44 research outputs found

    Bringing the doctor to the patients: cardiology outreach to rural areas

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    Clinical outreach is a crucial but understudied healthcare service delivery model. Physicians staffing rural outreach clinics must allocate a limited resource (i.e., their time) between caring for patients at their main sites and outreach locations. Using a unique 30-year dataset of decisions made by cardiologists, we estimate a constrained utility maximization model of time allocations across home and outreach locations. The results show that travel distance, potential competition, and patient demand for cardiology services significantly influence allocation decisions. This structural model is used to simulate the impact of a predicted reduction in cardiologist supply. The expected impacts are unevenly distributed, with some rural locations experiencing large decreases in access. We evaluate two policies to restore rural access: targeted immigration and a subsidy program. A subsidy program with an estimated cost of $406,000 can restore outreach after a 10% reduction in cardiologist supply. This option should be preferred to recruiting and supporting five additional cardiologists under a targeted immigration strategy. This research demonstrates the value of marketing modeling in addressing limited access to healthcare services and evaluating alternative policies for maintaining access in the face of coming physician shortages

    Characteristics and meaning of the candlelight movement in Korea

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    From November 2016 to March 2017, a historical new movement arose in Korea. The movement which is called the Candlelight Movement was organized not by a certain organizations such as CSOs but by ordinary citizens themselves, and at last caused President Park Geunhye to be impeached and arrested. This movement has several different characteristics from precedent movements that happened in Korea, as it already lead to many changes, such as legislative reforms and proved that there is a huge potential for social democracyDe noviembre de 2016 a marzo de 2017, surgió un nuevo movimiento histórico en Corea. El movimiento, que se llama Candlelight Movement, no fué organizado por organizaciones, como ONG, sino por ciudadanos comunes, y finalmente originó que la presidenta Park Geunhye fuera acusada y arrestada. Este movimiento tiene varias características diferentes de los movimientos precedentes que ocurrieron en Corea, ya que condujo a numerosos cambios, tales como reformas legislativas, y demostró que hay un gran potencial para la democracia socia

    Direct Utility Models for Asymmetric Complements

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    Reclaiming the Understanding of Sin and Salvation from a Korean Experience of Han

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    From the Korean experience of han, Christian theology needs to change the primary model of sin from the forensic one, which is led by the dominant metaphor of guilt/debt, to the medicinal model, which is initiated by the dominant metaphor of wound/damage. Especially, as a dominant type of atonement in the Korean Protestant Church, the penal substitution theory of atonement has led to an overemphasis on the event of the crucifixion while overlooking the Christ event as a whole; it has distorted the proper positioning of atonement, redemption, and salvation in soteriology; and it has interpreted the cross as a retributive rather than a restorative event. As a result, it functions and even dysfunctions in a person experiencing han. This model falls short of being an effective model of salvation for people who are deeply wounded by radical suffering. Through the lens of metaphorical usage of sin, its primary metaphor in the victim is wound/damage which needs to be healed rather than forgiven. Based on the biblical tradition and the Greek (Eastern) theological tradition, the metaphor of healing in the discourse of salvation in the Bible is not merely one of many secondary metaphors. Rather, it is only when we rightly understand the semantics of healing in soteriology that the deeper meaning of Christian salvation is clearly revealed. On behalf of the salvation of all human beings, especially of those suffering from unresolved wounds, the metaphor of healing should obtain a more prominent position than it currently holds. The meaning of salvation from the experience of han centers on the recovery of one's full humanity; salvation should include self-acceptance; the image of salvation is an ongoing process of sag-him toward one's full humanity; and this journey requires both God's grace and human beings' authentic participation

    A sequential choice model for multiple discrete demand

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    Consumer demand in a marketplace is often characterized to be multiple discrete in that discrete units of multiple products are chosen together. This paper develops a sequential choice model for such demand and its estimation technique. Given an inherently high-dimensional problem to solve, a consumer is assumed to simplify it to a sequence of one-unit choices, which eventually leads to a shopping basket of multiple discreteness. Our model and its estimation method are flexible enough to be extended to various contexts such as complementary demand, non-linear pricing, and multiple constraints. The sequential choice process generally finds an optimal solution of a convex problem (e.g., maximizing a concave utility function over a convex feasible set), while it might result in a sub-optimal solution for a non-convex problem. Therefore, in case of a convex optimization problem, the proposed model can be viewed as an econometrician's means for establishing the optimality of observed demand, offering a practical estimation algorithm for discrete optimization models of consumer demand. We demonstrate the strengths of our model in a variety of simulation studies and an empirical application to consumer panel data of yogurt purchase.N

    Security Analysis of Mobile Web Browser Hardware Accessibility: Study with Ambient Light Sensors

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    Market value of 10-K readability and corporate cash holdings

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    We investigate the effect of 10-K readability on the association between stock returns and changes in cash holdings and find that readability significantly increases the marginal value of cash holdings (MVCH). The value spread for firms with high-readability reports is about US $0.08 per dollar of cash. This effect is stronger for firms with more severe managerial agency problems, less external monitoring, and greater financial constraints. Additional analyses suggest that the direction of causality runs from readability to the MVCH. We posit that more readable 10-Ks facilitate investors??? monitoring, inducing firms??? efficient cash use