2,775 research outputs found
Successful Use of Newspapers in Curriculum Development for First-year College Students
The course, Fashion and Society, is designed to provide first-year Clothing and Textiles major students with an integrated view of fashion as social phenomenon. From the survey on the first-year students’ perceptions about fashion, we have found that many students considered fashion tend to be irrelevant, something fancy and distant to their daily life, and difficult to understand. Based on the comments, we need teaching materials that can be perceived to be “not difficult” (and fun) and relevant. We also needed to design the course to provide students opportunities to apply their knowledge to real life. Thus, we developed the course using several newspapers to help students experience various fashion expressions and reflections a society carries in
Influence of cultivation parameters or supplement on product qualities and culture performances during perfusion
Perfusion processes have been developed with technological advances in single-use bioreactor and cell retention device. Perfusion has advantages such as high cell density culture in compact facilities and media change or culture parameter shifts for protein production with desired qualities. Single use bioreactor (200L or 1000L) with ATF System was used for the clinical production. For the process development, the scale-down model was established with lab-scale (2L) bioreactor with ATF2.
A recombinant CHO cell line producing a fusion protein was cultivated using in-house serum-free media. Influence of insulin (0~3mg/L) on qualities was investigated in the established perfusion process using in-house serum-free medium and 2L scale-down model. The results showed that low concentration of insulin enhanced O-glycosylation and -2 charged N-glycan of fusion protein. Temperature (30~34oC) conditions, under no addition of insulin, were investigated to evaluate effect on qualities. High temperature enhanced O-glycosylation and -2 charged N-glycan of fusion protein.
To evaluate interaction among culture parameters (Temperature, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen) in the perfusion process, Central Composite Inscribed (CCI) was selected as design of experiment. 20 perfusion cultures were carried out in the 2L scale-down model. The results showed each parameter and interactions among parameters had an effect on qualities and culture performances
Od pukog urbaniteta do urbanih bioetičkih standarda: poziv na širenje bioetike
An interest in research, deliberation, and reflection on urbanity has been present for a long
time. Due to rapid urbanisation in the last few decades, such interest has intensified, attracting
scholars from different disciplines and creating new platforms for discussion.
The first indicators of a ‘bioethical’ interest in urban life are already present in Van Rensselaer
Potter’s early papers (urban ethics. However, more extensive research into urban bioethics
remained on hold until recently, mainly due to the dominance of the biomedical paradigm
within modern mainstream bioethics.
In 2017, the European Bioethics in Action project (funded by the Croatian Science
Foundation) ended, resulting in a list of general bioethical standards related to animals,
plants, and human health. The aim of this paper is to present the rationale for developing
bioethical standards in a specific urban context.Interes za istraživanje, promišljanje i promišljanje urbanosti već je duže vrijeme prisutan.
Posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća, zbog rapidne urbanizacije, taj se interes dodatno intenzivirao,
privlačeći znanstvenike različitih disciplina i stvarajući nove platforme rasprave. Prvi
pokazatelji „bioetičkog“ interesa za urbani život prisutni su već u ranim radovima Van
Rensselaera Pottera (urbana etika), no iscrpnija istraživanja urbane bioetike sve su donedavno
bila zanemarena, uglavnom kao posljedica dominacije biomedicinske paradigme unutar
bioetike. Jedan od rezultata nedavno provedenog projekta „Europska bioetika na djelu
EuroBioAct“ (koji je financirala Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, 2014. - 2017.), bila je lista
općih bioetičkih standarda koji su definirali prihvatljiv odnos prema životinjama, biljkama
i zdravlju ljudi. Nadovezujući se na spomenuto, cilj ovog rada je razrada uporišta za razvoj
bioetičkih standarda u specifičnom urbanom kontekstu
Observation of Competing Order in a High- Superconductor with Femtosecond Optical Pulses
We present studies of the photoexcited quasiparticle dynamics in
TlBaCaCuO (Tl-2223) using femtosecond optical
techniques. Deep into the superconducting state (below 40 K), a dramatic change
occurs in the temporal dynamics associated with photoexcited quasiparticles
rejoining the condensate. This is suggestive of entry into a coexistence phase
which, as our analysis reveals, opens a gap in the density of states (in
addition to the superconducting gap), and furthermore, competes with
superconductivity resulting in a depression of the superconducting gap.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Hippocampal sclerosis and encephalomalacia as prognostic factors of tuberculous meningitis-related and herpes simplex encephalitis-related epilepsy
AbstractBackgroundTuberculous meningitis (TBM) and herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) are common neurological diseases involving the brain parenchyma, and both can result in chronic epilepsy. Here, we identified possible variables affecting the prognosis of central nervous system (CNS) infection-related epilepsy.MethodsThe clinical seizure characteristics and demographic data of 20 TBM- and 55 HSE-related epilepsy patients were compared. Statistically significant prognostic variables were identified using multiple regression analysis.ResultsSex, age at infection, age at epilepsy onset, presence of seizures at the time of infection, latency period, and seizure characteristics between two groups were similar except for the pattern of brain lesions observed on the MRI and their overall prognosis. Patients with hippocampal sclerosis (HS) only comprised 30% and 52.7% of the TBM and HSE groups, respectively. Encephalomalacia had a positive effect in the HSE group while HS had a negative effect in this group, but no significant effects were found in the TBM group. Through a multiple regression analysis with a correction for group effects, HS was associated with a poor prognosis. However, encephalomalacia was concomitantly associated with a good prognosis. In addition, a short latency period, with a one-year interval, and being male were both associated with a good prognosis, while the age at the onset of epilepsy was associated with a poor prognosis.ConclusionsThis study suggests that HS and encephalomalacia could have mutual but contradictory effects on the prognosis of CNS infection-related epilepsy
Development of SCAR markers for the identification of Phytophthora katsurae causing chestnut ink disease in Korea
Sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers are one of the most effective and accurate tools for microbial
identification. In this study, we applied SCAR markers for the rapid and accurate detection of Phytophthora katsurae, the casual
agent of chestnut ink disease in Korea. In this study, we developed seven SCAR markers specific to P. katsurae using random
amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and assessed the potential of the SCAR markers to serve as tools for identifying P. katsurae.
Seven primer pairs (SOPC 1F/SOPC 1R, SOPC 1-1F/SOPC 1-1R, SOPC 3F/SOPC 3R, SOPC 4F/SOPC 4R, SOPC 4F/SOPC 4-1R,
SOPD 9F/SOPD 9R, and SOPD 10F/SOPD 10R) from a sequence derived from RAPD fragments were designed for the analysis
of the SCAR markers. To evaluate the specificity and sensitivity of the SCAR markers, the genomic DNA of P. katsurae was serially
diluted 10-fold to final concentrations from 1 mg/mL to 1 pg/mL. The limit of detection using the SCAR markers ranged from
100 μg/mL to 100 ng/mL. To identify the limit for detecting P. katsurae zoospores, each suspension of zoospores was serially
diluted 10-fold to final concentrations from 10 × 105 to 10 × 101 zoospores/mL, and then extracted. The limit of detection by
SCAR markers was approximately 10 × 101 zoospores/mL. PCR detection with SCAR markers was specific for P. katsurae, and did
not produce any P. katsurae-specific PCR amplicons from 16 other Phytophthora species used as controls. This study shows that
SCAR markers are a useful tool for the rapid and effective detection of P. katsurae.This research was supported from a Forest Science and
Technology Project (Project No. C1002315) provided
through the Korea Forest Service.http://www.mycobiology.or.kr/am201
Optical repumping of triplet -states enhances magneto-optical trapping of ytterbium atoms
Radiative decay from the excited state to metastable and
states is expected to limit attainable trapped atomic population in a
magneto-optic trap of ytterbium (Yb) atoms. In experiments we have carried out
with optical repumping of states to , we observe enhancement
of trapped atoms yield in the excited state. The individual decay rate
to each metastable state is measured and the results show an excellent
agreement with the theoretical values.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Categorization of lower body shapes of abdominal obese men using a script-based 3D body measurement software
The objectives of this study are to identify the principal components that represent distinctive shapes from the silhouette and profile views of the lower body shapes of abdominal obese Korean men and to categorize their body types. Using 3D scans of 625 men aged 35–64 in the 6th SizeKorea dataset, 173 scans (27.7%) of men in abdominal obese category (BMI value of 25, waist girth to height ratio of 0.53, and waist girth to hip girth ratio of 0.9 or higher) were utilized. We developed a script to measure 38 items such as front/back crotch length and front/back depths and angles using the SNU-BM program, which is a script-based automated 3D body scan measurement software. The measurements used for principal component (PC) analysis were 31 drops, 2 heights, 2 lengths and 4 angles. Ten PCs representing distinctive silhouettes and profiles of lower body shapes were extracted. The PCs were interpreted as follows: abdomen prominence, thigh to knee profile, upper buttocks prominence, waist to hip drop, thigh to knee silhouette, lower body tilt angle, waist to crotch length, vertical height, abdomen to crotch height, and lower buttocks slope. The three body shape groups were categorized using a K means cluster analysis with ten PC scores. Group 1 had a flat abdomen but prominent buttocks. Group 2 had a developed abdomen and buttocks with vertical thighs. Group 3 had drooped buttocks with tilted thighs.This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korean Government
(MSIP) (NRF-2017R1C1B5017733)
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