187,930 research outputs found

    Scaling of Reaction Zones in the A+B->0 Diffusion-Limited Reaction

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    We study reaction zones in three different versions of the A+B->0 system. For a steady state formed by opposing currents of A and B particles we derive scaling behavior via renormalization group analysis. By use of a previously developed analogy, these results are extended to the time-dependent case of an initially segregated system. We also consider an initially mixed system, which forms reaction zones for dimension d<4. In this case an extension of the steady-state analogy gives scaling results characterized by new exponents.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX 3.0 with epsf, 2 uuencoded postscript figures appended, OUTP-94-33

    Development of advanced avionics systems applicable to terminal-configured vehicles

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    A technique to add the time constraint to the automatic descent feature of the existing L-1011 aircraft Flight Management System (FMS) was developed. Software modifications were incorporated in the FMS computer program and the results checked by lab simulation and on a series of eleven test flights. An arrival time dispersion (2 sigma) of 19 seconds was achieved. The 4 D descent technique can be integrated with the time-based metering method of air traffic control. Substantial reductions in delays at today's busy airports should result

    Generalized Heisenberg algebras and k-generalized Fibonacci numbers

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    It is shown how some of the recent results of de Souza et al. [1] can be generalized to describe Hamiltonians whose eigenvalues are given as k-generalized Fibonacci numbers. Here k is an arbitrary integer and the cases considered by de Souza et al. corespond to k=2.Comment: 8 page

    Statistical analysis of direct-strike lightning data (1980 to 1982)

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    Electromagnetic measurements are being made during direct lightning strikes by NASA Langley Center using a specially instrumented F-106B aircraft. The research is to aid refinement, characterization, and understanding of the lightning-aircraft interaction process and the lightning hazards to aircraft. Statistical methods are applied to characterize some aspects of the lightning data obtained from 176 strikes to the aircraft. Specific attention is given to the problem of estimating the upper extreme quantiles of the distributions of peak-to-peak values for currents and rates of change in the magnetic and flux densities. A formal treatment via a general location-scale family of models allows the estimation method to be adapted to the realized shapes the distributions. The shapes are examined by probability plotting methods

    Extended BRST invariance in topological Yang Mills theory revisited

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    Extended BRST invariance (BRST plus anti-BRST invariances) provides in principle a natural way of introducing the complete gauge fixing structure associated to a gauge field theory in the minimum representation of the algebra. However, as it happens in topological Yang Mills theory, not all gauge fixings can be obtained from a symmetrical extended BRST algebra, where antighosts belong to the same representation of the Lorentz group of the corresponding ghosts. We show here that, at non interacting level, a simple field redefinition makes it possible to start with an extended BRST algebra with symmetric ghost antighost spectrum and arrive at the gauge fixing action of topological Yang Mills theory.Comment: Interaction terms heve been included in all the calculations. Two references added. Version to be published in Phys. Rev. D. 7 pages, Latex, no figure

    Electron spin relaxation in organic semiconductors probed through muSR

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    Muon spin spectroscopy and in particular the avoided level crossing technique is introduced, with the aim of showing it as a very sensitive local probe for electron spin relaxation in organic semiconductors. Avoided level crossing data on TMS-pentacene at different temperatures are presented, and they are analysed to extract the electron spin relaxation rate, that is shown to increase on increasing the temperature from 0.02 MHz to 0.33 MHz at 3 K and 300 K respectively.Comment: International Conference TSN2010 "Trends in spintronics and nanomagnetism

    Chiral symmetry patterns of excited mesons with the Coulomb-like linear confinement

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    The spectrum of qˉq\bar q q mesons in a model where the only interaction is a linear Coulomb-like instantaneous confining potential is studied. The single-quark Green function as well as the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking are obtained from the Schwinger-Dyson (gap) equation. Given the dressed quark propagator, a complete spectrum of "usual" mesons is obtained from the Bethe-Salpeter equation. The spectrum exhibits restoration of chiral and U(1)AU(1)_A symmetries at large spins and/or radial excitations. This property is demonstrated both analytically and numerically. At large spins and/or radial excitations higher degree of degeneracy is observed, namely all states with the given spin fall into reducible representations [(0,1/2)(1/2,0)]×[(0,1/2)(1/2,0)][(0,1/2) \oplus (1/2,0)] \times [(0,1/2) \oplus (1/2,0)] that combine all possible chiral multiplets with the given JJ and nn. The structure of the meson wave functions as well as the form of the angular and radial Regge trajectories are investigated.Comment: 1. Order of references has been changed and one reference has been added; 2. A short discussion of nonrelativistic and semirelativistic quark models has been added in the conclusion part on referee's request. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Finding The Sign Of A Function Value By Binary Cellular Automaton

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    Given a continuous function f(x)f(x), suppose that the sign of ff only has finitely many discontinuous points in the interval [0,1][0,1]. We show how to use a sequence of one dimensional deterministic binary cellular automata to determine the sign of f(ρ)f(\rho) where ρ\rho is the (number) density of 1s in an arbitrarily given bit string of finite length provided that ff satisfies certain technical conditions.Comment: Revtex, uses amsfonts, 10 page

    [Colored solutions of Yang-Baxter equation from representations of U_{q}gl(2)]

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    We study the Hopf algebra structure and the highest weight representation of a multiparameter version of Uqgl(2)U_{q}gl(2). The commutation relations as well as other Hopf algebra maps are explicitly given. We show that the multiparameter universal R{\cal R} matrix can be constructed directly as a quantum double intertwiner, without using Reshetikhin's transformation. An interesting feature automatically appears in the representation theory: it can be divided into two types, one for generic qq, the other for qq being a root of unity. When applying the representation theory to the multiparameter universal R{\cal R} matrix, the so called standard and nonstandard colored solutions R(μ,ν;μ,ν)R(\mu,\nu; {\mu}', {\nu}') of the Yang-Baxter equation is obtained.Comment: [14]pages, latex, no figure