7 research outputs found

    Atomic Scale Magnetic Sensing and Imaging Based on Diamond NV Centers

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    The development of magnetic sensors simultaneously satisfying high magnetic sensitivity and high spatial resolution becomes more important in a wide range of fields including solid-state physics and life science. The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond is a promising candidate to realize nanometer-scale magnetometry due to its excellent spin coherence properties, magnetic field sensitivity, atomic-scale size and versatile operation condition. Recent experiments successfully demonstrate the use of NV center in various sensing and imaging applications. In this chapter, we review the basic sensing mechanisms of the NV center and introduce imaging applications based on scanning magnetometry and wide field-of-view optics

    Imaging oersted field around current flowing wire based on a diamond scanning magnetometer

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    We demonstrate imaging current flow in a transport device by measuring the current-induced Oersted field. A diamond scanning magnetometer that hosts a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center at the tip apex is used to obtain the image. We fabricate a U-shape of Pt wire and study evolution of the Oersted field as the current continuously changes its direction along the wire. We find a good agreement between the obtained results and the simulated images based on the Biot-Savart law. In order to show the capability of imaging different field components, we perform the same experiment but with two different axes of the NV center. This work provides a novel imaging method of the current profile and can be applied to various transport experiments

    Mapping current profiles of point-contacted graphene devices using single-spin scanning magnetometer

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    We demonstrate two-dimensional mapping of current flow in graphene devices by using a single-spin scanning magnetometer based on a nitrogen-vacancy defect center in diamond. We first image the stray magnetic field generated by the current and then reconstruct the current density map from the field data. We focus on the visualization of current flow around a small sized current source of similar to 500nm diameter, which works as an effective point contact. In this paper, we study two types of point-contacted graphene devices and find that the overall current profiles agree with the expected behavior of electron flow in the diffusive transport regime. This work could offer a route to explore interesting carrier dynamics of graphene including ballistic and hydrodynamic transport regimes.11Nsciescopu

    Transient cAMP elevation during systems consolidation enhances remote contextual fear memory

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    Memory is stored in our brains over a temporally graded transition. With time, recently formed memories are transformed into remote memories for permanent storage; multiple brain regions, such as the hippocampus and neocortex, participate in this process. In this study, we aimed to understand the molecular mechanism of systems consolidation of memory and to investigate the brain regions that contribute to this regulation. We first carried out a contextual fear memory test using a transgenic mouse line, which expressed exogenously-derived Aplysia octopamine receptors in the forebrain region, such that, in response to octopamine treatment, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels could be transiently elevated. From this experiment, we revealed that transient elevation of cAMP levels in the forebrain during systems consolidation led to an enhancement in remote fear memory and increased miniature excitatory synaptic currents in layer II/III of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Furthermore, using an adeno-associated-virus-driven DREADD system, we investigated the specific regions in the forebrain that contribute to the regulation of memory transfer into long-term associations. Our results implied that transient elevation of cAMP levels was induced chemogenetically in the ACC, but not in the hippocampus, and showed a significant enhancement of remote memory. This finding suggests that neuronal activation during systems consolidation through the elevation of cAMP levels in the ACC contributes to remote memory enhancement

    Conditional knock out of transcription factor CTCF in excitatory neurons induces cognitive deficiency

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    CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) is a transcription factor that is involved in organizing chromatin structure. A reduction of CTCF expression is known to develop distinct clinical features. Furthermore, conditional knock out (cKO) study revealed reactive gliosis of astrocytes and microglia followed by age-dependent cell death in the excitatory neurons of CTCF cKO mice. To assess the cognitive ability in CTCF cKO mice of over 20 weeks of age, we examined pairwise discrimination (PD), PD reversal learning (PDr), and different paired-associate learning (dPAL) tasks using a touch screen apparatus. We found cognitive impairment in dPAL touch screen tests, suggesting that prolonged Ctcf gene deficiency results in cognitive deficits.Supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF) through grants funded by the Korean government (MSIP) [NRF-2019R1F1A1063932] to K.L. and [NRF-2012R1A3A1050385] to B.K.K., and by LOreal Korea-UNESCO Women in Science fellowship and LOreal-UNESCO Rising Talent Award to N.K.Y

    Spin-Selective Hole-Exciton Coupling in a V-Doped WSe2Ferromagnetic Semiconductor at Room Temperature

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    © 2021 American Chemical Society.While valley polarization with strong Zeeman splitting is the most prominent characteristic of two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) semiconductors under magnetic fields, enhancement of the Zeeman splitting has been demonstrated by incorporating magnetic dopants into the host materials. Unlike Fe, Mn, and Co, V is a distinctive dopant for ferromagnetic semiconducting properties at room temperature with large Zeeman shifting of band edges. Nevertheless, little known is the excitons interacting with spin-polarized carriers in V-doped TMDs. Here, we report anomalous circularly polarized photoluminescence (CPL) in a V-doped WSe2 monolayer at room temperature. Excitons couple to V-induced spin-polarized holes to generate spin-selective positive trions, leading to differences in the populations of neutral excitons and trions between left and right CPL. Using transient absorption spectroscopy, we elucidate the origin of excitons and trions that are inherently distinct for defect-mediated and impurity-mediated trions. Ferromagnetic characteristics are further confirmed by the significant Zeeman splitting of nanodiamonds deposited on the V-doped WSe2 monolayer.11Nsciescopu