125 research outputs found

    Characterizing Non-Resolved Debris Through Spectral and Photometric Ground-Based Telescopic Data: What Can Laboratory Ground-truth Data Do for You?

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    NASA's ODPO has recently collected data of unresolved objects at GEO with the 3.8m UKIRT infrared telescope on Mauna Kea and the 1.3m MCAT visible telescope on Ascension Island. Analyses of SWIR data of rocket bodies and HS-376 solar-panel covered buses demonstrate the uniqueness of spectral signatures. Data of 3 classes of rocket bodies show similarities amongst a given class, but distinct differences from one class to another, suggesting that infrared reflectance spectra could effectively be used toward characterizing and constraining potential parent bodies of uncorrelated targets (UCTs). The Optical Measurements Center (OMC) at NASA JSC is designed to collect photometric signatures in the laboratory that can be used for comparison with telescopic data. NASA also has a spectral database of spacecraft materials for use with spectral unmixing models. Spectral unmixing of the HS-376 bus data demonstrates how absorption features and slopes can be used to constrain material characteristics of debris. Broadband photometry likewise can be compared with MCAT data of non-resolved debris images. Similar studies have been applied to IDCSP satellites to demonstrate how color-color photometry can be compared with lab data to constrain bulk materials signatures of spacecraft and debris

    Infrared Studies of the Reflective Properties of Solar Cells and the HS376 Spacecraft

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    In 2015, a selection of HS-376 buses were observed photometrically with the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) to explore relationships between time-on-orbit and Near Infrared (NIR) color. These buses were chosen because of their relatively simple shape, for the abundance of similar observable targets, and their surface material being primarily covered by solar cells. While the HS-376 spacecraft were all very similar in design, differences in the specific solar cells used in the construction of each model proved to be an unconstrained variable that could affect the observed reflective properties. In 2016, samples of the solar cells used on various models of HS-376 spacecraft were obtained from Boeing and were analyzed in the Optical Measurements Center at the Johnson Space Center using a visible-near infrared field spectrometer. The laboratory-based spectra are convolved to match the photometric bands previously obtained using UKIRT and compared with the on-orbit photometry. The results and future work are discussed here

    Observing Strategies for Focused Orbital Debris Surveys Using the Magellan Telescope

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    A breakup of the Titan 3C-17 Transtage rocket body was reported to have occurred on June 4th, 2014 at 02:38 UT by the Space Surveillance Network (SSN). Five objects were associated with this breakup and this is the fourth breakup known for this class of object. There are likely many more objects associated with this event that are not within the Space Surveillance Network's ability to detect and have not been catalogued. Several months after the breakup, observing time was obtained on the Magellan Baade 6.5 meter telescope to be used for observations of geosynchronous (GEO) space debris targets. Using the NASA Standard Satellite Breakup Model (SSBM), a simulated debris cloud of the recent Transtage breakup was produced and propagated forward in time. This provided right ascension, declination, and tracking rate predictions for where debris associated with this breakup may be more likely to be found in the sky over Magellan for our observing run. Magellan observations were then optimized using the angles and tracking rates from the model predictions to focus the search for Transtage debris. Data were collected and analysed and preliminary comparisons made between the number of objects detected and the number expected from the model. We present our results here

    Orbital Debris Observations with WFCAM

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    The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope has been operating for 35 years on the summit of Mauna Kea as a premier Infrared astronomical facility. In its 35th year the telescope has been turned over to a new operating group consisting of University of Arizona, University of Hawaii and the LM Advanced Technology Center. UKIRT will continue its astronomical mission with a portion of observing time dedicated to orbital debris and Near Earth Object detection and characterization. During the past 10 years the UKIRT Wide Field CAMera (WFCAM) has been performing large area astronomical surveys in the J, H and K bands. The data for these surveys have been reduced by the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit in Cambridge, England and archived by the Wide Field Astronomy Unit in Edinburgh, Scotland. During January and February of 2014 the Wide Field CAMera (WFCAM) was used to scan through the geostationary satellite belt detecting operational satellites as well as nearby debris. Accurate photometric and astrometric parameters have been developed by CASU for each of the detections and all data has been archived by WFAU

    Observations of GEO Debris with the Magellan 6.5-m Telescopes

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    Optical observations of geosynchronous orbit (GEO) debris are important to address two questions: 1. What is the distribution function of objects at GEO as a function of brightness? With some assumptions, this can be used to infer a size distribution. 2. Can we determine what the likely composition of individual GEO debris pieces is from studies of the spectral reflectance of these objects? In this paper we report on optical observations with the 6.5-m Magellan telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile that attempt to answer both questions. Imaging observations over a 0.5 degree diameter field-of-view have detected a significant population of optically faint debris candidates with R > 19th magnitude, corresponding to a size smaller than 20 cm assuming an albedo of 0.175. Many of these objects show brightness variations larger than a factor of 2, suggesting either irregular shapes or albedo variations or both. The object detection rate (per square degree per hour) shows an increase over the rate measured in the 0.6-m MODEST observations, implying an increase in the population at optically fainter levels. Assuming that the albedo distribution is the same for both samples, this corresponds to an increase in the population of smaller size debris. To study the second issue, calibrated reflectance spectroscopy has been obtained of a sample of GEO and near GEO objects with orbits in the public U.S. Space Surveillance Network catalog. With a 6.5-m telescope, the exposures times are short (30 seconds or less), and provide simultaneous wavelength coverage from 4500 to 8000 Angstroms. If the observed objects are tumbling, then simultaneous coverage and short exposure times are essential for a realistic assessment of the object fs spectral signature. We will compare the calibrated spectra with lab-based measurements of simple spacecraft surfaces composed of a single material

    Optical Reflection Spectroscopy of GEO Objects

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    We report on optical reflection spectroscopy of geosynchronous (GEO) objects in the US Space Surveillance Network (SSN) catalog. These observations were obtained using imaging spectrographs on the 6.5-m Magellan telescopes at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. Our goal is to determine the composition of these objects by comparing these spectral observations with ground-based laboratory measurements of spacecraft materials. The observations are all low resolution (1 nm after smoothing) obtained through a 5 arcsecond wide slit and using a grism as the dispersing element. The spectral range covered was from 450 nm to 800 nm. All spectra were flux calibrated using observations of standard stars with the exact same instrumental setup. An effort was made to obtain all observations within a limited range of topocentric phase angle, although the solar incident angle is unknown due to the lack of any knowledge of the attitude of the observed surface at the time of observation

    Comparisons of a Constrained Least Squares Model Versus Human-in-the-Loop for Spectral Unmixing to Determine Material Type of GEO Debris

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    Spectral reflectance data through the visible regime was collected at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile using an imaging spectrograph on one of the twin 6.5-m Magellan telescopes. The data were obtained on 1-2 May 2012 on the 'Landon Clay' telescope with the LDSS3 (Low Dispersion Survey Spectrograph 3). Five pieces of Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO) or near-GEO debris were identified and observed with an exposure time of 30 seconds on average. In addition, laboratory spectral reflectance data was collected using an Analytical Spectral Device (ASD) field spectrometer at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo on several typical common spacecraft materials including solar cells, circuit boards, various Kapton materials used for multi-layer insulation, and various paints. The remotely collected data and the laboratory-acquired data were then incorporated in a newly developed model that uses a constrained least squares method to unmix the spectrum in specific material components. The results of this model are compared to the previous method of a human-in-the-loop (considered here the traditional method) that identifies possible material components by varying the materials and percentages until a spectral match is obtained. The traditional model was found to match the remotely collected spectral data after it had been divided by the continuum to remove the space weathering effects, or a "reddening" of the materials. The constrained least-squares model also used the de-reddened spectra as inputs and the results were consistent with those obtained through the traditional method. For comparison, a first-order examination of including reddening effects into the constrained least-squares model will be explored and comparisons to the remotely collected data will be examined. The identification of each object's suspected material component will be discussed herein

    Observing Strategies for Focused Orbital Debris Surveys Using the Magellan Telescope

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    A breakup of the Titan 3C-17 Transtage rocket body was reported to have occurred on June 4th, 2014 at 02:38 UT by the Space Surveillance Network (SSN). Five objects were associated with this breakup and this is the fourth breakup known for this class of object. There are likely many more objects associated with this event that are not within the Space Surveillance Network's ability to detect and have not been catalogued. Several months after the breakup, observing time was obtained on the Magellan Baade 6.5 meter telescope to be used for observations of geosynchronous (GEO) space debris targets. Using the NASA Standard Satellite Breakup Model (SSBM), a simulated debris cloud of the recent Transtage breakup was produced and propagated forward in time. This provided right ascension, declination, and tracking rate predictions for where debris associated with this breakup may be more likely to be found in the sky over Magellan for our observing run. Magellan observations were then optimized using the angles and tracking rates from the model predictions to focus the search for Transtage debris. Data were collected and analysed and preliminary comparisons made between the number of objects detected and the number expected from the model. We present our results here

    Searching for Optically Faint GEO Debris

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    We report on results from a search for optically faint debris (defined as R > 20th magnitude, or smaller than 10 cm assuming an albedo of 0.175)) at geosynchronous orbit (GEO) using the 6.5-m Magellan telescope "Walter Baade" at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. Our goal is to characterize the brightness distribution of debris to the faintest limiting magnitude possible. Our data was obtained during 6 hours of observing time during the photometric nights of 26 and 27 March 2011 with the IMACS f/2 instrument, which has a field of view (fov) of 0.5 degrees in diameter. All observations were obtained through a Sloan r filter, and calibrated by observations of Landolt standard stars. Our primary objective was to search for optically faint objects from one of the few known fragmentations at GEO: the Titan 3C Transtage (1968-081) fragmentation in 1992. Eight debris pieces and the parent rocket body are in the Space Surveillance Network public catalog. We successfully tracked two cataloged pieces of Titan debris with the 6.5-m telescope, followed by a survey for unknown objects on similar orbits but with different mean anomalies. To establish the bright end of the debris population, calibrated observations were acquired on the same field centers, telescope rates, and time period with a similar filter on the 0.6-m MODEST (Michigan Orbital DEbris Survey Telescope), located 100 km to the south of Magellan at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Chile. We will show the calibrated brightness distributions from both telescopes, and compare the observed brightness distributions with that predicted for various population models of debris of different sizes
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