6 research outputs found

    PDR in a Honduran HIV-1-infected cohort, April 2013-April 2015 (n = 365).

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    <p><sup>a</sup> Pre-Antiretroviral Treatment Drug Resistance (PDR) estimated using the WHO HIV transmitted drug resistance surveillance mutation list.</p><p><sup>b</sup> PDR estimated with the Stanford algorithm (v7.0), with a threshold of ≥15 for at least one antiretroviral drug of the specified class. ARV, Antiretroviral; NNRTI, Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors; NRTI, Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors; PI, Protease Inhibitors.</p><p>PDR in a Honduran HIV-1-infected cohort, April 2013-April 2015 (n = 365).</p

    Frequency of pre-ART and acquired HIV drug resistance mutations in Honduras April 2013-April 2015.

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    <p><sup>a</sup> Frequency in individuals with pre-ART drug resistance (PDR; defined with the WHO list of mutations for HIV drug resistance surveillance) to the corresponding drug class (PI, n = 7; NRTI, n = 7; NNRTI, n = 30). Mutations that contribute with drug resistance penalty scores in the Stanford algorithm are shown. Only mutations found in the cohort are shown. Mutations considered for the analysis are as follows</p><p>NRTIs: M41L, A62V, K65R, D67T, D67H, D67N, D67G, D67E, T69A, T69D, T69ins, T69N, T69C, T69I, T69G, T69S, K70G, K70Q, K70N, K70R, K70E, L74I, L74V, V75L, V75I, V75A, V75T, V75S, V75M, F77L, Y115F, F116Y, V118I, Q151M, M184VI, L210W, T215Y, T215A, T215F, T215CDESIV, K219QEN, K219R.</p><p>NNRTIs: V90I, A98G, L100I, K101E, K101P, K103NS, V106A, V106M, V108I, E138KQ, E138GAR, V179AT, V179D, V179E, V179L, V179F, Y181IV, Y181C, Y188L, Y188H, Y188C, G190S, G190A, G190E, G190C, P225H, F227L, M230L, K238T, Y318F.</p><p>PIs: L10F, K20I, L23I, L24I, D30N, V32I, L33F, E35G, K43T, M46IL, I47A, I47V, G48VM, I50L, I50V, F53L, F53Y, I54VA, I54L, I54M, I54ST, Q58E, G73CSTA, T74S, L76V, V82A, V82F, V82T, V82S, V82M, V82C, V82L, N83D, I84VAC, I85V, N88D, N88S, L90M.</p><p>Frequency of pre-ART and acquired HIV drug resistance mutations in Honduras April 2013-April 2015.</p

    Phylogenetic relations between HIV sequences from ART-naĂŻve and ART-experienced Honduran individuals.

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    <p>A Maximum Likelihood tree including HIV PR-RT sequences from 365 ART-naïve and 381 ART-experienced patients was built, using the General Time Reversible + Γ + I model to estimate genetic distances, with a gamma parameter of 0.4389 estimated for the dataset and 1000 bootstrap repetitions to assess significance. Drug resistance mutation sites as well as positions with less than 95% site coverage were eliminated from the alignment, with a total of 1162 positions included in the final dataset. Branch lengths are measured in number of substitutions per site. All analyses were conducted in MEGA6. Sequences from ART-naïve individuals are shown in grey and sequences from ART-experienced individuals in blue. Sequences with pre-ART drug resistance (PDR) to protease inhibitors (PI, pink), nucleoside RT inhibitors (NRTIs, green), non-nucleoside RT Inhibitors (NNRTIs, red), and more than one ARV family (purple) are coloured. B and non-B reference sequences (shown in black) were obtained from the Los Alamos HIV Database. A-D Clusters of viruses with PDR and bootstrap support >75% are amplified. HIVDR mutations present in the viruses at the tips are shown. Empty triangle, heterosexual male; full-triangle, men who have sex with men; empty circle, female; ART, antiretroviral treatment; USM, Unidad de Salud Metropolitana (La Ceiba); HMCR, Hospital Mario Catarino Rivas (San Pedro Sula); INCP, Instituto Nacional Cardio Pulmonar (Tegucigalpa).</p

    Correlations between PDR and ADR mutation frequency in Honduras.

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    <p>Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated for PDR mutation frequency vs. ADR mutation frequency at <48 and ≥48 months on ART, for the whole study period, for all DR mutations together and dividing them into ARV families. Each point represents one mutation. Some of the most relevant DR mutations are shown. PDR, pre-antiretroviral treatment drug resistance; ADR, acquired drug resistance; NRTI, Nucleoside RT Inhibitors; NNRTI, Non-nucleoside RT Inhibitors; PI, protease inhibitors.</p

    HIVDR mutation frequency in Honduras meta-analysis 2002–20015.

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    <p>HIVDR mutation frequency was compared using data from two previously published studies: Lloyd et al. (median sampling year 2002) [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0142604#pone.0142604.ref013" target="_blank">13</a>], and Murillo et al. (median sampling year 2006) [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0142604#pone.0142604.ref014" target="_blank">14</a>]; and the present study (median sampling year 2014). Only mutations present in any of the comparison groups are shown. Mutations considered for the analysis include only WHO TDR surveillance mutations. NRTI, Nucleoside RT Inhibitors; NNRTI, Non-nucleoside RT Inhibitors; PI, protease inhibitors. * p<0.05 Fisher’s exact test.</p

    HIVDR mutation frequency comparison in individuals with recent and longstanding infection.

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    <p>Recently infected individuals were identified using a multi-assay algorithm as described in Methods. Only mutations present in any of the comparison groups are shown. Mutations considered for the analysis include WHO TDR surveillance mutations as well as mutations contributing with penalty scores in the Stanford algorithm. For a comprehensive list of mutations considered refer to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0142604#pone.0142604.t004" target="_blank">Table 4</a>. NRTI, Nucleoside RT Inhibitors; NNRTI, Non-nucleoside RT Inhibitors; PI, protease inhibitors; * p<0.05 Fisher’s exact test.</p