2,482 research outputs found

    Method for producing edge geometry superconducting tunnel junctions utilizing an NbN/MgO/NbN thin film structure

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    A method for fabricating an edge geometry superconducting tunnel junction device is discussed. The device is comprised of two niobium nitride superconducting electrodes and a magnesium oxide tunnel barrier sandwiched between the two electrodes. The NbN electrodes are preferably sputter-deposited, with the first NbN electrode deposited on an insulating substrate maintained at about 250 C to 500 C for improved quality of the electrode

    Edge geometry superconducting tunnel junctions utilizing an NbN/MgO/NbN thin film structure

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    An edge defined geometry is used to produce very small area tunnel junctions in a structure with niobium nitride superconducting electrodes and a magnesium oxide tunnel barrier. The incorporation of an MgO tunnel barrier with two NbN electrodes results in improved current-voltage characteristics, and may lead to better junction noise characteristics. The NbN electrodes are preferably sputter-deposited, with the first NbN electrode deposited on an insulating substrate maintained at about 250 to 500 C for improved quality of the electrode

    A dual-polarized quasi-optical SIS mixer at 550 GHz

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    In this paper, we describe the design, fabrication, and the performance of a low-noise dual-polarized quasi-optical superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) mixer at 550 GHz. The mixer utilizes a novel cross-slot antenna on a hyperhemispherical substrate lens, two junction tuning circuits, niobium trilayer junctions, and an IF circuit containing a lumped element 180° hybrid. The antenna consists of an orthogonal pair of twin-slot antennas, and has four feed points, two for each polarization. Each feed point is coupled to a two-junction SIS mixer. The 180° IF hybrid is implemented using a lumped element/microstrip circuit located inside the mixer block. Fourier transform spectrometer measurements of the mixer frequency response show good agreement with computer simulations. The measured co-polarized and cross-polarized patterns for both polarizations also agree with the theoretical predictions. The noise performance of the dual-polarized mixer is excellent giving uncorrected receiver noise temperature of better than 115 K (double sideband) at 528 GHz for both the polarizations

    Quasi-optical SIS mixers with normal metal tuning structures

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    We recently reported (1996) a quasi-optical SIS mixer which used Nb/Al-oxide/Nb tunnel junctions and a normal-metal (Al) tuning circuit to achieve an uncorrected receiver noise temperature of 840 K (DSB) at 1042 GHz. Here we present results on several different device designs, which together cover the 300-1200 GHz frequency range. The mixers utilize an antireflection-coated silicon hyper-hemispherical lens, a twin-slot antenna, and a two-junction tuning circuit. The broad-band frequency response was measured using Fourier transform spectrometry (FTS), and is in good agreement with model calculations. Heterodyne tests were carried out from 400 GHz up to 1040 GHz, and these measurements agree well with the FTS results and with calculations based on Tucker's theory (1985)

    Low-noise 1 THz niobium superconducting tunnel junction mixer with a normal metal tuning circuit

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    We describe a 1 THz quasioptical SIS mixer which uses a twin-slot antenna, an antireflection-coated silicon hyperhemispherical lens, Nb/Al-oxide/Nb tunnel junctions, and an aluminum normal-metal tuning circuit in a two-junction configuration. Since the mixer operates substantially above the gap frequency of niobium (nu >~ 2 Delta/h ~ 700 GHz), a normal metal is used in the tuning circuit in place of niobium to reduce the Ohmic loss. The frequency response of the device was measured using a Fourier transform spectrometer and agrees reasonably well with the theoretical prediction. At 1042 GHz, the uncorrected double-sideband receiver noise temperature is 840 K when the physical temperature of the mixer is 2.5 K. This is the first SIS mixer which outperforms GaAs Schottky diode mixers by a large margin at 1 THz

    The millimeter-wave properties of superconducting microstrip lines

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    We have developed a novel technique for making high quality measurements of the millimeter-wave properties of superconducting thin-film microstrip transmission lines. Our experimental technique currently covers the 75-100 GHz band. The method is based on standing wave resonances in an open ended transmission line. We obtain information on the phase velocity and loss of the microstrip. Our data for Nb/SiO/Nb lines, taken at 4.2 K and 1.6 K, can be explained by a single set of physical parameters. Our preliminary conclusion is that the loss is dominated by the SiO dielectric, with a temperature-independent loss tangent of 5.3 ± 0.5 x 10^(-3) for our samples

    A 530-GHz balanced mixer

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    We report on the design and performance of a 530-GHz balanced SIS mixer, the first balanced mixer in this frequency range. This quasi-optical balanced mixer utilizes a cross-slot antenna on a hyperhemispherical substrate lens with eight superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) junctions and a 180° lumped element IF hybrid circuit. The local oscillator (LO) and the radio frequency (RF) signal, orthogonal in polarization to each other, are coupled to the mixer using a wire-grid polarizer. The noise performance of the mixer is excellent, giving an uncorrected receiver noise temperature of 105 K (DSB) at 528 GHz

    Measurements of noise in Josephson-effect mixers

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    We present new heterodyne receiver results obtained at 100 GHz using resistively-shunted Nb and NbN tunnel junctions. In addition, we have carried out accurate measurements of the available noise power of these devices at the L-band (1.5 GHz) IF frequency. Both the heterodyne and the output noise measurements show that the noise of these devices can be a factor of five or more higher than that predicted by the simple current-biased RSJ model. The noise approaches the appropriate thermal or thermal and shot noise limits for bias voltages where the nonlinearity is not strong (i.e., V>ICRN), but as expected from the RSJ model, can be significantly higher at the low voltages where the mixers are typically biased. The bias voltage dependence of the noise shows structure which is associated with resonances in the RF embedding circuit. Surprisingly, we find that changes in the high-frequency (100 GHz) impedance presented to the junction can dramatically affect the magnitude and voltage dependence of the low-frequency (1.5 GHz) noise. This emphasizes the necessity of very closely matching the junction to free space over a wide frequency range

    Fabrication and characterization of high current-density, submicron, NbN/MgO/NbN tunnel junctions

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    At near-millimeter wavelengths, heterodyne receivers based on SIS tunnel junctions are the most sensitive available. However, in order to scale these results to submillimeter wavelengths, certain device properties should be scaled. The tunnel-junction's current density should be increased to reduce the RC product. The device's area should be reduced to efficiently couple power from the antenna to the mixer. Finally, the superconductor used should have a large energy gap to minimize RF losses. Most SIS mixers use Nb or Pb-alloy tunnel junctions; the gap frequency for these materials is approximately 725 GHz. Above the gap frequency, these materials exhibit losses similar to those in a normal metal. The gap frequency in NbN films is as-large-as 1440 GHz. Therefore, we have developed a process to fabricate small area (down to 0.13 sq microns), high current density, NbN/MgO/NbN tunnel junctions

    Low-noise slot antenna SIS mixers

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    We describe quasi-optical SIS mixers operating in the submillimeter band (500-750 GHz) which have very low noise, around 5 h/spl nu//k/sub B/ for the double-sideband receiver noise temperature. The mixers use a twin-slot antenna, Nb/Al-Oxide/Nb tunnel junctions fabricated with optical lithography, a two-junction tuning circuit, and a silicon hyperhemispherical lens with a novel antireflection coating to optimize the optical efficiency. We have flown a submillimeter receiver using these mixers on the Kuiper Airborne Observatory, and have detected a transition of H/sub 2//sup 18/O at 745 GHz. This directly confirms that SIS junctions are capable of low-noise mixing above the gap frequency
