2,791 research outputs found

    From Molecular Cores to Planet-forming Disks: An SIRTF Legacy Program

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    Crucial steps in the formation of stars and planets can be studied only at mid‐ to far‐infrared wavelengths, where the Space Infrared Telescope (SIRTF) provides an unprecedented improvement in sensitivity. We will use all three SIRTF instruments (Infrared Array Camera [IRAC], Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF [MIPS], and Infrared Spectrograph [IRS]) to observe sources that span the evolutionary sequence from molecular cores to protoplanetary disks, encompassing a wide range of cloud masses, stellar masses, and star‐forming environments. In addition to targeting about 150 known compact cores, we will survey with IRAC and MIPS (3.6–70 μm) the entire areas of five of the nearest large molecular clouds for new candidate protostars and substellar objects as faint as 0.001 solar luminosities. We will also observe with IRAC and MIPS about 190 systems likely to be in the early stages of planetary system formation (ages up to about 10 Myr), probing the evolution of the circumstellar dust, the raw material for planetary cores. Candidate planet‐forming disks as small as 0.1 lunar masses will be detectable. Spectroscopy with IRS of new objects found in the surveys and of a select group of known objects will add vital information on the changing chemical and physical conditions in the disks and envelopes. The resulting data products will include catalogs of thousands of previously unknown sources, multiwavelength maps of about 20 deg^2 of molecular clouds, photometry of about 190 known young stars, spectra of at least 170 sources, ancillary data from ground‐based telescopes, and new tools for analysis and modeling. These products will constitute the foundations for many follow‐up studies with ground‐based telescopes, as well as with SIRTF itself and other space missions such as SIM, JWST, Herschel, and TPF/Darwin

    Tracing the Mass during Low-Mass Star Formation. II. Modelling the Submillimeter Emission from Pre-Protostellar Cores

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    We have modeled the emission from dust in pre-protostellar cores, including a self-consistent calculation of the temperature distribution for each input density distribution. Model density distributions include Bonnor-Ebert spheres and power laws. The Bonnor-Ebert spheres fit the data well for all three cores we have modeled. The dust temperatures decline to very low values (\Td \sim 7 K) in the centers of these cores, strongly affecting the dust emission. Compared to earlier models that assume constant dust temperatures, our models indicate higher central densities and smaller regions of relatively constant density. Indeed, for L1544, a power-law density distribution, similar to that of a singular, isothermal sphere, cannot be ruled out. For the three sources modeled herein, there seems to be a sequence of increasing central condensation, from L1512 to L1689B to L1544. The two denser cores, L1689B and L1544, have spectroscopic evidence for contraction, suggesting an evolutionary sequence for pre-protostellar cores.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, Ap. J. accepted, uses emulateapj5.st

    The Spitzer c2d survey of Large, Nearby, Interstellar Clouds. V. Chamaeleon II Observed with IRAC

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    We present IRAC (3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 micron) observations of the Chamaeleon II molecular cloud. The observed area covers about 1 square degree defined by AV>2A_V >2. Analysis of the data in the 2005 c2d catalogs reveals a small number of sources (40) with properties similar to those of young stellaror substellar objects (YSOs). The surface density of these YSO candidates is low, and contamination by background galaxies appears to be substantial, especially for sources classified as Class I or flat SED. We discuss this problem in some detail and conclude that very few of the candidate YSOs in early evolutionary stages are actually in the Cha II cloud. Using a refined set of criteria, we define a smaller, but more reliable, set of 24 YSO candidates.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, in press Ap

    The Spitzer c2d Survey of Large, Nearby, Interstellar Clouds. VIII. Serpens Observed with MIPS

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    We present maps of 1.5 deg^2 of the Serpens dark cloud at 24, 70, and 160 Îźm observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope MIPS camera. We describe the observations and briefly discuss the data processing carried out by the c2d team on these data. More than 2400 compact sources have been extracted at 24 Îźm, nearly 100 at 70 Îźm, and four at 160 Îźm. We estimate completeness limits for our 24 Îźm survey from Monte Carlo tests with artificial sources inserted into the Spitzer maps. We compare source counts, colors, and magnitudes in the Serpens cloud to two reference data sets: a 0.50 deg^2 set on a low-extinction region near the dark cloud, and a 5.3 deg^2 subset of the SWIRE ELAIS N1 data that was processed through our pipeline. These results show that there is an easily identifiable population of young stellar object candidates in the Serpens cloud that is not present in either of the reference data sets. We also show a comparison of visual extinction and cool dust emission illustrating a close correlation between the two and find that the most embedded YSO candidates are located in the areas of highest visual extinction

    Mixed Bino-Wino-Higgsino Dark Matter in Gauge Messenger Models

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    Almost degenerate bino and wino masses at the weak scale is one of unique features of gauge messenger models. The lightest neutralino is a mixture of bino, wino and higgsino and can produce the correct amount of the dark matter density if it is the lightest supersymmetric particle. Furthermore, as a result of squeezed spectrum of superpartners which is typical for gauge messenger models, various co-annihilation and resonance regions overlap and very often the correct amount of the neutralino relic density is generated as an interplay of several processes. This feature makes the explanation of the observed amount of the dark matter density much less sensitive to fundamental parameters. We calculate the neutralino relic density assuming thermal history and present both spin independent and spin dependent cross sections for the direct detection. We also discuss phenomenological constraints from b to s gamma and muon g-2 and compare results of gauge messenger models to well known results of the mSUGRA scenario.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, references added, version to appear at JCA

    The Spitzer c2d Survey of Large, Nearby, Interstellar Clouds. VII. Ophiuchus Observed with MIPS

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    We present maps of 14.4 deg^2 of the Ophiuchus dark clouds observed by the Spitzer Space Telescope Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS). These high-quality maps depict both numerous point sources and extended dust emission within the star-forming and non–star-forming portions of these clouds. Using PSF-fitting photometry, we detect 5779 sources at 24 μm and 81 sources at 70 μm at the 10 σ level of significance. Three hundred twenty-three candidate young stellar objects (YSOs) were identified according to their positions on the MIPS/2MASS K versus color-magnitude diagrams, as compared to 24 μm detections in the SWIRE extragalactic survey. We find that more than half of the YSO candidates, and almost all those with protostellar Class I spectral energy distributions, are confined to the known cluster and aggregates

    Turbulent Control of the Star Formation Efficiency

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    Supersonic turbulence plays a dual role in molecular clouds: On one hand, it contributes to the global support of the clouds, while on the other it promotes the formation of small-scale density fluctuations, identifiable with clumps and cores. Within these, the local Jeans length \Ljc is reduced, and collapse ensues if \Ljc becomes smaller than the clump size and the magnetic support is insufficient (i.e., the core is ``magnetically supercritical''); otherwise, the clumps do not collapse and are expected to re-expand and disperse on a few free-fall times. This case may correspond to a fraction of the observed starless cores. The star formation efficiency (SFE, the fraction of the cloud's mass that ends up in collapsed objects) is smaller than unity because the mass contained in collapsing clumps is smaller than the total cloud mass. However, in non-magnetic numerical simulations with realistic Mach numbers and turbulence driving scales, the SFE is still larger than observational estimates. The presence of a magnetic field, even if magnetically supercritical, appears to further reduce the SFE, but by reducing the probability of core formation rather than by delaying the collapse of individual cores, as was formerly thought. Precise quantification of these effects as a function of global cloud parameters is still needed.Comment: Invited review for the conference "IMF@50: the Initial Mass Function 50 Years Later", to be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, eds. E. Corbelli, F. Palla, and H. Zinnecke

    The Spitzer c2d Survey of Large, Nearby, Interstellar Clouds. IV. Lupus Observed with MIPS

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    We present maps of 7.78 square degrees of the Lupus molecular cloud complex at 24, 70, and 160 μ160\:\mum. They were made with the Spitzer Space Telescope's Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) instrument as part of the Spitzer Legacy Program, ``From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks'' (c2d). The maps cover three separate regions in Lupus, denoted I, III, and IV. We discuss the c2d pipeline and how our data processing differs from it. We compare source counts in the three regions with two other data sets and predicted star counts from the Wainscoat model. This comparison shows the contribution from background galaxies in Lupus I. We also create two color magnitude diagrams using the 2MASS and MIPS data. From these results, we can identify background galaxies and distinguish them from probable young stellar objects. The sources in our catalogs are classified based on their spectral energy distribution (SED) from 2MASS and Spitzer wavelengths to create a sample of young stellar object candidates. From 2MASS data, we create extinction maps for each region and note a strong corresponence between the extinction and the 160 μ160\:\mum emission. The masses we derived in each Lupus cloud from our extinction maps are compared to masses estimated from 13^{13}CO and C18^{18}O and found to be similar to our extinction masses in some regions, but significantly different in others. Finally, based on our color-magnitude diagrams, we selected 12 of our reddest candidate young stellar objects for individual discussion. Five of the 12 appear to be newly-discovered YSOs.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, uses emulateapj.cls. Accepted for publication in ApJ. A version with high-quality figures can be found at http://peggysue.as.utexas.edu/SIRTF

    Therapeutic Targeting of STAT3 (Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription 3) Pathway Inhibits Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis

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    Mice with targeted deletion of STAT3 in CD4+ T-cells do not develop experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) or experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), in part, because they cannot generate pathogenic Th17 cells. In this study, we have used ORLL-NIH001, a small synthetic compound that inhibits transcriptional activity of STAT3, to ameliorate EAU, an animal model of human posterior uveitis. We show that by attenuating inflammatory properties of uveitogenic lymphocytes, ORLL-NIH001 inhibited the recruitment of inflammatory cells into the retina during EAU and prevented the massive destruction of the neuroretina caused by pro-inflammatory cytokines produced by the autoreactive lymphocytes. Decrease in disease severity observed in ORLL-NIH001-treated mice, correlated with the down-regulation of ι4β1 and ι4β7 integrin activation and marked reduction of CCR6 and CXCR3 expression, providing a mechanism by which ORLL-NIH001 mitigated EAU. Furthermore, we show that ORLL-NIH001 inhibited the expansion of human Th17 cells, underscoring its potential as a drug for the treatment of human uveitis. Two synthetic molecules that target the Th17 lineage transcription factors, RORγt and RORι, have recently been suggested as potential drugs for inhibiting Th17 development and treating CNS inflammatory diseases. However, inhibiting STAT3 pathways completely blocks Th17 development, as well as, prevents trafficking of inflammatory cells into CNS tissues, making STAT3 a more attractive therapeutic target. Thus, use of ORLL-NIH001 to target the STAT3 transcription factor, thereby antagonizing Th17 expansion and expression of proteins that mediate T cell chemotaxis, provides an attractive new therapeutic approach for treatment of posterior uveitis and other CNS autoimmune diseases mediated by Th17 cells
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