486,619 research outputs found

    The Trophies of Victory and the Relics of Defeat: Returning Home in the Spring of 1865

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    The remains of a lone apple tree, cut down and carved into small pieces by Confederate soldiers, lay along a rutted dirt road that led to the village of Appomattox Court House. Earlier on 9 April 1865, Robert E. Lee had waited under the shade of the apple tree, anxious to hear from Ulysses S.Grant about surrendering his army. Messages between the generals eventually led to a brief meeting between Lee and two Union staff offices who then secured the parlor in Wilmer McLean\u27s house, where Grant dictated the surrender terms to Lee. As soon as the agreement was signed and Lee walked out the door, Union officers decluttered the parlor with Yankee efficiency, cutting strips of upholstery from plush sofas, breaking chair legs into small keepsakes, and appropriating candleholders and chairs until the room was left barren. [excerpt

    Lee and Grant: Images of Fatherhood in Victorian America

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    Before they were great Civil War generals, Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant were fathers. Lee had seven children, three sons and four daughters. Grant was the father of three boys and a single girl. Though they are intended to paint overwhelmingly positive portraits of the two men, their children’s words give us a sense of these two generals as fathers and the ways in which they reflected standard trends in fathering during the Victorian Era. [excerpt

    Take on Appomattox

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    On April 9, 1865, Palm Sunday, Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant met in the front parlor of Wilmer McLean’s house in the little village of Appomattox Court House to discuss the status of their two armies. After swapping stories of the days of their Mexican War service, the two men finally penned their names on terms of surrender, effectively ending the American Civil War. Grant, magnanimous towards the now defeated Confederates, and Lee, humble in his loss, ushered in the era of reconciliation that would bandage up the past four bloody years and push the reunited country forward together as one. [excerpt


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    ANALISIS KEMENANGAN LEE CHONG WEI DALAM PERTANDINGAN MELAWAN CHEN LONG Fajar Ahsani ABSTRAK Olahraga Bulutangkis merupakan olahraga yang paling digemari di Indonesia setelah sepakbola. Bulutangkis adalah olahraga yang dimainkan oleh dua orang (untuk tunggal) atau dua pasang (untuk ganda), untuk memainkan olahraga ini kita harus mengetahui teknik-teknik dasar seperti servisforehand pendek, servisforehand tinggi, underhand, lob, smash, dropshot, netting dan juga backhand. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis deskriptif untuk mengetahui teknik yang digunakan Lee Chong Wei dan Chen Long dalam Pertandingan Yonex sunrise Hongkong Open 20 November 2015, Celcom Axiata Malaysia Open 10 April 2016, dan Dong Feng Citroen Badminton Asia Championships 1 Mei 2016. Dari hasil penelitian analisis kemenangan Lee Chong Wei dalam pertandingan melawan Chen Long menunjukkan bahwa dalam 3 pertemun Lee Chong Wei mendominasi jalannya permainan. Serangan Lee Chong Wei lebih tersusun rapi daripada serangan Chen Long, serangan Lee Chong Wei dimulai dengan teknik servisforehand pendek, netting, dan smash. Chen Long sering kehilangan konsentrasi jika sudah terkena serangan Lee Chong Wei. Kata kunci: Analisis, Bulutangkis, Pertandingan Bulutangkis, Teknik bulutangkis. ANALYSIS LEE CHONG WEI’S GLORY IN A GAMES AGAINST CHEN LONG FajarAhsani ABSTRACT Badminton is a sport that is most popular in Indonesia after football.Badminton is played by two people (for a single) or two pairs (for a double), to play this sport we need to know the basic techniques such asshort fore hand service, high forehand service, underhand, lob, smash, dropshot, netting, and also backhand. This research is a descriptive analysis to know about Lee Chong Wei’s technique and Chen Long’s technique in the gameYonex sunrise Hong Kong Open November 20th 2015,Celcom Axiata Malaysia Open April 10th2016,andDong Feng Citroen Badminton Asia Championships May 1th, 2016. From the analysis research Lee Chong Wei’s glory in the games against Chen Long showed that within 3 during the meeting, Lee Chong Wei dominated the games. Lee Chong Wei attack more neatly than Chen Long’s attack, Lee Chong Wei’s attack began with a short forehand service techniques, netting, and smash. Chen Long often lose concentration if it had been hit by Lee Chong Wei. Keywords: Analysis, Badminton, Badminton Games, Badminton Techniques

    Leveille, Lee

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    Lee Leveille is a 30-year-old Californian transplant that grew up in Sumner and Greene, ME. S/he works as an intentional peer support specialist in central Maine and is currently finishing up his/her bachelor’s in Psychology and Community Studies at the University of Maine at Machias. S/he is an active member of his/her local synagogue after beginning the conversion process to Judaism in 2016. Lee considers him/herself to be a transgender butch, or someone who lives simultaneously as both a butch woman and transman. His/her pronouns are thus conditional in order to provide him/her with the flexibility to adapt to different environments. S/he hopes to bring more visibility to how living in these two worlds can influence each other, as well as seeking to mend rifts between different groups in the LGBT community. Leveille lives in central Maine. S/he discusses their experience with gender using a metaphor about living in multiple worlds. Throughout the interview Lee stresses his/her distaste for socially constructed identity boxes. S/he also delves into topics such as bullying, intimate partner violence, and abuse; being autistic; and converting to Judaism. Citation Please cite as: Querying the Past: LGBTQ Maine Oral History Project Collection, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer+ Collection, Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine, University of Southern Maine Libraries. For more information about the Querying the Past: Maine LGBTQ Oral History Project, please contact Dr. Wendy Chapkis.https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/querying_ohproject/1040/thumbnail.jp
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