries. In the end, we summarize an optical stress sensor design with high Q factor, large structural response due to the applied stress, and large optical spectrum change due to the DL structural variation. The minimum detectable stress variation is estimated to be as small as 0.95 nN

    Operation 'Cerberus Action' and the 'Four Corners' Prosecution.

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    There is a generally accepted belief that a well publicised prosecution, which results in the conviction of the offenders will deter crime by sending out a ‘clear message’ to those intending to offend. Those who seek to enforce the legal protection of antiquities and archaeological sites will often decry the number of prosecutions brought, and urge a more aggressive prosecution policy against looters and traffickers in antiquities. However a prosecution may not always produce the anticipated outcome of deterrence. In this article a lawyer examines a recent high profile operation undertaken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Land Management against looters and traffickers in the south west of the United States for breaches of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 and its outcome. It will begin with a short consideration of the context in which the prosecutions were brought: the scale of looting in the area; the difficulties facing those who have to enforce the law; the legal and historical background, and the belief of many in the area that they have a right to dig for artefacts and to collect or sell them. It will then consider ‘Operation Cerberus Action’ and its consequences in some detail, drawing on contemporaneous newspaper accounts and blog comments to illustrate that a prosecution, even where it results in conviction of all the defendants, may be counterproductive, serving only to entrench existing attitudes rather than encouraging behavioural change in intending looters and traffickers

    A Grammatical Approach to Understanding Textual Tables using

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    We present an elegant and extensible model that is capable of providing semantic interpretations for an unusually wide range of textual tables in documents. Unlike the few existing table analysis models, which largely rely on relatively ad hoc heuristics, our linguistically-oriented approach is systematic and grammar based, which allows our model (1) to be concise and yet (2) recognize a wider range of data models than others, and (3) disambiguate to a significantly finer extent the underlying semantic interpretation of the table in terms of data models drawn from relation database theory. To accomplish this, the model introduces Viterbi parsing under two-dimensional stochastic CFGs. The cleaner grammatical approach facilitates not only greater coverage, but also grammar extension and maintenance, as well as a more direct and declarative link to semantic interpretation, for which we also introduce a new, cleaner data model. In disambiguation experiments on recognizing relevant data models of unseen web tables from different domains, a blind evaluation of the model showed 60 % precision and 80 % recall.
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