195,351 research outputs found

    Impact of low gravity on water electrolysis operation

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    Advanced space missions will require oxygen and hydrogen utilities for several important operations including the following: (1) propulsion; (2) electrical power generation and storage; (3) environmental control and life support; (4) extravehicular activity; (5) in-space manufacturing and (6) in-space science activities. An experiment suited to a Space Shuttle standard middeck payload has been designed for the Static Feed Water Electrolysis technology which has been viewed as being capable of efficient, reliable oxygen and hydrogen generation with few subsystem components. The program included: end use design requirements, phenomena to be studied, Space Shuttle Orbiter experiment constraints, experiment design and data requirements, and test hardware requirements. The objectives are to obtain scientific and engineering data for future research and development and to focus on demonstrating and monitoring for safety of a standard middeck payload

    The Cosmochemistry of Protostellar Matter

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    The different processes that can affect the chemical composition of matter as it evolves from quiescent molecular clouds into protostellar regions is discussed. Millimeter observations of molecules at high angular resolution in cold, dark clouds such as TMC-1 and L134N reveal large chemical gradients on scales of a few tenths of a pc, which are not well understood. Further, the abundances of the dominant oxygen- (H_2O, O_2, O), and nitrogen-bearing (N_2, N) species are ill determined, both observationally and theoretically, and little is known about some important carbon-bearing molecules such as CH_4, CO_2 and C_2H_2 . Observations of the distribution of molecular material in disks surrounding newly-formed low-mass stars such as IRAS 16293 -2422 are just starting to become available, and reveal a complex chemistry on scales of 500-10,000 AU. Remarkable similarities are found with the chemistry observed in the highmass star forming region Orion/KL, despite a factor of 1000 difference in stellar luminosity. A brief comparison with the chemical composition comets is made

    Local continuity laws on the phase space of Einstein equations with sources

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    Local continuity equations involving background fields and variantions of the fields, are obtained for a restricted class of solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell and Einstein-Weyl theories using a new approach based on the concept of the adjoint of a differential operator. Such covariant conservation laws are generated by means of decoupled equations and their adjoints in such a way that the corresponding covariantly conserved currents possess some gauge-invariant properties and are expressed in terms of Debye potentials. These continuity laws lead to both a covariant description of bilinear forms on the phase space and the existence of conserved quantities. Differences and similarities with other approaches and extensions of our results are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 13 page

    The 4D area navigation system description and flight test results

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    A 4D area navigation system was designed to guide aircraft along a prespecified flight path (reference path) such that the aircraft would arrive at the approach gate at a time specified by the ATC controller. Key components to achieve this requirement were: (1) stored reference trajectories; (2) a continuously recomputed capture trajectory to a selected waypoint on the reference trajectory so as to achieve the desired time of arrival; (3) electronic situation displays; and (4) a control system to follow the overall trajectory in space and time. The system was implemented in a digital integrated avionics system (STOLAND) installed on a CV-340 airplane. Although the 4D system was designed primarily for automatic operation, it was flight tested in a flight director mode (the pilot follows the flight director commands), because the CV-340 autopilot servos were not tied to the avionics system. The flight test showed that, even in the flight director mode, the pilot did achieve the objectives of path tracking and time of arrival control with only moderate workload. The system also permitted controlled delay of the time of arrival by path stretching, which takes advantage of the continuously changing capture trajectory to predict the time of arrival. Simulations in the automatic and manual modes were used to complement the flight data

    Attitude determination and calibration using a recursive maximum likelihood-based adaptive Kalman filter

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    An adaptive Kalman filter design that utilizes recursive maximum likelihood parameter identification is discussed. At the center of this design is the Kalman filter itself, which has the responsibility for attitude determination. At the same time, the identification algorithm is continually identifying the system parameters. The approach is applicable to nonlinear, as well as linear systems. This adaptive Kalman filter design has much potential for real time implementation, especially considering the fast clock speeds, cache memory and internal RAM available today. The recursive maximum likelihood algorithm is discussed in detail, with special attention directed towards its unique matrix formulation. The procedure for using the algorithm is described along with comments on how this algorithm interacts with the Kalman filter

    Active multilayer mirrors for reflectance tuning at extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths

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    We propose an active multilayer mirror structure for EUV wavelengths which can be adjusted to compensate for reflectance changes. The multilayer structure tunes the reflectance via an integrated piezoelectric layer that can change its dimension due to an externally applied voltage. Here, we present design and optimization of the mirror structure for maximum reflectance tuning. In addition, we present preliminary results showing that the deposition of piezoelectric thin films with the requisite layer smoothness and crystal structure are possible. Finally, polarization switching of the smoothest piezoelectric film is presented
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