5,628 research outputs found

    Monoid varieties with extreme properties

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    Finite monoids that generate monoid varieties with uncountably many subvarieties seem rare, and surprisingly, no finite monoid is known to generate a monoid variety with countably infinitely many subvarieties. In the present article, it is shown that there are, nevertheless, many finite monoids that generate monoid varieties with continuum many subvarieties; these include any finite inherently non-finitely based monoid and any monoid for which xyxyxyxy is an isoterm. It follows that the join of two Cross monoid varieties can have a continuum cardinality subvariety lattice that violates the ascending chain condition. Regarding monoid varieties with countably infinitely many subvarieties, the first example of a finite monoid that generates such a variety is exhibited. A complete description of the subvariety lattice of this variety is given. This lattice has width three and contains only finitely based varieties, all except two of which are Cross

    Efficacy of Antibiotic Therapy in Those Diagnosed With Chronic Lower Back Pain

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    Chronic back pain affects approximately eight percent of the American population, yet no treatment has been agreed upon universally. Recent studies suggest that between 20-30 percent of lower back pain cases are caused by a low-virulence bacterial infection of the intervertebral disks in those who suffered disc herniation. This scholarly project is to investigate: In patients with chronic lower back pain and Modic changes after disc herniation, what is the effect of antibiotic therapy on reducing pain symptoms compared to placebo. This literature review used the following electronic databases: ClinicalKey, Cochrane Library, Embase, and PubMed. Keywords and mesh terms refined searches to the most recent and relevant literature. The articles were then analyzed and refined, revealing 10 for critical review. The studies included are peer-reviewed and include a double-blind randomized control trial, pilot study, systemic literature reviews, literature reviews, monocentric study, and cohort study. A majority of the research presented shows evidence that Cutibacterium acnes, formerly known as Propionibacterium acnes presence in intervertebral discs, is not from contamination but rather is an infectious process that occurs after disc herniation. The research suggests that antibiotic treatment in those with chronic lower back pain and Modic changes after disc herniation is beneficial. Additional studies are required, but antibiotic therapy appears efficacious in reducing pain symptoms in those with chronic lower pain and Modic changes after disc herniation

    Using Adherence-Contingent Rebates on Chronic Disease Treatment Costs to Promote Medication Adherence: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Poor adherence to medications is a global public health concern with substantial health and cost implications, especially for chronic conditions. In the USA, poor adherence is estimated to cause 125,000 deaths and cost US100Billionannually.Themostsuccessfuladherence−promotingstrategiesthathavebeenidentifiedsofarhavemoderateeffect,arerelativelycostly,andraiseavailability,feasibility,and/orscalabilityissues.Objective:ThemainobjectiveofSIGMA(StudyonIncentivesforGlaucomaMedicationAdherence)wastomeasuretheeffectivenessonmedicationadherenceofanovelincentivestrategybasedonbehavioraleconomicsthatwerefertoasadherence−contingentrebates.Theserebatesofferedpatientsanear−termbenefitwhileleveraginglossaversionandregretndincreasingthesalienceofadherence.Methods:IGMAisa6−monthrandomized,controlled,open−label,single−centersuperioritytrialwithtwoparallelarms.totalof100non−adherentglaucomapatientsfromtheSingaporeNationalEyeCentrewererandomizedintointervention(adherence−contingentrebates)andusualcare(norebates)armsina1:1ratio.TheprimaryoutcomewasthemeanchangefrombaselineinpercentageofadherentdaysatMonth6.ThetrialregistrationnumberisNCT02271269andadetailedstudyprotocolhasbeenpublishedelsewhere.Findings:Wefoundthatparticipantswhowereofferedadherence−contingentrebateswereadherenttoalltheiredicationson73.1US100 Billion annually. The most successful adherence-promoting strategies that have been identified so far have moderate effect, are relatively costly, and raise availability, feasibility, and/or scalability issues. Objective: The main objective of SIGMA (Study on Incentives for Glaucoma Medication Adherence) was to measure the effectiveness on medication adherence of a novel incentive strategy based on behavioral economics that we refer to as adherence-contingent rebates. These rebates offered patients a near-term benefit while leveraging loss aversion and regret nd increasing the salience of adherence. Methods: IGMA is a 6-month randomized, controlled, open-label, single-center superiority trial with two parallel arms. total of 100 non-adherent glaucoma patients from the Singapore National Eye Centre were randomized into intervention (adherence-contingent rebates) and usual care (no rebates) arms in a 1:1 ratio. The primary outcome was the mean change from baseline in percentage of adherent days at Month 6. The trial registration number is NCT02271269 and a detailed study protocol has been published elsewhere. Findings: We found that participants who were offered adherence-contingent rebates were adherent to all their edications on 73.1% of the days after 6 months, which is 12.2 percentage points (p = 0.027) higher than in those not receiving the rebates after controlling for baseline differences. This better behavioral outcome was achieved by rebates averaging 8.07 Singapore dollars (US5.94 as of 2 November 2017) per month during the intervention period. Conclusion: This study shows that simultaneously leveraging several insights from behavioral economics can significantly improve medication adherence rates. The relatively low cost of the rebates and significant health and cost implications of medication non-adherence suggest that this strategy has the potential to cost-effectively improve health outcomes for many conditions

    Localized patterns and hole solutions in one-dimension extended sytem

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    The existence, stability properties, and bifurcation diagrams of localized patterns and hole solutions in one-dimensional extended systems is studied from the point of view of front interactions. An adequate envelope equation is derived from a prototype model that exhibits these particle-type solutions. This equation allow us to obtain an analytical expression for the front interaction, which is in good agreement with numerical simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Long-Term Prognosis of Quality of Life in Dogs Diagnosed With Mild to Moderate Elbow Dysplasia in Sweden

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to increase knowledge regarding long-term prognosis of mild to moderate elbow dysplasia (ED) using a canine orthopedic index.Study Design: Cross-sectional observational study.Sample Population: Sixty dogs randomly selected from each of five different breeds and three ED groups: ED0 (control), ED1, and ED2, based on the Kennel Club's screening results. The total number of selected dogs was 900 (60*5*3).Methods: Questionnaires were administered to owners by telephone interview. Bayesian network modeling was used to assess the relation between ED grade, treatment options, dog demographics, and quality-of-life indicators.Results: Seven hundred sixty-five questionnaires were collected (85% response rate), of which 61 concerned dogs euthanized due to osteoarthritis. There was no direct association between ED grade and owner's perceived quality of life, but ED1 and ED2 dogs were more likely to receive veterinary care and subsequent NSAID treatment compared to ED0 dogs. A significant association was found between the occurrence of euthanasia due to orthopedic disease and ED scores 1 and 2 in the sample (p < 0.001).Conclusion: The degree of osteoarthritis was not directly associated with the canine orthopedic index, except for ED2 and lameness score. It can be speculated that owners who paid closer attention to orthopedic symptoms and perceived them as impairing their dogs' lives were also more likely to seek veterinary care and get treatment, irrespective of the ED grading.Impact: ED1-graded dogs had a lower risk than might be expected to develop visible clinical symptoms and showed a similar quality of life as dogs with ED0. ED2-graded dogs were more likely than ED0-graded dogs to have their lives impaired by lameness, according to the owners' perception
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