23 research outputs found

    Further studies on <i>Tabanus claripennis</i> (Bigot) with special reference to the morphology and biology of the pre-imago stages

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    Se realiza la descripci贸n de larvas de Tabanus claripennis (Bigot) halladas en La Plata (R. A.) y de las pupas obtenidas en el laboratorio.Larvae of Tabanus claripennis (Bigot) collected in La Plata (R. A.) and the pupae thus obtained in the laboratory are described with special reference to the biological characteristics of the pre-imago stages.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Further studies on <i>Tabanus claripennis</i> (Bigot) with special reference to the morphology and biology of the pre-imago stages

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    Se realiza la descripci贸n de larvas de Tabanus claripennis (Bigot) halladas en La Plata (R. A.) y de las pupas obtenidas en el laboratorio.Larvae of Tabanus claripennis (Bigot) collected in La Plata (R. A.) and the pupae thus obtained in the laboratory are described with special reference to the biological characteristics of the pre-imago stages.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Biological cycle determination of <i>Capillaria bursata</i>

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    Comprobada la parasitosis por Capillaria bursata, los autores logran reproducir la enfermedad en pollos mantenidos libres de toda infestaci贸n, d谩ndoles a ingerir lombrices recogidas en el gallinero del que proced铆an las aves originalmente necropsiadas demostrando as铆 el ciclo indirecto de este nematode y el papel de Eisenia sp. como hospedador intermediario.After the verification of the parasitic infection caused by Capillaria bursata the authors reproduced the disease in parasites free chicken, feeding the birds with earth worm collected from the poultry yard, where were the birds come from and necropsied. The workers demonstrated by this way the roll of Elsenia sp. as intermediary host of this nematode and its indirect biological cycle.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Miiasis por <i>Cuterebra</i> sp., Clark 1815 (Diptera, cuterebridae) en una chinchilla (<i>Chinchilla Lanigera</i>)

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    Se comenta el hallazgo de miiasis subcut谩nea en la chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) producida por larvas del g茅nero Cuterebra.The finding of subcutaneous myiasis by larvae of Caterehra sp in chinchilla (Chinchilla lan铆gera) is reported.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Miiasis por <i>Cuterebra</i> sp., Clark 1815 (Diptera, cuterebridae) en una chinchilla (<i>Chinchilla Lanigera</i>)

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    Se comenta el hallazgo de miiasis subcut谩nea en la chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) producida por larvas del g茅nero Cuterebra.The finding of subcutaneous myiasis by larvae of Caterehra sp in chinchilla (Chinchilla lan铆gera) is reported.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Further studies on <i>Tabanus claripennis</i> (Bigot) with special reference to the morphology and biology of the pre-imago stages

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    Se realiza la descripci贸n de larvas de Tabanus claripennis (Bigot) halladas en La Plata (R. A.) y de las pupas obtenidas en el laboratorio.Larvae of Tabanus claripennis (Bigot) collected in La Plata (R. A.) and the pupae thus obtained in the laboratory are described with special reference to the biological characteristics of the pre-imago stages.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Biological cycle determination of <i>Capillaria bursata</i>

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    Comprobada la parasitosis por Capillaria bursata, los autores logran reproducir la enfermedad en pollos mantenidos libres de toda infestaci贸n, d谩ndoles a ingerir lombrices recogidas en el gallinero del que proced铆an las aves originalmente necropsiadas demostrando as铆 el ciclo indirecto de este nematode y el papel de Eisenia sp. como hospedador intermediario.After the verification of the parasitic infection caused by Capillaria bursata the authors reproduced the disease in parasites free chicken, feeding the birds with earth worm collected from the poultry yard, where were the birds come from and necropsied. The workers demonstrated by this way the roll of Elsenia sp. as intermediary host of this nematode and its indirect biological cycle.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Parasites and the use of tiabendazol and carbaryl in quiya (Myocastor coypus) breeding in cautivity

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    Se identifican par谩sitos del quiy谩 (Myocastor coypus) destacando el hallazgo dc Hepat铆cola hep谩tica y huevos de ascaridios. Se usa el tiabendazol en dosis de 40, 50 y 60 por kilo de peso vivo, determin谩ndose la eficacia de la droga mediante an谩lisis coproparasitol贸gicos pre y post medicaci贸n. Se utiliza el carbaryl contra una infestaci贸n por piojos (Pitrusquenia coip铆).It was identified the parasites population of Quiya (Myocastor coypus) and it was pointed our the finding of Hepat铆cola hep贸tica and Ascarideo eggs. The Tiabendazol have been administrated in a dose of 40, 50 and 60 mg. per kilo of body weight. The drug efficiency was determined by coproparasitological survey, before and after treatment. The Carbaryl was used for control of the louse (Pitrusqyenia coipi).Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Parasites and the use of tiabendazol and carbaryl in quiya (Myocastor coypus) breeding in cautivity

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    Se identifican par谩sitos del quiy谩 (Myocastor coypus) destacando el hallazgo dc Hepat铆cola hep谩tica y huevos de ascaridios. Se usa el tiabendazol en dosis de 40, 50 y 60 por kilo de peso vivo, determin谩ndose la eficacia de la droga mediante an谩lisis coproparasitol贸gicos pre y post medicaci贸n. Se utiliza el carbaryl contra una infestaci贸n por piojos (Pitrusquenia coip铆).It was identified the parasites population of Quiya (Myocastor coypus) and it was pointed our the finding of Hepat铆cola hep贸tica and Ascarideo eggs. The Tiabendazol have been administrated in a dose of 40, 50 and 60 mg. per kilo of body weight. The drug efficiency was determined by coproparasitological survey, before and after treatment. The Carbaryl was used for control of the louse (Pitrusqyenia coipi).Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    The authonous parasitism

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    Se contin煤a con los trabajos referentes a los par谩sitos de nuestros animales aut贸ctonos muy poco tratados en nuestro medio, ilustrando las descripciones de algunos trematodes, nematodes y acantoc茅falos de las aves, murci茅lagos y ofidios argentinos.On continue with the works relating to the parasites of our autochthonous animals very scanty treatise in our country, illustrating the descriptions of any trematodes, nematodes and acanthocephalan of the argentine birds, bats, and ophidians.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria