693 research outputs found

    How Do Online Social Networks Drive Internal Communication and Improve Employee Engagement?

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    The definition of a social network is taking traditional or in person networking activities online. It focuses on facilitating the building of social networks or social relations among people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. Given the popularity of social network sites, it is obvious that more and more companies are interested in using them to enhance company’s strategy. Many large organizations had been looking for ways to extract business values from social technologies, and some of them had already run their own social network site on their own servers, what we will refer to as an internal social network. Our research, focusing on looking at the practices of real companies’ internal social network, may reveal some insights or give some inspirations

    How are Global HR Competency Models Evolving for the Future?

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    Question: To update the HR competency model for the future, how are global HR competency models evolving? Are there any other HR Competency models that are being applied successfully in multinational organizations

    What are Best Practices for Retaining Employees During Mergers and Acquisitions?

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    The purpose of this report is to guide decision makers at this company, by offering the most recent theories and practices regarding talent retention programs. Recently mergers and acquisitions have become a major part of global business. During the M&A, it is important to manage the organizational and human resource issues. Our team focused on gathering real business cases. Then we highlight some suggestions from the best practices to create successful M&A. It is our intent that the research findings in this report will help to enlighten and inform the company’s leaders to guide the effective human management program centered on key talent, ultimately leading to organizational success

    Basic Enhancement Strategies When Using Bayesian Optimization for Hyperparameter Tuning of Deep Neural Networks

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    Compared to the traditional machine learning models, deep neural networks (DNN) are known to be highly sensitive to the choice of hyperparameters. While the required time and effort for manual tuning has been rapidly decreasing for the well developed and commonly used DNN architectures, undoubtedly DNN hyperparameter optimization will continue to be a major burden whenever a new DNN architecture needs to be designed, a new task needs to be solved, a new dataset needs to be addressed, or an existing DNN needs to be improved further. For hyperparameter optimization of general machine learning problems, numerous automated solutions have been developed where some of the most popular solutions are based on Bayesian Optimization (BO). In this work, we analyze four fundamental strategies for enhancing BO when it is used for DNN hyperparameter optimization. Specifically, diversification, early termination, parallelization, and cost function transformation are investigated. Based on the analysis, we provide a simple yet robust algorithm for DNN hyperparameter optimization - DEEP-BO (Diversified, Early-termination-Enabled, and Parallel Bayesian Optimization). When evaluated over six DNN benchmarks, DEEP-BO mostly outperformed well-known solutions including GP-Hedge, BOHB, and the speed-up variants that use Median Stopping Rule or Learning Curve Extrapolation. In fact, DEEP-BO consistently provided the top, or at least close to the top, performance over all the benchmark types that we have tested. This indicates that DEEP-BO is a robust solution compared to the existing solutions. The DEEP-BO code is publicly available at <uri>https://github.com/snu-adsl/DEEP-BO</uri>

    The Effect Of Internal Control Weakness On Investment Efficiency

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    This paper examines whether material weakness in internal accounting control is negatively associated with investment efficiency in Korea. Since internal accounting control weakness drives poor accounting quality and poor accounting quality exacerbates information asymmetry between firms and outside capital suppliers, managerial investment cannot be monitored effectively which result in over- and/or under- investment. Since internal accounting system is closely related to corporate governance, weak internal accounting control is often associated with poor corporate governance, and this control environment makes it hard to monitor managerial opportunistic behavior, causing abnormal investment such as over- and/or under- investment.  We find that firms with internal accounting control weakness tend to make over- and under- investment. We also find the number of weakness in internal accounting control is negatively related to investment efficiency. In addition, three types of qualified review opinion - overall company level weakness, account-specific weakness and disclaimer review opinion due to scope limitation - are differentially affected to investment efficiency; disclaimer review opinion is present the most severe problem in internal accounting control that drives over- and under- investment. Our findings suggest weak internal accounting control provides poor monitoring to manager and cannot restrain managerial inefficient investment decision.

    Assessment of Textile and Apparel Curriculum in Mongolia from the Academia and Industry Perspectives

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    Despite the significant presence of the Textile and Apparel (T & A) industry in Mongolia, the current T & A curriculum in Mongolian higher education is not up to the standard of meeting the needs for the T&A industry. Present researchers found that previous research assessed the T & A curriculum in developed countries like the U.S. (Hines & Swinker, 1998); however, little academic research has assessed the T & A curriculum in third world countries (e.g., Mongolia). Thus, the purpose of this research is to assess the T & A curriculum in Mongolian higher education to provide some fundamental suggestions for improvement meeting the four-year baccalaureate program, Meta-Goals, developed by the International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA, 2008)

    Climate Justice: the Case of the Clean Development Mechanism

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    Treballs finals del Màster "Estudios Internacionales: organizaciones internacionales y cooperación – Colección Memorias MEI", Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Director: Antonio Cardesa Salzman