1,541 research outputs found

    Enhancing comfort and sustainability: Analyzing the impact of natural ventilation and eco-friendly materials on indoor temperature reduction

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    As the world grapples with issues such as increasing energy consumption, climate change, and environmental degradation, the need for sustainable solutions is becoming more and more urgent. In this context, passive cooling has emerged as one of the promising approaches to achieve energy efficiency in various sectors. This research study the basic concept of passive cooling to new buildings to identify synergies in energy savings when reducing temperature inside buildings and applying eco-friendly materials, and to explore potential benefits for promoting sustainable development. By analyzing existing research, case studies, and technological advancements, this study seeks to highlight the feasibility and effectiveness of passive cooling strategies and lay the foundation for future research and practical implementation. Temperature data were analyzed by applying various building ventilation conditions as quantitative research techniques to effectively reduce The indoor temperature. In addition, the heat transfer amount of cement, wood, and loess bricks, which are indoor finishing materials used in this study, was qualitatively compared, and the temperature reduction effect through cooling and simulation of wood and bricks, which are eco-friendly materials, were analyzed through software. Through this, the effect of passive cooling in each region will be understood and the possibility of applying eco-friendly materials to future buildings and development directions will be explored

    The Syntheses of the Crown Ethers Possessing 2,6-Pyridino Moieties.

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    In an attempt to synthesize Type 2 nicotinic acid crown ethers with a 3-carbinol appendage group, unexpected facile etherification was encountered during the cleavage of the tetrahydropyranyl (THP) group in acidic alcoholic media. The rationale for this reaction was provided by the examination of reactions with non-cyclic model compounds, and their THP derivatives in order to isolate any effects of the crown ether bridge. The 2,6-disubstituted dialkoxy groups were found to contribute to the stabilization of the carbonium ion derived from the protonation of the 3-pyridyl carbinols. Thus, nicotinic crown ether with a 3-carbinol group was prepared with the exclusion of alcoholic media. The preparation of Type 2 nicotinic acid crown ethers with an aldehyde group was attempted. 3-Formylpyridino crown ether was obtained directly from the reaction of disodium pentaethylene glycolate and the diethoxy acetal derivative of 2,6-dichloro-3-formylpyridine. The syntheses of crown ethers, such as 18-crown-6 and 21-crown-7, with tripyridino moieties were accomplished. The Boekelheide rearrangement was employed to functionalize terminal pyridyl methyl groups to give the corresponding diol, which served as an important intermediate in subsequent cyclization procedures. The 1:1-ketalic macrocycles were transformed to 1,5-diketonic macrocycles, which then were converted to the corresponding tripyridino crown ethers. The X-ray crystal structure of a tripyridino macrocycle trihydrate indicated that a new type of mu-H-bonding for pyridine and water. The same method utilized for tripyridine macrocycles was applied to the synthesis of a pentapyridine macrocycle with a single ether bridge. The ether linkage was formed at the early stage of synthesis. The middle ring of the pentapyridine moiety was formed from an appropriate 1,5-diketone precursour at the last stage of synthesis. In order to prepare a cyclic hexapyridine the bisformyldipyridine was converted to a 1,3-dithiane derivative, which was cyclized with 1,3-dibromopropane. The macrocyclic bis(1,3-dithiane) was cleaved to a tetraketone. And finally cyclic hexapyridine was prepared from the reaction of the tetraketonic macrocycle and hydroxylamine under acidic condition

    The Constitutional Decisions Concerning the Right of Self Determination of Sexual Intercourse

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    The first draft of this paper was presented at the Conference on The Role of Constitutional Adjudication in the Development of Asian Democracy hosted by, and held at, the SNU Law Research Institute, on December 12, 2011. The Korean version of this paper was published in New Trends in Criminal Law by the Supreme Prosecutors Office Republic of Korea (Mar. 2012).The Constitutional Court has determined that the crime of adultery was consistent with the constitution for four times. Concerning the crime of sexual intercourse under pretence of marriage, the Court changed its prior position and invalidated the statute. Self determination of sexual intercourse not only lies within the private sphere of an individuals privacy, but it is also intertwined with the social culture of a community where the individual belong to. Hence, it lies within the grey area where personal values conflict with community values. Despite numerous constitutional decisions, the concept of self determination of sexual intercourse, and its protected scope have not been clearly defined. I would like to propose the following conclusion on the constitutional decision of the self determination of sexual intercourse First, there is no need to recognize the self determination of sexual intercourse as one of Constitutional Law's basic natural rights. The right to engage in a sexual relationship and to choose ones own partner is already included in article 17 of the Constitution protecting ones freedom of privacy. Second, the principle of balancing test is to be applied when deciding the standard of the constitutional review of the self determination of sexual intercourse, yet since the specifics of the evaluation is directly relevant to the individual's essentially protected freedom, applying at the same time a strict scrutiny of proportionality. Third, even if a strict proportional judgment were said to be applied regarding the self determination of sexual intercourse relevant to the adultery act, this does not immediately result to the unconstitutionality of the relevant act. However, in light of the changing legal reality concerning the self determination of sexual intercourse, it is most appropriate to abolish the adultery act. Fourth, even if the adultery act were to be abolished, and the crime of sexual intercourse under the pretense of marriage were to be invalidated, this would not mean that both acts are to be ethically nor legally permitted

    The Current State and Required Modifications of the Inter-Korean Exchange and Cooperation Act

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    After division of Korean Peninsula, problems which occurred between the North and South have been resolved in not a judicial judgment but the political determinations. However, resolving the various problems between the North and South not in the ways of the rule of law but by means of the political solution can decrease the legal stability and the predictability between the North and South. Since the 1990s, exchanges between the two have been steadily increasing. It is important to note that as the number of exchanges between the two increases, many more legal conflicts will arise. And to resolve these legal conflicts, legal issues such as the conflict between laws, the legal status of the North Korean citizen, and the legal effectiveness of the North and South Korean Basic Agreement Treaty must be clarified. The two sides need to create a list of necessary laws that are required for the exchanges, and divide them into areas which need to be regulated by North/ South Korean laws and by areas that need to be regulated by a joint treaty. By doing this, the two sides should work to create a multi-dimensional legal infrastructure. Also, the two sides must inspect how well the Basic Agreement Treaty is being carried out, and South Korea must take the necessary steps to ensure that the follow-up-measures take place, and any new treaties that need to be created should be signed swiftly and effectively. Finally, making North Korea a member of the international community is a good way to ensure that the laws regarding the exchanges between the two Koreas gain force

    Effect of Phosphatic Fertilizer Rates Level on Growth, Crude Protein Content and Nitrogen Fixation Ability of Alfalfa at Sowing Year

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    The experiment was conducted to determine effects of phosphate fertilizers on growth characteristics, crude protein content and nitrogen fixation ability of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) in the sowing year. Two rates of phosphate (200 and 400 kg/ha P) were applied to phosphorus -deficient native soil in Korea and samples were taken every 7 days from the 30th to the 93rd day. Number of branches, root length and dry matter weight at phosphate fertilizer level of 400kg in sowing year more increased than those at 200kg/ha. The number of nodules did not differ due to phosphate fertilizer rate. The crude protein contents of leaves, stems and roots were not significantly affected by the phosphate fertilizer levels, except for those of leaves with 400kg/ha at 72 days after sowing that were higher. The crude protein contents of each plant along the growing stages were higher at the 44th and 72nd day after sowing. The dry weight of roots did not significantly respond to phosphate rates from 30 days to 51 days after sowing, but that was increased at phosphate fertilizer level of 400kg/ha from 51 days after sowing. The amount of ethylene evolved by samples during 2 hours and the calculated amount of nitrogen fixed were higher on phosphate fertilizer level of 400kg/ha from 30 days to 58 days after sowing, but decreased that

    Estimating δ15N and δ13C in Barley and Pea Mixtures Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy with Genetic Algorithm Based Partial Least Squares Regression

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    Stable isotope measurements have been increasingly used as a method to obtain information on relationships between plants and their environment (Dawson et al., 2002). Stable isotopes are seen as a powerful tool for advancing our knowledge on stock cycling and, nitrogen and carbon isotopic compositions have provided key insights into biogeochemical interactions between plants, soils and the atmosphere (Robinson, 2001). For the stable isotope measurements, the δ13C isotopic signature has been used successfully to disentangle physiological, ecological and biogeochemical processes and, δ15N studies have significantly improved our knowledge on nitrogen cycling pathways and nitrogen acquisition by plants (Vallano and Sparks, 2008). For the stable isotope measurements, traditional laboratory methods using isotope analysis are accurate and reliable, but usually time-consuming and expensive. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis provides rapid, accurate and less expensive estimation. NIRS have been made to estimate herbage parameters using statistical methods such as multiple linear regression and partial least square regression (PLSR). PLSR uses all available wavebands in multivariate calibration for quantitative analysis of the spectral data. However, previous studies indicated that PLSR with waveband selection might improve their predictive accuracy in multivariate calibration at laboratory (Leardi, 2000) and the selection of appropriate wavelengths can refine the predictive accuracy of the PLS model by optimizing important spectral wavebands both in laboratory NIRS (Jiang et al., 2002). To optimize important spectral wavebands by wavelength selection, genetic algorithms (GA) is widely used, because GA has the ability to simulate the natural evolution of an individual and GA is well suited for solving variable subset selection problems (Ding et al., 1998). Barley and pea mixture is one of the most important forage species for livestock farming in Korea. To investigate nitrogen fixation and transfer in barley and pea mixture, stable isotope measurements was widely used. However, there was no research to estimate stable isotope in barley and pea mixture using NIRS in Korea. The aim of this study was to investigate performance of NIRS with PLSR using genetic algorithms based wavelength selection (GA-PLSR) and compare with PLSR without wavelength selection (FS-PLSR) for the estimation of δ15N and δ13C in barley and pea mixture

    Free Trade and the Environment under the GATT/WTO: Negative or Compatible Relationship?

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    How has the WTO handled global environmental issues? Does it favor the values of free trade or environmental protection? This paper provides a descriptive assessment on the two competing arguments about free trade and the environment under the GATT/WTO. One view sees free trade as harming the environment, whereas the other perspective sees it as contributing to environmental protection. To assess the efforts of the GATT/WTO for environmental protection, we examine environmental dispute cases and environmental notifications by member countries under the GATT/ WTO. We find that in earlier times, the WTO decisions in the dispute cases were prone to the first argument viewing free trade as harmful for the environmental protection. However, an increasing number of environmental-related notifications under the WTO by its member countries may indicate an improvement in the WTOs efforts to protect the environment, suggesting more recent support for the California effect

    Determination of Cutting Date and Interval on Native Grass Management of Agricultural Waterways in South Korea

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    Agricultural waterways provide a buffer zone between crop fields and adjacent rivers or streams. Waterways are important resource for agriculture water management, water quality and biodiversity conservation. The total linear distance of waterway in Korea is about 180,000 km, and about 40% are concrete and about 60% are grassed waterways. At present, the percentage of concrete waterways is increasing because of their water management efficiency. Some argue that continued expansion of concrete waterways is not sustainable because it leads to potential-degradation of the earth\u27s environment. This concern has led to renewed efforts to use grassed waterways as an alternative to concrete. In addition, grassed waterways enhance the environment-friendly image of agriculture that Korea farmers want to promote. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of cutting date and interval of native grasses for water management efficiency of agricultural waterway

    Quantitative measurements of C-reactive protein using silicon nanowire arrays

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    A silicon nanowire-based sensor for biological application showed highly desirable electrical responses to either pH changes or receptor-ligand interactions such as protein disease markers, viruses, and DNA hybridization. Furthermore, because the silicon nanowire can display results in real-time, it may possess superior characteristics for biosensing than those demonstrated in previously studied methods. However, despite its promising potential and advantages, certain process-related limitations of the device, due to its size and material characteristics, need to be addressed. In this article, we suggest possible solutions. We fabricated silicon nanowire using a top-down and low cost micromachining method, and evaluate the sensing of molecules after transfer and surface modifications. Our newly designed method can be used to attach highly ordered nanowires to various substrates, to form a nanowire array device, which needs to follow a series of repetitive steps in conventional fabrication technology based on a vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) method. For evaluation, we demonstrated that our newly fabricated silicon nanowire arrays could detect pH changes as well as streptavidin-biotin binding events. As well as the initial proof-of-principle studies, C-reactive protein binding was measured: electrical signals were changed in a linear fashion with the concentration (1 fM to 1 nM) in PBS containing 1.37 mM of salts. Finally, to address the effects of Debye length, silicon nanowires coupled with antigen proteins underwent electrical signal changes as the salt concentration changed