458 research outputs found

    Regulation of foreign trade in Korea

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    Regulation of Insurance Conracts in Korea

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    The Development of Laws to Regulate Foreign Trade in the Republic of Korea

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    Anti-Competitive Practices as Trade Barriers in Korean and Japanese Intellectual Property Markets

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    This article shows that anti-competitive practices as trade barriers in intellectual property markets of the two countries have almost identical characteristics. Considering the over-all economic situations of the two countries, this result implies that regulation on intellectual property markets is deeply affected by social or cultural factors as well. As viewed by international standards, the two countries\u27 cultural backgrounds are almost identical, which makes their governments\u27 policy objectives for their intellectual property market regulations very similar in their characteristics. Those policy objectives may come from the cultural atmosphere of the two countries to regard principally the intellectual property rights as the human beings\u27 common heritage, which has deeply been rooted in eastern countries irrespective of their economic or social development levels. Such policy objectives are also closely related to those of the two countries in regulating intellectual property markets to put more emphasis on social stability or consumer protection as compared to the social competitiveness or efficiency in the western countries. Considering the cultural and social environments of the two countries, even though the governments of both countries have systematically and legally tried to achieve the standards of the TRIPs Agreement in regulating the intellectual property markets, it will take substantial time to eliminate the real gap between both contries\u27 policy objectives and those required by the TRIPs

    Regulation of International Trade in Korea under the WTO Mechanism

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    This article discusses the development of the trade laws of the Republic of Korea  and the important features of the Foreign Trade Act (amended substantially in 1996) and demonstrates the legislative efforts made by the Korean Government to open the domestic market and establish the  fair trade system and practices which have been demanded by WTO and major trading partners

    Regulation of Foreign Trade in Korea

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    Analysis Of The Hamburg Rules On Marine Cargo Insurance And Liability Insurance

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    There has been an increasing interest on the effects of the United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (Hamburg Rules) on the double insurance problem which arises whenever a proposal to modify a carrier\u27s liability regime is under discussion

    Anti-Competitive Practices as Trade Barriers Used by Korea and Japan

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    Safeguard Mechanism in Korea under the WTO World

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