145,927 research outputs found

    Renormalization Group Technique Applied to the Pairing Interaction of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Superconductivity

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    A mechanism of the quasi-one-dimensional (q1d) superconductivity is investigated by applying the renormalization group techniques to the pairing interaction. With the obtained renormalized pairing interaction, the transition temperature Tc and corresponding gap function are calculated by solving the linearized gap equation. For reasonable sets of parameters, Tc of p-wave triplet pairing is higher than that of d-wave singlet pairing due to the one-dimensionality of interaction. These results can qualitatively explain the superconducting properties of q1d organic conductor (TMTSF)2PF6 and the ladder compound Sr2Ca12Cu24O41.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Factorization theorems for exclusive heavy-quarkonium production

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    We outline the proofs of the factorization theorems for exclusive two-body charmonium production in B-meson decay and e^+e^- annihilation to all orders in perturbation theory in quantum chromodynamics. We find that factorized expressions hold up to corrections of order m_c/m_b in B-meson decay and corrections of order m_c^2/s in e^+e^- annihilation, where m_c is the charm-quark mass, m_b is the bottom-quark mass, and root-s is the e^+e^- center-of-momentum energy.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Factorization of low-energy gluons in exclusive processes

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    We outline a proof of factorization in exclusive processes, taking into account the presence of soft and collinear modes of arbitrarily low energy, which arise when the external lines of the process are taken on shell. Specifically, we examine the process of e^+e^- annihilation through a virtual photon into two light mesons. In an intermediate step, we establish a factorized form that contains a soft function that is free of collinear divergences. In contrast, in soft-collinear effective theory, the low-energy collinear modes factor most straightforwardly into the soft function. We point out that the cancellation of the soft function, which relies on the color-singlet nature of the external hadrons, fails when the soft function contains low-energy collinear modes.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, version published in Physical Review

    Factorization in exclusive quarkonium production

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    We present factorization theorems for two exclusive heavy-quarkonium production processes: production of two quarkonia in e^+e^- annihilation and production of a quarkonium and a light meson in B-meson decays. We describe the general proofs of factorization and supplement them with explicit one-loop analyses, which illustrate some of the features of the soft-gluon cancellations. We find that violations of factorization are generally suppressed relative to the factorized contributions by a factor v^2m_c/Q for each S-wave charmonium and a factor m_c/Q for each L-wave charmonium with L>0. Here, v is the velocity of the heavy quark or antiquark in the quarkonium rest frame, Q=sqrt{s} for e^+e^- annihilation, Q=m_B for B-meson decays, sqrt{s} is the e^+e^- center-of-momentum energy, m_c is the charm-quark mass, and m_B is the B-meson mass. There are modifications to the suppression factors if quantum-number restrictions apply for the specific process.Comment: 69 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. v2: Version published in Physical Review

    Mechanism for Surface Waves in Vibrated Granular Material

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    We use molecular dynamics simulations to study the formation of surface waves in vertically vibrated granular material. We find that horizontal movements of particles, which are essential for the formation of the waves, consist of two distinct processes. First, the movements sharply increase while the particles are colliding with a bottom plate, where the duration of the collisions is very short compared to the period of the vibration. Next, the movements gradually decrease between the collisions, during which the particles move through the material. We also find that the horizontal velocity field after the collisions is strongly correlated to the surface profile before the collisions.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures (included

    Acetylene terminated matrix resins

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    The synthesis of resins with terminal acetylene groups has provided a promising technology to yield high performance structural materials. Because these resins cure through an addition reaction, no volatile by-products are produced during the processing. The cured products have high thermal stability and good properties retention after exposure to humidity. Resins with a wide variety of different chemical structures between the terminal acetylene groups are synthesized and their mechanical properties studied. The ability of the acetylene cured polymers to give good mechanical properties is demonstrated by the resins with quinoxaline structures. Processibility of these resins can be manipulated by varying the chain length between the acetylene groups or by blending in different amounts of reactive deluents. Processing conditions similar to the state-of-the-art epoxy can be attained by using backbone structures like ether-sulfone or bis-phenol-A. The wide range of mechanical properties and processing conditions attainable by this class of resins should allow them to be used in a wide variety of applications

    F-wave versus P-wave Superconductivity in Organic Conductors

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    Current experimental results suggest that some organic quasi-one-dimensional superconductors exhibit triplet pairing symmetry. Thus, we discuss several potential triplet order parameters for the superconducting state of these systems within the functional integral formulation. We compare weak spin-orbit coupling fxyzf_{xyz}, pxp_x, pyp_y and pzp_z symmetries via several thermodynamic quantities. For each symmetry, we analyse the temperature dependences of the order parameter, condensation energy, specific heat, and superfluid density tensor.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Antiferromagnetically Driven Electronic Correlation in Iron Pnictides and Cuprates

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    The iron pnictides and the cuprates represent two families of materials, where strong antiferromagnetic correlation drives three other distinct ordering tendencies: (1) superconducting pairing, (2) Fermi surface distortion, and (3) orbital current order. We propose that (1)-(3) and the antiferromagnetic correlation are the hallmarks of a class of strongly correlated materials to which the cuprates and pnictides belong. In this paper we present the results of the functional renormalization group studies to support the above claim. In addition, we show that as a function of the interlayer hopping parameter, the double layer Hubbard model nicely interpolates between the cuprate and the iron pnictide physics. Finally, as a check, we will present the renormalization group study of a ladder version of the iron pnictide, and compare the results to those of the two-dimensional model.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figures, revised version, one more figure added and references update
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