655 research outputs found

    Interplay of resonant states and Landau levels in functionalized graphene

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    Adsorbates can drastically alter physical properties of graphene. Particularly important are adatoms and admolecules that induce resonances at the Dirac point. Such resonances limit electron mobilities and spin relaxation times. We present a systematic tight-binding as well as analytical modeling to investigate the properties of resonant states in the presence of a quantizing magnetic field. Landau levels are strongly influenced by the resonances, especially close to the Dirac point. Here the cyclotron motion of electrons around a defect leads to the formation of circulating local currents which are manifested by the appearance of side peaks around the zero-energy Landau level. Our study is based on realistic parameters for H, F, and Cu adatoms, each exhibiting distinct spectral features in the magnetic field. We also show that by observing a local density of states around an adatom in the presence of Landau levels useful microscopic model parameters can be extracted

    Spin Modulation in Semiconductor Lasers

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    We provide an analytic study of the dynamics of semiconductor lasers with injection (pump) of spin-polarized electrons, previously considered in the steady-state regime. Using complementary approaches of quasi-static and small signal analyses, we elucidate how the spin modulation in semiconductor lasers can improve performance, as compared to the conventional (spin-unpolarized) counterparts. We reveal that the spin-polarized injection can lead to an enhanced bandwidth and desirable switching properties of spin-lasers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Resonant scattering due to adatoms in graphene: Top, bridge, and hollow positions

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    We present a theoretical study of resonance characteristics in graphene from adatoms with s or p(z) character binding in top, bridge, and hollow positions. The adatoms are described by two tight-binding parameters: on-site energy and hybridization strength. We explore a wide range of different magnitudes of these parameters by employing T-matrix calculations in the single adatom limit and by tight-binding supercell calculations for dilute adatom coverage. We calculate the density of states and the momentum relaxation rate and extract the resonance level and resonance width. The top position with a large hybridization strength or, equivalently, small on-site energy, induces resonances close to zero energy. The bridge position, compared to top, is more sensitive to variation in the orbital tight-binding parameters. Resonances within the experimentally relevant energy window are found mainly for bridge adatoms with negative on-site energies. The effect of resonances from the top and bridge positions on the density of states and momentum relaxation rate is comparable and both positions give rise to a power-law decay of the resonant state in graphene. The hollow position with s orbital character is affected from destructive interference, which is seen from the very narrow resonance peaks in the density of states and momentum relaxation rate. The resonant state shows no clear tendency to a power-law decay around the impurity and its magnitude decreases strongly with lowering the adatom content in the supercell calculations. This is in contrast to the top and bridge positions. We conclude our study with a comparison to models of pointlike vacancies and strong midgap scatterers. The latter model gives rise to significantly higher momentum relaxation rates than caused by single adatoms

    Magnetotransport signatures of the proximity exchange and spin-orbit couplings in graphene

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    Graphene on an insulating ferromagnetic substrate-ferromagnetic insulator or ferromagnetic metal with a tunnel barrier-is expected to exhibit large exchange and spin-orbit couplings due to proximity effects. We use a realistic transport model of charge-disorder scattering and solve the linearized Boltzmann equation numerically exactly for the anisotropic Fermi contours of modified Dirac electrons to find magnetotransport signatures of these proximity effects: proximity anisotropic magnetoresistance, inverse spin-galvanic effect, and the planar Hall resistivity. We establish the corresponding anisotropies due to the exchange and spin-orbit couplings, with respect to the magnetization orientation. We also present parameter maps guiding towards optimal regimes for observing transport magnetoanisotropies in proximity graphene

    Tailoring Chirp in Spin-Lasers

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    The usefulness of semiconductor lasers is often limited by the undesired frequency modulation, or chirp, a direct consequence of the intensity modulation and carrier dependence of the refractive index in the gain medium. In spin-lasers, realized by injecting, optically or electrically, spin-polarized carriers, we elucidate paths to tailoring chirp. We provide a generalized expression for chirp in spin-lasers and introduce modulation schemes that could simultaneously eliminate chirp and enhance the bandwidth, as compared to the conventional (spin-unpolarized) lasers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Accurate quantification of transcriptome from RNA-Seq data by effective length normalization

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    We propose a novel, efficient and intuitive approach of estimating mRNA abundances from the whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing (RNA-Seq) data. Our method, NEUMA (Normalization by Expected Uniquely Mappable Area), is based on effective length normalization using uniquely mappable areas of gene and mRNA isoform models. Using the known transcriptome sequence model such as RefSeq, NEUMA pre-computes the numbers of all possible gene-wise and isoform-wise informative reads: the former being sequences mapped to all mRNA isoforms of a single gene exclusively and the latter uniquely mapped to a single mRNA isoform. The results are used to estimate the effective length of genes and transcripts, taking experimental distributions of fragment size into consideration. Quantitative RT–PCR based on 27 randomly selected genes in two human cell lines and computer simulation experiments demonstrated superior accuracy of NEUMA over other recently developed methods. NEUMA covers a large proportion of genes and mRNA isoforms and offers a measure of consistency (‘consistency coefficient’) for each gene between an independently measured gene-wise level and the sum of the isoform levels. NEUMA is applicable to both paired-end and single-end RNA-Seq data. We propose that NEUMA could make a standard method in quantifying gene transcript levels from RNA-Seq data