11 research outputs found
PanLF, Brugia Rapid, blood smear, and PCR results for <i>Brugia spp.</i> countries.
1<p>% of total survey population.</p>2<p>% of PanLF(+) or Brugia Rapid(+) individuals; some individuals could not be retraced for mf testing.</p>3<p>Indonesia EU of Alor and Pantar islands is endemic for both <i>W. bancrofti</i> and <i>Brugia timori</i>.</p
Design effects calculated for TAS-1 and TAS-2 cluster surveys.
<p>Design effects calculated for TAS-1 and TAS-2 cluster surveys.</p
TAS sample size by sex for school and community-based surveys.
1<p><i>57 records were missing sex identification data.</i></p
Evaluation Unit key characteristics at time of TAS-1.
<p>Evaluation Unit key characteristics at time of TAS-1.</p
Non-participation rates observed in TAS-1 and TAS-2.
<p>Non-participation rates observed in TAS-1 and TAS-2.</p
Comparison of target and actual sample sizes and number of clusters.
1<p><i>Excluding invalid tests and specimens unable to be tested.</i></p>2<p><i>Systematic sampling; all eligible primary sampling units surveyed.</i></p
ICT, blood smear, and PCR results for <i>W. bancrofti</i> countries.
1<p>% of total survey population.</p>2<p>% of ICT+ individuals; some individuals could not be retraced for mf testing.</p>3<p>Systematic sampling was used in American Samoa and Sri Lanka.</p>4<p>Indonesia EU of Alor+Pantar islands is endemic for both <i>W. bancrofti</i> and <i>Brugia timori</i>. TAS-2 ICT tests were not available due to logistic problems importing diagnostic tests into the country.</p>5<p>Census critical cutoff value is equal to .02N for EUs with <i>Culex</i>, <i>Anopheles</i>, or <i>Mansonia</i> as primary LF vector.</p
Total TAS operational research costs for school and community-based surveys.
<p>Total TAS operational research costs for school and community-based surveys.</p
Number of field days required to complete TAS-1 and TAS-2.
<p>Number of field days required to complete TAS-1 and TAS-2.</p
Survey design summary for TAS-1 and TAS-2.
1<p>The critical cutoff in Vanuatu can be calculated exactly as .02N because the TAS was a census without random sampling error.</p