48 research outputs found

    Predicting learning success in online learning environments: Self-regulated learning, prior knowledge and repetition

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    The emergence of new trends sometimes carries the risk that established, well-proven concepts rooted in other disciplines are not properly integrated into new approaches. As Learning Analytics seems to be evolving into a highly multidisciplinary field, we would like to demonstrate the importance of embedding classic theories and concepts into a Learning Analytics, system-data-driven setting. Our results confirm that classical factors that are operationalized with the help of system-generated data outperform more recent survey-based models. Therefore, we want to stress the point that system-generated data should not be left behind in the quickly evolving field of Learning Analytics

    Development of local Coupled Cluster response methods for properties and analytic gradients of excited states in extended molecular systems

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    Analytic energy gradients and orbital-relaxed properties for excited states in extended molecular systems were developed based on the local CC2 response method LT-DF-LCC2, and implemented into the MOLPRO program package. The method employs local approximations and the density fitting approximation to reduce the computational cost. Moreover, Laplace transformation is used to partition the occuring eigenvalue equation systems containing the Jacobian in order to enable multistate calculations and state-specific local approximations. Both the gradient for geometry optimizations and the molecular properties at particular geometries help to understand and predict the photophysical behaviour, which plays a crucial role for various applications. Details of the implementation are discussed and test calculations confirm the accuracy of the method. Illustrative application examples demonstrate the efficiency of the implementation, which enables calculations for large molecules

    Evaluierung von Motivationsschreiben als Instrument in universitären Aufnahmeverfahren

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    Während Zulassungstests an Universitäten im Regelfall evaluiert werden, sind entsprechende Verfahren zur Evaluierung anderer Prozessschritte in Bewerbungsverfahren - wie die Einreichung von Motivationsschreiben - noch nicht etabliert. Um diese Lücke zu schließen, wird in diesem Beitrag ein Multi-Method-Ansatz zur Evaluierung von Motivationsschreiben vorgestellt, bei dem Text-Mining-Techniken mit inhaltsanalytischen Elementen kombiniert werden. Es wird dargelegt, wie unterschiedliche von Studierenden gesendete "Signale" mit Studienerfolg korrelieren, und aufgezeigt, dass soziodemografische Effekte bei der Bewertung von Motivationsschreiben berücksichtigt werden müssten

    Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Vorfruchtkombinationen aus Haupt- und Zwischenfrucht auf Ertrag und Auftreten von Schaderregern im ökologischen Kartoffelbau

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    Durch einen geeigneten Hauptfrucht-/Zwischenfruchtanbau kann über die Anreicherung von Stickstoff und Pflanzenbiomasse im Boden als wesentliche Komponenten des vorbeugenden Pflanzenschutzes neben dem Ertrag auch die Kartoffelgesundheit und damit die Knollenqualität beeinflusst werden. Das Hauptziel des Projekts ist es demnach festzustellen, welche Vorfruchtkombination aus Haupt- und Zwischenfrüchten geeignet ist, gesunde und qualitativ wie quantitativ ansprechende Kartoffelerträge, zu erzielen. Es werden in einem Feldversuch auf Flächen der Fachschule Edelhof im Waldviertel insgesamt vier Hauptfrucht-Zwischenfruchtvarianten hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkung auf den Schaderregerbefall, die Qualität und den Ertrag von Kartoffel (1. Nachfrucht) und auf den Ertrag und die Qualität von Winterweizen (2. Nachfrucht) in jeweils vierfacher Wiederholung geprüft. Je Fruchtfolgevariante werden drei Kartoffelsorten angebaut. Es werden die Stickstoffdynamik und die bodenbiologische Aktivität bestimmt, und die Wirtschaftlichkeit der verschiedenen Verfahren bewertet

    Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Haupt- und Zwischenfrucht-Kombinationen auf Ertrag und den Schaderregerbefall der Folgefrucht Kartoffel

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    Infections with diseases like black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) and common scab (Strep-tomyces scabies) cause tuber blemishes. In addition, black scurf has an adverse impact on tuber yield, size and shape. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of combinations of main and catch crops on tuber yield, quality and sanitary status. The tested variants were: var. 1: pea without a catch crop apart from volunteer peas, var. 2: pea with a catch crop consisting of white mustard, California bluebell and volunteer peas, var. 3: oat without a catch crop, var. 4: oat with an underseed of white clover. Although in the variants tested no significant difference was achieved for tuber yield, disease occurrence and degree of infection with black scurf and common scab, ten-dentiously similar results were obtained for single variants and over the whole testing period. Highest tuber yields and lowest infection rates with the diseases under investi-gation were obtained for variant two

    12 kirja J. Ch. Gottschedile, Nürnberg

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    Local CC2 response method based on the Laplace transform: Orbital-relaxed first-orderproperties for excited states

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    A multistate local CC2 response method for the calculation of orbital-relaxed first order properties is presented for ground and electronically excited states. It enables the treatment of excited state properties including orbital relaxation for extended molecular systems and is a major step on the way towards analytic gradients with respect to nuclear displacements. The Laplace transform method is employed to partition the eigenvalue problem and the lambda equations, i.e., the doubles parts of these equations are inverted on-the-fly, leaving only the corresponding effective singles equations to be solved iteratively. Furthermore, the state specific local approximations are adaptive. Density-fitting is utilized to decompose the electron-repulsion integrals. The accuracy of the local approximation is tested and the efficiency of the new code is demonstrated on the example of an organic sensitizer for solar-cell applications, which consists of about 100 atoms

    Consulting Project 2018/19: Manufacturing process of superconducting magnets: Analysis of manufacturing chain technologies for market-oriented industries. Report

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    An international consortium of more than 150 organisations worldwide is studying the feasibility of future particle collider scenarios to expand our understanding of the inner workings of the Universe. The core of this Future Circular Collider (FCC) study, hosted by CERN, an international organisation near Geneva (Switzerland), is a 100 km long circular particle collider infrastructure that extends CERN's current accelerator complex. As a first step, an intensity frontier electron-positron collider is assumed. The ultimate goal is to build a proton collider with an energy seven times larger than the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Such a machine has to be built with novel superconductive magnet technology. Since it takes decades for such technology to reach industrial maturity levels, R&D has already started. The superconducting magnet system is considered the major cost driver for construction of such a proton collider. A good cost-benefit balance for industrial suppliers is considered an important factor for the funding of such a project. Aim The aim of this investigation was to identify the industrial impact potentials of the key processes needed for the manufacturing of novel high-field superconducting magnets and to find innovative additional applications for these technologies outside the particle-accelerator domain. Suppliers and manufacturing partners of CERN would benefit if the know-how could be used for other markets and to improve their internal efficiency and competitivity on the world-market. Eventually, being more cost-effective in the manufacturing and being able to leverage further markets on a long-time scale will also reduce the cost for each step in the manufacturing chain and ultimately lead to lower costs for the superconducting magnet system of a future high-energy particle collider. Method The project is carried out by means of the Technology Competence Leveraging method, which has been pioneered by the Vienna University of economics and business in Austria. It aims to find new application fields for the three most promising technologies required to manufacture novel high-field superconducting magnets. This is achieved by gathering information from user-communities, conducting interviews with experts in different industries and brainstorming for new out-of-the-box ideas. The most valuable application fields were evaluated according to their Benefit Relevance and Strategic Fit. During the process, 71 interviews with experts have been carried out, through which 38 new application fields were found with credible impacts beyond particle accelerator projects. They relate to manufacturing "superconducting Rutherford cables" (15), "thermal treatment" (10) and "vacuum impregnation with novel epoxy" (13). Superconducting magnet manufacturing technologies for market-oriented industries Report. Results: A short description of all application fields that were classified as "high potential" can be found here: Superconducting Rutherford cable * Aircraft charging: Commercial airplanes only spend around 45 minutes on the ground at a time to load and unload passengers. For future electric aircraft this time window would be to small to charge using conventional cables. The superconducting Rutherford cable could charge an electric plane fast and efficiently. * Electricity distribution in hybrid-electric aircraft: On a shorter time scale, hybrid-electric aircraft is an appealing ecological technology with economic advantages. In this case, electricity for the electric engines is produced by a generator. Cables with high current densities are needed inside the aircraft to distribute the energy. The superconducting Rutherford cable could be a candidate for this task. * Compact and efficient electricity generators: Using the superconducting Rutherford cable, small and light engines and generators can be constructed. One end-use example is for instance the generation of electricity using highly-efficient wind turbines. Thermal treatment: Heat treatment is needed during the production of superconducting magnet coils. In this processing step, the raw materials are reacted to form the superconductor. This processing step is used for certain lowtemperature superconductors as well as for certain high-temperature superconductors. * Scrap metal recycling: Using a large-scale oven with very accurate temperature stabilisation over long time periods, melting points of different metals can be selected. This leads to more efficient recycling of scrap metal. It also permits a higher degrees of process automation and quality management. * Thermal treatment of aluminium: Thermal treatment of aluminium comprises technologies like tempering and hardening. The goal of this technique is to change the characteristics of aluminium and alloys containing aluminium. End-use applications include for instance the automotive and aerospace industry, where such exact treatment is necessary. Vacuum impregnation * Waste treatmnent companies currently face challenges because new legislation require more leak-tight containers. Novel epoxy resin developed for superconducting magnets in particle colliders also needs to withstand high radiation levels. Therefore, this technology can be useful in the process of managing highly-activated radioactive waste