726 research outputs found

    Factors associated with parenting stress among mothers with down syndrome children in Kota Bharu, Kelantan

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    Through research about predictors of parenting stress among mothers of Down syndrome children, hopefully that some information obtained could be utilized to advocate for mental health services for mothers of young children with intellectual disabilities in Malaysia. Depression, anxiety, parenting stress and others negative impacts were observed among the parents of children with Down syndrome. The aim of this study was to determine the parenting stress level and factors that may associate with parenting stress level among mothers with Down syndrome children in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. After obtaining ethical approval from both hospital and USM ethics committees, a cross sectional study was carried out among mothers with Down syndrome children from Pediatrics Clinic Hospital USM and Lion Club’s Down syndrome Center in Kota Bharu. Purposive sampling method was used to recruit the sample. There were 30 mothers being involved in this study. Data were collected using a self- administered questionnaire developed by the researcher according to previous literature. The questionnaire was available in two languages (English and Malays) in which included demographic data, parental stress scale, pediatric symptoms checklist, DASS and COPE. Then, data was being analyzed using the Statistical Package Social Science (SPSS) software version 20.0. Descriptive statistics were used to present the demographic data. The results suggested that the parenting stress level could be significantly associated with child behavioral problems, maternal depression and stress as well as maternal coping methods. By using the cut- off point of 28 from Child Behavior Checklist for children aged more than 6 years old and cut- off of 24 for younger children, 12 (40.0%) of the Down syndrome children had reported having behavioral problems. The mean stress score for mothers with a child having behavioral problems (50.5) was higher than that of those who did not report having behavioral problems (37.1), with a p value less than 0.001. The mean parenting stress score of normal, mild and moderate depression score were 39.9, 50.8 and 51.0, with p value 0.023. The mean stress score of mothers that scored normal, mild as well as moderate stress score were 39.6, 51.4 and 53.5, giving a significant p value of 0.006. The mean COPE score in the study was 79.3 (SD = 9.2), ranging from 66 to 96. The correlation coefficient between mean parenting stress and COPE score was -0.634, with p value <0.001.The parenting stress level among mothers with Down syndrome children was caused by child behavioral problem, then affected by maternal depression and anxiety and lastly buffered by maternal coping methods. Thus, more research should be conducted in order to clarify more about the possible causes of parenting stress level and intervention to alleviate the stress


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    Objective: The objective of this research is to propose an Android-based digital hearing aid signal processing algorithm with following key features:(1) Regenerated audio match the patient-specific pattern of hearing loss, (2) noise reduction, and (3) provide flexibility to the users.Methods: The proposed signal processing algorithm is designed based on the specific hearing loss of the hearing disorder patient using inverse Fouriertransform; besides, noise reduction feature is included in the digital algorithm design as well. Proposed digital algorithm has been implemented intoan Android-based smartphone and its performance has been tested under real-time condition.Results: Simulation results show that the frequency response of the proposed digital hearing aid signal processing algorithm is in agreement withthe initial theoretical design that was carried out based on the hearing impaired patient’s audiogram. The proposed algorithm has been implementedin the Android-based smartphone and tested in real time. Results show that most of the patients are satisfied with the regenerated audio quality.According to patient’s comments, the regenerated audio is clear and the users are allowed to control the volume level. Besides, no obvious hearinglatency can be detected.Conclusion: Audio signals generated by the proposed digital signal processing algorithm show similar audio signal frequency response in boththeoretical design and MATLAB simulation results. The only difference between the design and simulation results is the amplification levels. Theproposed algorithm provides flexibility to the users by allowing them to choose the desired amplification level. In real-time testing, the proposedAndroid-based digital hearing aid is able to reduce noise level from the surrounding and the output processed speech match the patient-specifichearing loss

    Transcriptional response of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) inoculated simultaneously with both Ganoderma boninense and Trichoderma harzianum

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    Application of beneficial microbes offers an environmentally friendly alternative for mitigation of basal stem rot (BSR) disease in oil palm. However, the biocontrol mechanisms of Trichoderma against the pathogenic Ganoderma spp. which cause BSR are largely unknown at the molecular level. To identify the transcripts involved during induced systemic resistance (ISR), we analyzed the root transcriptomes of oil palm seedlings inoculated simultaneously with both G. boninense and T. harzianum, and un-inoculated oil palm seedlings, as well as those that were inoculated with either pathogenic or beneficial fungi. Our analyses revealed that the biocontrol mechanisms of T. harzianum against G. boninense involve modulation of genes related to biosynthesis of phytohormones (ethylene, MeJA and MeSA), antioxidant (l-ascorbate and myo-inositol) and unique secondary metabolites such as momilactone, cell wall metabolisms, and detoxification of phytotoxic compounds; in addition to its role as a biofertilizer which improves nutritional status of host plant. The outcomes of this study have fueled our understanding on the biocontrol mechanisms involving T. harizianum against G. boninense infection in oil palm roots

    Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy v. group psychoeducation for people with generalised anxiety disorder: randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Research suggests that an 8-week mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) course may be effective for generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). Aims: To compare changes in anxiety levels among participants with GAD randomly assigned to MBCT, cognitive–behavioural therapy-based psychoeducation and usual care. Method: In total, 182 participants with GAD were recruited (trial registration number: CUHK_CCT00267) and assigned to the three groups and followed for 5 months after baseline assessment with the two intervention groups followed for an additional 6 months. Primary outcomes were anxiety and worry levels. Results: Linear mixed models demonstrated significant group × time interaction (F(4,148) = 5.10, P = 0.001) effects for decreased anxiety for both the intervention groups relative to usual care. Significant group × time interaction effects were observed for worry and depressive symptoms and mental health-related quality of life for the psychoeducation group only. Conclusions: These results suggest that both of the interventions appear to be superior to usual care for the reduction of anxiety symptoms

    Use of endobronchial one-way valves reveals questions on etiology of spontaneous pneumothorax: report of three cases

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    Spontaneous pneumothoraces are believed to arise when air from the supplying airway exit via a ruptured visceral pleural bleb into the pleural cavity. Endobronchial one-way valves (EBVs) allow air exit (but not entry) from individual segmental airways. Systematic deployment of EBVs was applied to three patients with secondary spontaneous pneumothoraces and persistent airleak. In all cases, balloon-catheter occlusion of the upper lobe bronchus stopped the airleak. EBVs applied to individual upper lobe segmental airways failed to terminate the airleak, which only stopped after placements of multiple EBVs to occlude all upper lobe segments. The observation questions the traditional belief of 'one-airway-one-bleb-one-leak' in spontaneous pneumothorax

    Elevated adipogenesis of marrow mesenchymal stem cells during early steroid-associated osteonecrosis development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increased bone marrow lipid deposition in steroid-associated osteonecrosis (ON) implies that abnormalities in fat metabolism play an important role in ON development. The increase in lipid deposition might be explained by elevated adipogenesis of marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). However, it remains unclear whether there is a close association between elevated adipogenesis and steroid-associated ON development.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that there might be a close association between elevated adipogenesis and steroid-associated ON development.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>ON rabbit model was induced based on our established protocol. Dynamic-MRI was employed for local intra-osseous perfusion evaluation in bilateral femora. Two weeks after induction, bone marrow was harvested for evaluating the ability of adipogenic differentiation of marrow MSCs at both cellular and mRNA level involving adipogenesis-related gene peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma2 (PPARγ2). The bilateral femora were dissected for examining marrow lipid deposition by quantifying fat cell number, fat cell size, lipid deposition area and ON lesions. For investigating association among adipogenesis, lipid deposition and perfusion function with regard to ON occurrence, the rabbits were divided into ON<sup>+ </sup>(with at least one ON lesion) group and ON<sup>- </sup>(without ON lesion) group. For investigating association among adipogenesis, lipid deposition and perfusion function with regard to ON extension, the ON<sup>+ </sup>rabbits were further divided into sub-single-lesion group (SON group: with one ON lesion) and sub-multiple-lesion group (MON group: with more than one ON lesion).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Local intra-osseous perfusion index was found lower in either ON<sup>+ </sup>or MON group when compared to either ON<sup>- </sup>or SON group, whereas the marrow fat cells number and area were much larger in either ON<sup>+ </sup>or MON group as compared with ON<sup>- </sup>and SON group. The adipogenic differentiation ability of MSCs and PPARγ2 expression in either ON<sup>+ </sup>or MON group were elevated significantly as compared with either ON<sup>- </sup>or SON group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings support our hypothesis that there is a close association between elevated adipogenesis and steroid-associated osteonecrosis development.</p